Vibration Signal Analysis for Intelligent Rotating Machinery Diagnosis and Prognosis: A Comprehensive Systematic Literature Review
:1. Introduction
2. Methods
3. Results and Discussion
3.1. Signal Preprocessing
3.2. Signal Processing
3.2.1. Time Domain Analysis
3.2.2. Frequency Domain Analysis
- The Fast Fourier Transform (FFT):The Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) is a mathematical tool and algorithm that decomposes a signal into a combination of sinusoidal functions possessing different frequencies. This method is a classical signal processing technique with prominence in identifying the generic frequency characteristics of signals. The studies referenced as [20,23,27,28,29,30,44,45,46,69,88,99,103,104,105,106,107,108,110,111,112,143,144,145,146,179,180,181,182,183,184,185,216,217,218,219,220] leveraged the advantages of the FFT for different applications, namely for rotating machinery diagnosis, predicting the remaining useful life (RUL) of bearings, and the maintenance of electrical machines.Nevertheless, the assumptions on which the FFT is founded give rise to several restrictions. First, it presumes that all the signals to be analyzed are continuous. The signals, however, are mostly discrete and sampled after undergoing a preprocessing phase. Another assumption in the Fourier transform is that the signal should be stationary. That is, its statistical properties remain constant with time. Again, these assumptions are often violated by real-life signals, which show non-stationary behavior. Furthermore, the FFT considers its input signal as periodic and linear. While this may be true for some signals, in most cases, it does not really explain the complexity of most real-world signals.
- Power spectral density (PSD):Power spectral density (PSD) refers to the representation of the amount of power that exists at each frequency band of a signal [283]. It is suitable for analyzing signals whose energy is spread over a range of frequencies rather than being concentrated within a few frequencies. The area under the PSD curve over a frequency range gives the total power of the signal in that range. In the papers cited as [88,113,142], PSD was useful for the analysis of transient signals such as EEG and speech.
- Cepstrum:The cepstrum is a signal processing technique used when the frequency-based information of the signal, like the harmonics, needs to be examined separately. It is obtained by taking the inverse Fourier transform of the logarithm of the Fourier transform of a signal. On account of this, the signal is studied in the “quefrency” domain, where the quefrency denotes delays or periodicity in the original signal. This technique was used in the works of [100,142,147,148] to extract Mel frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCCs) as characteristics for the evaluation of signal health.
- Envelope spectrum analysis:Envelope spectrum analysis (ESA) is a highly effective method for detecting modulating patterns within a signal. By applying a Fourier transform to the envelope signal, a smoothed and time-variant version of the signal’s amplitude is obtained. In practical applications, envelope spectrum analysis, including spectral kurtosis analysis, has been found to be more advantageous than traditional raw vibration analysis for early-stage fault detection and anomaly identification. This is because many types of machinery faults and defects manifest as fluctuations in amplitude in vibration signals. Several studies, as referenced in [47,56,89,90,97,98,149,221], have leveraged ESA for fault diagnosis and prediction in bearings.
- Other:In the study [57], Singular Spectrum Analysis (SSA) was used for decomposition of a signal into its fundamental parts to investigate trends, oscillations, and noise for the diagnosis of bearing faults while the study [106] used the Fractional Fourier Transform to extract the properties of vibration signals.Another study [27] used the Butterworth filter to refine the EEG signal by removing unwanted frequencies and thereby predicted epileptic seizures. Moreover, the implementation of modulation signal bispectrum analysis (MSB) in [91] yielded precise information regarding the modulation properties of the signal for gear monitoring.
3.2.3. Time–Frequency Analysis
- The Short-Time Fourier Transform (STFT):The Short-Time Fourier Transform (STFT) is a mathematical technique that operates by dividing a longer time signal into shorter segments of an equal length and then computing the Fourier transform separately for each short segment, expressing the variation in the signal frequency in that segment over time [284]. This process captures both the temporal and frequency information, providing a three-dimensional representation of the signal. The STFT is recognized for its straightforwardness and clear physical explanation, which validates its application in the research works cited as [29,31,92,99,100,111,112,114,115,147,182,187,218,222,223].
- The S-transform:The S-transform, an extension of the Short-Time Fourier Transform (STFT), addresses certain limitations of the STFT, including the cross-term problem. It is obtained by convolving the FFT transformed signal with a Gaussian window function. Researchers used the S-transform in [106,189], respectively, for fault diagnosis in rotating machinery and for the classification of high-frequency oscillations in intracranial EEG signals. Nevertheless, the S-transform may pose computational challenges, particularly with extensive datasets, and may exhibit redundancy by offering excessive information.
