3.1. Comparative Analysis of Techniques Available for the Set-Up of MTS-Based Studies of PTMs
The main goal of this project was to set up a low- to medium-throughput screening (MTS) assay aimed at identifying regulators of PTMs using the technology available in standard academic laboratories. While we focused our screening on a single PTM modification, our method and troubleshooting experience can be used as a tutorial to study any PTM on any protein. We describe the optimization of the method and the challenges we faced while setting up the WB-based MTS assay in our laboratory. Our aim was to identify inhibitors of the mono-ubiquitylation of PCNA (ubi-PCNA), a PTM that plays an important role in translesion DNA synthesis (TLS). It was key for the success of this set-up to count with an antibody that specifically detects the mono-ubiquitylated form of PCNA and another that detects total PCNA (modified and unmodified).
As an initial approach, we evaluated the possibility to perform in-cell western blot (IC-WB), because of the advantages that this technology has in terms of robustness and throughput capacity for screening purposes. Such a technique can be summarized in the following few steps: (A) seeding of cells in a 96-multiwell format; (B) treatment of cells with potential PTM inhibitors; (1) fixation with PFA; (2) permeabilization with methanol; (3) blocking; (4) probing with primary and (5) secondary antibodies (
Figure S1A). The analysis of samples was performed in the Odyssey CLx System (LI-COR Biosciences) using the associated Image Studio Software (
Figure S1B). The IC-WB has many advantages—as it can be performed in a 96-multiwell format, it may be easily automated with liquid handling systems. Depending on the linear range of each antibody, it could be used for quantification analysis. Importantly, it also allows the simultaneous detection of up to two different antigens per well, being easily applicable to HTS platforms that detect proteins in a relevant cellular context. Unfortunately, this method was not satisfactory in our case due to its failure to detect the expected increase in the levels of ubi-PCNA when comparing non-irradiated (-UV) vs. irradiated (+UV) samples (
Figure S1B). The expected differential levels of PCNA ubiquitylation were detected by the same ubi-PCNA antibody when using the WB approach (
Figure S1C). We hence speculate that in the IC-WB conditions, in which neither size separation nor denaturation are applied, the ubi-PCNA antibody may non-specifically interact with one or many proteins, increasing the background of the immunostaining and precluding the detection of ubi-PCNA.
Then, the next logical alternative was to assess the enzyme-linked immunoabsorbent assay (ELISA) technology, which is another antibody-based method developed to detect an antigen in a sample in both a quantitative and qualitative manner. The basic ELISA protocol involves the following steps: (A) seeding of cells in a 96-multiwell format; (B) treatment of cells with potential PTM inhibitors; (1) immobilization of the primary antibody on a solid support, e.g., a 96-multiwell plate, and wash of unbound antibodies; (2) addition of a soluble protein sample, e.g., a lysate obtained from cells and washing cycles; (3) addition of a primary antibody against the PTM and a wash of unbound primary antibodies; (4) incubation with a secondary antibody and a final wash of unbound secondary antibodies (
Figure 1B). The detection of fluorescence of the secondary antibodies is performed with Odyssey CLx equipment. ELISA protocols have few advantages. For instance, it is easy scalable for high-throughput screening applications and it can be quantitative, mainly depending on the dynamic range of the antibodies used. As it is usually performed in a 96-multiwell format, it can also be easily automated with liquid handling systems (
Figure 1A). However, ELISA approaches also have a number of limitations which are intrinsic to the nature of the assay, the most notorious one being its inability to detect more than a single target (PTM or protein). Moreover, the targeted PTM needs to be robustly induced to grant detection by this method. Larger amounts of samples can be used to overcome such limitation. In fact, when evaluating ubi-PCNA induction, we were forced to increase the sample size threefold in conditions of strong PTM induction triggered by UV irradiation in order to be able to detect such a PTM modification with the ELISA approach. Such a considerable increase in sample size would very much limit the screening throughput and, therefore, the ELISA technology was discarded (
Figure 1C).