- Wavelets in the time–frequency domain:Signal transformation using wavelets is considered a versatile tool that can be adapted to each of the analysis domains. For adaptive time–frequency analysis of non-stationary signals, the wavelet transform (WT) decomposes the signal of interest into a set of basic localized waveforms called wavelets. A signal is analyzed by examining the coefficients of its wavelets [285]. In the time–frequency domain, wavelet analysis reveals the frequency components of signals, just like the Fourier transform, but it also identifies where a certain frequency exists in the temporal or spatial domain. Additionally, wavelet transforms have the capability to compress or denoise a signal with minimal loss in quality. Numerous studies [27,88,105,106,142,150,188,215,224,286] have utilized the wavelet transform as a valuable tool to characterize their signals and obtain high-quality representations in the time–frequency domain.
- The Wigner–Ville distribution (WVD):In contrast to linear representations, the Wigner–Ville distribution (WVD) is a quadratic time–frequency distribution with broad applications in signal processing and spectral analysis. It is defined as the expected value of the product of two versions of a signal that are shifted in time and frequency [287]. Belonging to the Cohen class of time–frequency distributions, the Wigner–Ville distribution offers advantageous properties, such as marginal distribution and localization in the time–frequency domain [288]. Although the WVD is functionally similar to a spectrogram, it outperforms it in terms of its temporal and frequency resolutions. This distinction resides in the principle of uncertainty in the time–frequency distribution that is not applicable to the bilinear Wigner–Ville transform, as it is not based on segmentation [289]. This method was used by the studies referenced as [32,100,225] for fault detection in wind turbine induction generators, as well as the classification of episodic memory and the prediction of heart disease in medical research.
- The Hilbert–Huang Transform (HHT):The Hilbert–Huang Transform (HHT) is a valuable signal processing method that leverages the advantages of Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD), which will be discussed further in the time scale domain section, and Hilbert Spectral Analysis (HSA). The signal is decomposed into a limited set of intrinsic mode functions (IMFs), along with a trend component, through EMD. Hilbert Spectral Analysis (HSA) is applied to each IMF to determine the instantaneous frequency and amplitude [290]. Noteworthy studies that have utilized this method include references [88,101,151,218,226].
- The Gabor transform:The Gabor transform is a mathematical operation that examines the sinusoidal frequency and phase characteristics of a signal across time. By employing a Gaussian window function, it is able to analyze the signal in both the time and frequency domains concurrently, incorporating shifting, modulation, and power integration [291,292].
3.2.4. Time Scale Analysis
- Wavelets and the time scale domain:Time scale analysis is commonly linked with the wavelet transform. Depending on the choice of the mother wavelet, the signal is viewed across different scales. The Continuous Wavelet Transform (CWT) and the Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) are two commonly used techniques in wavelet analysis. The CWT provides a continuous representation of a signal in the time scale domain, while the DWT offers a discrete representation that is often preferred in practice due to its computational efficiency. The studies referenced as [45,59,71,89,100,102,117,118,119,120,143,151,152,153,154,155,156,187,192,193,215,218,227] used these wavelet transforms to analyze wind turbine signals and diagnose faults in rolling bearings, as well as extract features from EEG signals.Advanced extensions of the wavelet transform provide a richer representation of signals by decomposing both their low-frequency (approximation) and high-frequency (detail) components at each level of the transform. In contrast, the standard wavelet transform only decomposes the approximation (low-frequency) part of the signal at each level.In contrast to the standard wavelet transform, the Wavelet Packet Transform (WPT) decomposes both low-frequency and high-frequency components at each level of the transform, thereby providing a richer representation of signals. This method was employed for fault diagnosis and prognosis in rolling bearings [121,157,238], as well as detecting drowsiness on the basis of EEG signals [43].On another hand, the Empirical Wavelet Transform (EWT) adaptively decomposes a signal into different frequency bands taking into account its specific spectral content. The Fourier spectrum of the signal is divided into multiple sub-bands depending on where significant transitions occur, thus defining the boundaries between the different frequency components. A corresponding wavelet filter is constructed for each segmented sub-band. Ultimately, the signal is decomposed using empirical wavelet filters, which results in a set of wavelet coefficients that represent the different frequency bands. This method demonstrated its effectiveness in the studies referenced as [60,148,159] for fault diagnosis in planetary gearboxes and for seizure detection from EEG signals.Additionally, other wavelet-based techniques, such as dyadic and binary-tree wavelet filters [92], the second-order synchroextracting wavelet transform [48], Modified Continuous Wavelet Decomposition (MCKD) [56], and Grossmann–Morlet time scale wavelets, have also shown promising results in extracting relevant time scale features.
- Cyclostationarity:Cyclostationarity is a fundamental concept in signal processing that pertains to periodic fluctuations in the statistical characteristics of a signal. Techniques for cyclostationarity analysis serve as robust methods for identifying and understanding cyclostationary signals, which display periodic statistical behaviors. They rely on the identification of frequency shifts to identify periodic patterns in signals that are referred to as cyclic frequencies. These methods are especially beneficial in scenarios like fault diagnosis in bearings, aiding in the detection and examination of cyclostationary patterns in signals associated with equipment malfunctions [49,112,114,122,123,143,149,181,194,226,228].Within cyclostationarity analysis, cyclic spectral coherence (CSCoh) is used as a statistical metric to assess the second-order cyclostationarity of signals. It measures the linear correlation between two signals in the frequency domain, enabling the detection of cycle frequencies in diverse datasets and the identification of significant cycle frequencies in signals with cyclostationary attributes. Researchers delving into the realm of cyclostationarity have utilized CSCoh to pinpoint key cycle frequencies within signals, as noted in studies [42,106,124,195,196]. This analysis has led to a more profound comprehension of the cyclostationary nature of these signals.The CSCoh function is closely connected to the cyclic spectral correlation function (CSC), which acts as a cross-correlation function. This metric reveals the similarity between a spectrum and its adjacent spectra, shedding light on how spectra vary across positions, a point highlighted in the study [124]. Furthermore, a separate study outlined in reference [72] introduced the Cyclic Spectral Covariance Matrix (CSCM) as a tool to glean insights into the cyclostationary characteristics of transient signals.
- Adaptive decomposition techniques in the time scale domain:Adaptive decomposition techniques in signal processing are useful in complex environments with multiple sources operating on similar spectrum segments [293]. Their particularity resides in their ability to automatically adjust to the input signal’s characteristics, offering a more flexible and effective approach compared to traditional decomposition methods. For instance, Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD) identifies intrinsic modes, and Varional Mode Decomposition (VMD) separates modes variationally, with each having distinct advantages and limitations [293].Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD), being a data-driven method, decomposes a signal into a set of intrinsic mode functions (IMFs) based on its local characteristics. It is particularly suited to analyzing non-linear and non-stationary signals, such as vibration data, because it does not require a linear or stationary base as Fourier or wavelet transforms do. The flexibility of EMD in handling signals with time-varying frequencies and amplitudes has allowed researchers to effectively identify the different oscillatory modes of signals in various studies, namely vibration signals [30,56,59,73,74,87,93,94,101,125,126,142,160,188,192,197,198,215,225]. Moreover, EMD-based methods such as Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition (EEMD) [116], Complete Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition (CEEMD) [199], and Noise-Assisted MEMD (NAMEMD) [128] have been shown to improve the accuracy of fault diagnosis in mechanical systems by isolating and localizing faults better. However, EMD is an empirical method that lacks a solid mathematical background.Variational mode decomposition (VMD) is commonly applied in the analysis of vibration signals due to its ability to adaptively and non-recursively segregate non-stationary signals into their fundamental modes [294] and mitigate mode mixing [295], a prevalent challenge encountered in other decomposition methodologies such as Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD). Furthermore, VMD formulates the decomposition problem as a variational optimization problem. It extracts band-limited intrinsic mode functions (IMFs) adaptively by optimizing the objective functions related to the signal’s frequency content [296].The studies referenced as [61,129,130] used this method to perform a time scale analysis of vibration signals and ultimately assess the health of rotating machinery. Other studies have used other VMD-based methods, such as adaptive variational mode decomposition in [131] and Recursive Variational Mode Extraction (RVME) [200], to diagnose faults in rolling bearings.In another study [132], VMD was coupled with other decomposition techniques, including EMD, local mean decomposition, local characteristic scale decomposition, Hilbert vibration decomposition, the EWT, and adaptive local iterative filtering, to analyze non-stationary signals from rotating machinery. Consequently, time–frequency representations (TFRs) with no interference of the cross-terms and auto-terms and a fine resolution were obtained.In the same context of decomposition techniques, the authors in [50] proposed a novel feature adaptive extraction method for time scale analysis consisting of a slope and threshold adaptive activation function with the tanh function (STAC-tanh) for diagnosing bearing faults. Additionally, in [178], the authors used Adaptive Periodic Mode Decomposition for the same purpose.