The follow-up alternative to consider was the dot-blot assay, a simple methodology that at many steps resembles the classical WB. Briefly, dot-blot consist in the following steps: (A) seeding of cells in a multiwell format; (B) treatment of cells with potential PTM inhibitors; (1) cell lysis; (2) immobilization of proteins on a PVDF membrane; (3) blocking with bovine serum albumin (BSA) or other protein-rich solution; (4) probing with single primary and (5) secondary antibodies (
Figure 1B). The analysis of samples is performed in the Odyssey Clx System (LI-COR Biosciences). This technique allows automation, since the lysate can be immobilized on PVDF in dots corresponding to a 48–96-multiwell format. Therefore, medium-throughput experiments are affordable and no special equipment is required. A major drawback of this method is that it does not separate proteins by size, and therefore the sequential analysis of several proteins in the same blot is highly difficult to set up and frequently unreliable (
Figure 1A). Moreover, because samples are immobilized into very limited areas, the high concentration of multiple proteins in the same location increases the background of the immunostaining, leading to a considerable reduction of sensitivity. Consistently with such limitations, the detection of PCNA ubiquitylation induction after UV was weak in the dot-blot settings, probably as a consequence of high background signals (
Figure 1C).
Lastly, we explored the classical western blot (WB) as a possible method for the screening of inhibitors of ubi-PCNA. WB is a technique regularly used for the analysis of proteins. It consists of three main steps: gel electrophoresis, membrane transfer and blotting and probing with antibodies (
Figure 1B). While it has been recommended for low-throughput analysis, it offers more disadvantages than advantages when adapting it to screening platforms. The throughput capacity of WB-based assays is poor, since the amounts of sample required are difficult to scale down, and because sample preparation involves multiple tedious steps. Moreover, automation possibilities are limited (
Figure 1A). Nonetheless, WB offers higher sensitivity than dot-blot due to the separation of proteins by molecular size, and also the possibility of simultaneously examining more than one protein simultaneously, or even after the screening is completed (
Figure 1A). An initial evaluation of the WB-based approach revealed the ubi-PCNA provided high sensitivity and good linear range (not shown). Moreover, the WB MTS settings allowed simultaneous incubation with a PCNA antibody to detect total PCNA as a loading control for the PTM (
Figure 1C).Therefore we decided to focus our efforts in improving the throughput capacity of this method and overcoming the previously mentioned disadvantages of this technique.
3.2. Optimization of the Throughput Screening Capacity of the Classical Western Blot Assay
Two main issues were tackled in this optimization:reaching the smallest sample size (in our case a 96-multiwell (MW) plate) and reducing the sample manipulation in the screening plates (
Figure 2). The WB protocol comprises a number of steps that imply sample relocation (
Figure 1). More steps can increase manipulation mistakes, especially when dealing with a high number of samples within a screening setting. Initially, we aimed to limit the number of steps by avoiding sample relocation after cellular lysis and before gel loading. The sample relocation step is required for the denaturalization of proteins. The most commonly used technique for denaturalization of proteins is a boiling step of the sample, which is preceded by resuspension in loading buffer with SDS. Such denaturalization enables antibody recognition and loading of samples into the SDS acrylamide gel (
Figure 2). In order to avoid the relocation of samples from MW plates to tubes, the boiling step should be eliminated. As an alternative method, we treated samples with benzonase, a nuclease from
Serratia marcescens that degrades all forms of DNA and RNA [
17]. This enzyme is effective across a number of conditions, such as different pH levels and detergent concentrations. Benzonase has also been known to enhance protein resolution in two-dimensional (2D) gel electrophoresis by removing any bound nucleic acids. We tested this enzyme at different concentrations and observed that the best resolution was achieved when it was added directly to the sample buffer at 1/1000 concentration (containing 1% LDS). The optimal incubation time was 30 min at 37 °C. Benzonase treatment immediately was followed by the loading of samples to gels directly from the screening plates (
Figure 2).