3.2.5. Other Approaches to Signal Processing
3.3. Signal Post-Processing
3.3.1. Feature Selection
3.3.2. Data Augmentation
3.3.3. Feature Fusion
3.4. Diagnosis
3.4.1. Support Vector Machines
3.4.2. Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs)
3.4.3. Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM)
3.4.4. KNN
3.4.5. Random Forest
3.4.6. Deep Belief Networks (DBNs)
3.4.7. Other Machine Learning Algorithms
3.4.8. Comparative Research
3.5. Prognosis
3.5.1. Convolutional-Network-Based Models
3.5.2. Spatiotemporal Feature Extraction
3.5.3. ResNet and Attention Mechanisms
3.5.4. Adversarial Out-Domain Augmentation
3.5.5. Change Point Detection
3.5.6. LSTM-Based Models
3.5.7. Domain Feature Disentanglement
3.5.8. Data Transformation
3.5.9. Transformer Models
3.6. Experimental Validation
3.6.1. Reproducibility Challenges in Experimental Validation
- Machinery complexity and variability:Turbines, pumps, motors, and other rotating systems are characterized by considerable mechanical intricacy. Factors such as material degradation, fluctuations in load, misalignments, and design discrepancies can result in differing test conditions, even when the same equipment is employed. This variability poses challenges for experimental replication, as minor differences in configurations can significantly affect the vibration patterns, signal responses, and the overall efficacy of monitoring systems. The intrinsic variability in machinery operations indicates that even minor variations in the operating conditions, such as temperature, can produce divergent results.
- Operational factors and environment:The inherent variability in the dynamic settings (with temperature, humidity, vibration, and power supply fluctuations) of industrial environments often prevents researchers from achieving uniformity in their experimental setups, complicating the pursuit of reliable results. Additionally, operational parameters such as rotational speed, load, and the procedures for starting and stopping the machinery frequently vary, further complicating the design and implementation of experiments.
- Sensor parameterization:The efficacy of monitoring systems is largely influenced by the sensors employed for data acquisition, as well as the parameters for signal sampling, which are often set in the acquisition devices. Variations in the positioning, calibration, and sensitivity of sensors can produce notable discrepancies in the data gathered, even when observing the same equipment. Furthermore, the signal sampling parameters, which are often set in the acquisition devices, can lead to divergent interpretations of identical datasets. Consequently, reproducibility is further hindered if intricate parameters are not fully disclosed or comprehended by external researchers.
- Data availability and transparency:Another important aspect of experimental validation, which is data sharing, is frequently obstructed by the proprietary characteristics of industrial data and inadequate documentation of experimental parameters. Numerous researchers and companies exhibit hesitance in revealing comprehensive information regarding their equipment, primarily due to confidentiality issues. As a result, this reluctance can lead to a significant gap in access to essential experimental information or raw data, which are necessary for other researchers to accurately validate their work.
3.6.2. Reproducibility Enhancements
- Standardization of experimental protocols:Standardization of protocols related to machinery monitoring can simplify supervising and guiding experimental activities. By clearly defining the types of sensors to use, the guidelines for their placement, the methods for signal preprocessing, and the specific operating conditions, researchers can minimize discrepancies in their experimental setups. The implementation of international standards, such as ISO13373 [320], which pertains to condition monitoring and diagnostics for machinery, offers a structured approach to ensuring that experiments are conducted in a consistent manner across various laboratories and sectors. Following these established standards can lead to the improved reliability and reproducibility of experimental outcomes.
- Improved data documentation and sharing:To facilitate the replication of experiments, it is essential to meticulously document the conditions under which they are conducted and to promote open sharing of data. Researchers are encouraged to provide comprehensive details regarding the specifications of the equipment utilized, the environmental variables present, the calibration of sensors, and the particular algorithms employed in data analysis. The adoption of open access platforms and data repositories would significantly enhance the dissemination of experimental findings, allowing other researchers to replicate and expand upon previous studies. Furthermore, advocating for the implementation of FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable) data principles can greatly improve the transparency and accessibility of research endeavors.
- Digital twins and simulation models:The implementation of digital twins, which are virtual representations of physical equipment, offers researchers the capability to model diverse operational scenarios in a regulated environment. By merging real-time data from existing machinery with simulation frameworks, digital twins facilitate the evaluation of monitoring strategies across a broad spectrum of conditions, eliminating the necessity for physical trials. This approach can greatly improve the consistency of findings, as the virtual setting ensures a controlled and repeatable context that reduces the impact of external factors.
3.7. Practical Industrial Implementation
4. Conclusions
- 1.
- Despite being the foundation of vibration signal analysis, the preprocessing phase was found to be significantly lacking in the datasets used in the studies we reviewed. Primarily, this issue arises because the databases already encompass the preprocessing phase yet they do not specify all parameters, including the overlap percentage, the window size, and the type of sampling window.
- 2.
- Signal processing techniques in the time domain, the frequency domain, and the time–frequency domain are widely utilized in vibration signal analysis. However, time scale domain techniques can extract non-linear information about a machinery’s health state, thereby expanding the detection results. The optimal approach to analyzing vibration signals would involve a combination of time scaling methods and time–frequency representations.
- 3.
- An emerging trend involves the representation of vibration signals as 2D images instead of traditional 1D time series signals. This innovative technique offers a new perspective on signal analysis and enables the use of image classification algorithms for fault diagnosis.
- 4.
- Incorporating a post-processing step into the construction of a diagnosis or/and prognosis model significantly improves the performance of AI algorithms. This step can rely on feature selection and dimensionality reduction, as well as data augmentation if needed.
- 5.
- In this review, SVMs, CNNs, LSTM, KNN, and random forest were found to be the top five most solicited algorithms for diagnosis. Each algorithm offers good results depending on the scalability of the data, the available resources, and the conception of its architecture.
- 6.
- Studies on the estimation of the remaining useful life (RUL) and health indexes (HIs) of rotating components generally employ traditional AI algorithms; however, the implementation of transformer-based models is being explored for this purpose.
- 7.
- The lack of experimental validation in most of these studies is notable, as they have typically tested their models’ efficiency on public databases that do not accurately represent all industrial scenarios.
- 8.
- The primary emphasis of the research in this domain lies in identifying faults in rolling bearings, with less attention given to detecting other mechanical defects, such as imbalances, misalignments, gear defects, and belt pulley defects.
5. Future Directions
- 1.
- Experimental studies that provide vibration datasets should prioritize the inclusion of preprocessing information such as sampling rates, overlap percentages, and window types and sizes. The omission of such crucial data may cause researchers to derive inaccurate results in feature extraction given that most signal processing techniques rely on these parameters.
- 2.
- The limited real-time validation and scarcity of standardized datasets also present substantial hurdles to generalizing these approaches across different machinery and conditions, advocating for an increase in collaborative efforts to create accessible and high-quality datasets.
- 3.
- Experimentation with newer machine learning architectures, such as transformers and generative adversarial networks, alongside efforts to incorporate domain knowledge directly into algorithm designs, could bolster diagnosing and prognosing capabilities further.
- 4.
- Future research efforts that investigate the feasibility and integration of these algorithms into modern industrial management systems, either by employing cutting-edge machine learning methods for real-time fault detection or by examining the potential of transfer learning for broader implementation in diverse operational contexts, are regarded as promising pathways for new academic contributions. Additionally, the explainability and interpretability of AI systems remain vital areas of focus to foster trust and broader acceptance of these technologies in real-world applications.
- 5.
- By considering the synergy between different techniques, such as combining CNNs and LSTMs, researchers can potentially address the limitations of individual methods and create more robust and effective solutions. This integrative approach not only showcases the potential for innovation in the field but also underscores the significance of collaboration and cross-pollination between diverse methodologies to advancing the accuracy of fault diagnosis.
- 6.
- The utilization of cutting-edge machine learning approaches, such as deep reinforcement learning, should be explored for prognosis modeling.
- 7.
- Utilizing EEG and ECG signal processing techniques and classification methods can yield substantial outcomes due to the shared characteristics these signals have with vibration signals.
- 8.
- It is worth noting that the vibration signals captured in bearings encapsulate information on bearing defects as well as information on other defects present in the global system. This calls for future research on the distinctions between each class of information.