A second limitation of WB is the poor throughput associated with the limited number of gels that can be casted at the same time and the comparability between gels (length of stacking and separating gels). To reduce this variability, we recommend the use of a multicasting chamber such as the one offered by BioRad, which allows the casting of up to 12 gels simultaneously, increasing reproducibility (
Figure 2). As we were not using precasted gels, the timing of polyacrylamide polymerization was taken into account. We concluded that TEMED concentration must be reduced in order to prevent acrylamide polymerization while pouring the solution into the multiple (eight) chambers used for our analysis. We also concluded that the resolution portion of gels (12% polyacrylamide) could be rather short, yet allowed for optimal separation of PCNA and ubi-PCNA (29 and 38kDa, respectively). While the standard length of the separating gels (approximately 5 cm for mini-gels) precluded simultaneous semidry transfer due to lack of space in the transfer device, a reduction in the size of separating gels enabled the transfer of up to four gels in each semi dry trans blot (
Figure 2).
As a final consideration, at every possible step, such as cell seeding, media removal and sample buffer addition, we recommend automation. For example, we found out that employing electronic liquid handling pipettes and a VIAFLO ASSIST pipetting arm remarkably reduced variability. By using the set-up described above, we reached a final screening capacity of 80 compounds tested within a single experiment conducted in a 96-multiwell format (
Figure 2).
3.3. Proof of Concept Screening with Our Miniaturized WB-Based Platform: General Considerations
After optimization of the selected WB-based approach, we pursued the development of quality controls to monitor cell number, intra-well distribution of cells and edge effects prior to launching the actual screening experiments. To this end, we established a U2OS cell line expressing infrared fluorescent protein (iRFP) with the transfection of an iRFP-C1 plasmid and performed three sequential rounds of sorting. Such a number of rounds were required to ensure a population with high and homogenous expression of the plasmid (
Figure 3A). Given the great range of fluorescent intensity provided by the LICOR CLx infrared scanner, there is a correlation between cell number and fluorescent intensity [
18]. Such a cell line enabled us to estimate the number of cells before lysis directly on the 96 screening plates. This was possible because the emission wavelength of this fluorescent protein was 713 nm and the detector of this equipment was 700 nm (
Figure 3B). Remarkably, in our stable cell line, and by comparing results with manual counting, we concluded that by scanning iRFP-C1 emission it is possible to estimate the total cell number in a range of 10,000 to 30,000 cells per well. In fact, within that range, there was a linear correlation between the number of cells seeded and the intensity detection, measured in arbitrary units (A.U) (
Figure 3B). Above such cell numbers, the co-relation between manually counted cells and the fluorescence intensity was not linear (not shown).
As mentioned previously, a great source of variability in the final cell number was encountered when evaluating different methods to seed the cells. When a manual system for sample manipulation was used, the final cell number measured in A.U associated with iRFP-C1 emission was notably dispersed, even when cells were seeded with high quality mechanical pipettes. On the contrary, when an electronic liquid handling system such as Integra Viaflow Assist was employed, the variability was minimized (
Figure 3C). Such an ability to limit plating variation provided us with a simple quality control tool for our screening experiments. We could easily detect irregularities arising during cell seeding, e.g., mistakes in the number of plated cells or edge effects. Importantly, such experience allowed us to determine the acceptable range of variability in the intra-well distribution. When any of the aforementioned irregularities were detected, the experiment was immediately discarded, avoiding the futile utilization of compounds that were supposed to be screened, and preventing the accumulation of false positive/negative results.
Since we were also interested in assessing the effect of each compound both on the PTM and on the cellular fitness, we incorporated an extra step in the screening protocol that allowed us to evaluate the general toxicity of each compound. To do so, we developed an automatic capture program for bright field images, taking one picture of each 96-well of the plate prior to sample lysis with a Leica DMI8 microscope equipped with a motorized stage. This allowed the identification of compounds which were either severely toxic at the concentration tested or that somehow affected cellular integrity (
Figure 3D).
Our proof-of-concept screening using this platform with multiple replicas of non-irradiated and UV-irradiated conditions showed that the coefficient variance (CV%) is acceptable and lies below the one observed for a routine WB (
Figure 3).