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
1D-DCGAN | One-Dimensional Deep Convolution Generative Adversarial Network |
AdaBoost | Adaptive Boosting |
Adam | Adaptive Moment Estimation |
Adgrad | Adaptive Gradient Algorithm |
AE | Acoustic Emissions |
AE | Autoencoder |
ANN | Artificial Neural Network |
ANFIS | Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System |
ASCM | Acoustic-Sound-Based Condition Monitoring |
BiLSTM | Bidirectional LSTM |
BN | Batch Normalization |
BP | Backpropagation |
BQDTNN | Bayesian Quadratic Discriminant Transfer Neural Network |
CFS | Correlation-Based Feature Selection |
CNN | Convolutional Neural Network |
CSC | Cyclic Spectral Correlation |
CSCM | Cyclic Spectral Covariance Matrix |
CSCoh | Cyclic Spectral Coherence |
CS | Cuckoo Search |
CWT | Continuous Wavelet Transform |
DAC | Discriminant Analysis Classifier |
DBN | Deep Belief Network |
DFA | Detrended Fluctuation Analysis |
DFCNN | Deep Fully Convolutional Neural Network |
DNN | Deep Neural Network |
Dsrc | Source Domain |
DT | Decision Tree |
Dtar | Target Domain |
DWT | Discrete Wavelet Transform |
ECG | Electrocardiogram |
ECNN | Ensemble Convolution Neural Network |
EDAE | Ensemble Deep Autoencoder |
EDLR | Extreme Deep Learning Regression |
EEG | Electroencephalogram |
EEMD | Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition |
ESGMD | Enhanced Symplectic Geometry Mode Decomposition |
ELM | Extreme Learning Machine |
EMD | Empirical Mode Decomposition |
ESA | Electrical Signature Analysis |
ESM | Expectation Selection Maximization |
EVT | Empirical Wavelet Transform |
FFT | Fast Fourier Transform |
FO-SVM | Fault-Oriented Support Vector Machine |
FBE | Frequency Band Entropy |
FRBFELM | Fuzzy Logic Embedded RBF-Kernel-Based ELM |
GAMD | Generalized Adaptive Mode Decomposition |
GAN | Generative Adversarial Network |
GDA | Gaussian Discriminant Analysis |
GMM | Gaussian Mixture Model |
GNN | Graph Neural Network |
GRA | Gray Relation Analysis |
GRN | Gate Recurrent Network |
GRU | Gate Recurrent Unit |
HFD | Higuchi Fractal Dimension |
HHT | Hilbert–Huang Transform |
HI | Health Index |
HSA | Hilbert Spectral Analysis |
IEEE | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers |
IoT | Internet of Things |
KExMLP | Kernel Extreme-Learning-Based Multi-Layer Perceptron |
KNN | K-Nearest Neighbors |
K-PCA | K-Principal Component Analysis |
LBP | Local Binary Pattern |
LSP | Locally Stationary Process |
LSTM | Long Short-Term Memory |
MCWD | Modified Continuous Wavelet Decomposition |
MDPI | Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute |
MFCCs | Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients |
MFFNet | Multi-Feature Fusion Network |
MHA-LSTM | Multi-Head-Attention-Based Long Short-Term Memory |
ML | Machine Learning |
MLP | Multi-Layer Perceptron |
MRA | Multi-Resolution Analysis |
MSB | Modulation Signal Bispectrum |
MSDI | Mode Shape Damage Index |
MWSVD | Multi-Weight Singular Value Decomposition |
MVMD | Multivariate Variational Mode Decomposition |
NAMEMD | Noise-Assisted Multivariate Empirical Mode Decomposition |
NCA | Neighborhood Component Analysis |
NDT | Non-Destructive Technique |
NFN | Neuro-Fuzzy Network |
NN | Neural Network |
NUT | Normal–Uniform–Triangular |
PCA | Principal Component Analysis |
PRISMA | Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses |
PSO | Particle Swarm Optimization |
PSD | Power Spectral Density |
RBF | Radial Basis Function |
RBM | Restricted Boltzmann Machine |
RFE | Recursive Feature Elimination |
RF | Random Forest |
RMLCT | Refined Matching Liner Chirplet Transform |
RMS | Root Mean Square |
RMSProp | Root Mean Squared Propagation |
RL | Reinforcement Learning |
RNN | Recurrent Neural Network |
RUL | Remaining Useful Life |
RVME | Recursive Variational Mode Extraction |
RVM | Relevance Vector Machine |
SAE | Stacked Autoencoder |
SBFS | Sequential Backward Feature Selection |
SFFS | Sequential Forward Floating Selection |
SGD | Stochastic Gradient Descent |
SIRCNN | Stacked Inverted Residual Convolution Neural Network |
SNN | Spiking Neural Network |
SR-TT | Sparse Regularity Tensor Train |
SSA | Singular Spectrum Analysis |
STAC-tanh | Slope and Threshold Adaptive Activation Function with Tanh Function |
STFT | Short-Time Fourier Transform |
SVM | Support Vector Machine |
SVR | Support Vector Regression |
TFD | Time–Frequency Distribution |
TFR | Time–Frequency Representation |
t-SNE | T-Distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding |
UT | Ultrasonic Testing |
VMD | Variational Mode Decomposition |
VSA | Vibration Signal Analysis |
VS | Vibration Signal |
WNN | Wavelet Neural Network |
WPT | Wavelet Packet Transform |
WT | Wavelet Transform |
WVD | Wigner–Ville Distribution |
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Main Objective | Preprocessing | Processing | Post-Processing | Diagnosis | Prognosis | Experimental Validation |
Question asked | Were the data preprocessed? | How were the data processed? | How were the results of the processing optimized? | Which AI tools were used? | Which AI tools were used? | Were the results validated experimentally? |
PICO Element | Corresponding Element | Synonym 1 | Synonym 2 | Synonym 3 | Synonym 4 |
P (Problem) | Rotating machinery | Rotating Equipment | Turbines | Motors | Generators |
I (Intervention/Technology) | Vibration signal analysis | Vibration analysis | Vibration signal processing | Condition monitoring | |
C (Comparison/Techniques) | Intelligent solutions | Artificial Intelligence | Deep learning | Intelligent algorithms | Machine learning |
O (Outcome) | Diagnosis and prognosis of machinery conditions | Fault diagnosis | Failure prediction | Prognosis | Predictive maintenance |
PICO Element | Corresponding Element | Synonym 1 | Synonym 2 |
P (Population/Problem) | Rotating machinery | Rotating equipment | Bearing |
I (Intervention/Technology) | Vibration signal processing | ||
C (Comparison/Techniques) | Intelligent solutions | Deep learning | Machine learning |
O (Outcome/Goal) | Prognosis of machinery conditions | RUL prediction | Failure prediction |
Search Query 1 | Search Query 2 |
(“rotating machinery” OR “rotating equipment” OR “turbines” OR “motors” OR “generators”) AND (“vibration analysis” OR “vibration monitoring” OR “vibration signal processing”) AND (“fault diagnosis” OR “failure prediction” OR “prognosis” OR “predictive maintenance”) AND (“artificial intelligence” OR “machine learning” OR “intelligent algorithms” OR “deep learning”) | (“rotating machinery” OR “rotating equipment” OR “bearing”) AND (“vibration analysis” OR “vibration signal processing”) AND (“RUL Prediction” OR “failure prediction”) AND (“machine learning” OR “deep learning”) |
Article Reference | Type of Study | Preprocessing | Processing Domain | Processing Method | Post-Processing | Diagnosis | Prognosis | Experimental Validation |
[23] | Prototype | No | Time scale, time, and frequency domains | CEEMDAN decomposition, statistical features, and FFT | chi-square-RFE method | SVM, ELM, DBN, and DNN | No | No |
Feature Selection Approach | Algorithm | Studies |
Fuzzy-Logic- and Kernel-Based | Fuzzy Logic Embedded RBF-Kernel-Based ELM (FRBFELM) | [60] |
Neural-Network- and CNN-Based | Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) | [29,51,116] |
Heuristic Search Methods | Gray Wolf Optimizer | [147] |
Cuckoo Search (CS) | [56] | |
Monotony Evaluation | [86,167] | |
Adaptive Multiscale Convolutions | Stacked Residual Adaptive Multiscale Convolution (Res AM) Blocks | [75] |
Multiscale Convolutional Strategy | [162] | |
Genetic Algorthms | Genetic Algorithms (GAs) | [41,94,134] |
Sequential and Recursive Selection | Sequential Forward Floating Selection (SFFS) | [27] |
Recursive Feature Elimination (RFE) | [23,188,225] | |
Sequential Backward Feature Selection (SBFS) | [44] | |
Optimization-Based Approaches | Expectation Selection Maximization (ESM) | [286] |
Correlation-Based Feature Selection (CFS) | [157] | |
Discriminant Regularizer with Gradient Descent | [145] |
Feature Selection Approach | Method | Studies |
Statistical Correlation Analysis | Statistical Correlation | [42,53,68,80] |
Pearson’s Correlation | [198,246] | |
Connection Weights and Fisher’s Criterion | Connection Weights | [43,245] |
Fisher’s Criterion | [129] | |
Correlation Coefficients | Correlation Coefficients Calculated for Intrinsic Mode Functions (IMFs) | [126] |
Correlation Metrics | [65,86] | |
Advanced Correlation Techniques | Gray Relation Analysis (GRA) | [185] |
Differential Evolution | [118] | |
Discriminating Capability | [165] | |
Frequency Spectrum Averaging | [47] | |
Acceleration Responses and Wavelet Scalograms | [227] | |
Novel Techniques | Frequency Band Entropy (FBE) and Envelope Power Spectrum Analysis for Selecting the Optimal Intrinsic Mode Functions (IMFs) | [130] |
Feature Selection Approach | Method | Studies |
PCA Variants | Principal Component Analysis (PCA) | [24,28,40,74,86,214,216] |
K-Principal Component Analysis (K-PCA) | [28,60,136] | |
Weighted Principal Component Analysis (WPCA) | [286] | |
Singular Value Decomposition | Multi-Weight Singular Value Decomposition (MWSVD) | [157] |
Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) | [68,136] | |
Neighborhood Component Analysis | Neighborhood Component Analysis (NCA) | [183] |
Non-Linear Dimensionality Reduction | T-Distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding (t-SNE) | [105] |
Category of Classifiers | Algorithm | Studies |
Neural-Network-Based Classifiers | Graph Neural Network (GNNs) | [229] |
Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) | [23] | |
Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) | [260,268] | |
Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) | [268] | |
Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs) | [57] | |
A Stacked Inverted Residual Convolution Neural Network (SIRCNN) | [108] | |
Class-Level Matching Transfer Learning Network | [273] | |
Statistical- and Clustering-Based Classifiers | Fuzzy-Logic-Based Confidence Decision | [78] |
K-Means Clustering | [153] | |
Discriminant Analysis Classifier (DAC) | [160] | |
Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) | [286] | |
Local Binary Pattern (LBP) | [133] |
Category of Classifiers | Algorithm | Studies |
Neural-Network- and Attention-Based | Bayesian Quadratic Discriminant Transfer Neural Network (BQDTNN) | [201] |
Multi-Head-Attention-Based Long Short-Term Memory (MHA-LSTM) | [263] | |
Fuzzy Logic and Statistical Methods | Fuzzy RBF-ELM Classifier | [60] |
Gaussian Discriminant Analysis (GDA) | [28] | |
Ensemble Methods | EBT Classifiers | [190] |
Ensemble Classifier Algorithms | [44,203] |
Classifier | Advantages | Disadvantages | Scalability |
SVM | Effective in high-dimensional cases | Complex kernel selection | Small datasets |
Non-linear separation | Long training time | [a few hundred to a few thousand training samples] | |
Efficient memory usage | Difficult to interpret the model | ||
Generalization (robust even with biased training samples) | Hyperparameter tuning | ||
CNN | Excellent feature extraction | Data requirements (large labeled datasets) | Large datasets |
Temporal and spatial analysis | Difficult to interpret | [thousands to millions of training samples] | |
Efficient learning | |||
LSTM | Handling long-term dependencies | Training challenges | Large datasets |
Well suited to time series analysis | (need to balance the learning of short-term and long-term dependencies in signals) | [few thousand to millions of training samples] | |
Robust to noise | |||
KNN | Simplicity | Sensitive to outliers | Small datasets |
Non-parametric | Need for optimal k | [a few hundred to a few thousand training samples] | |
Transparent decision-making process | Memory-intensive | ||
RF | Robustness | Long training time | Wide range of dataset sizes |
Feature importance | Hyperparameter tuning required | [a few hundred to millions of training samples] | |
Memory-intensive | |||
DBN | Unsupervised feature learning | Challenging to interpret | Large datasets |
Handling complex patterns | Sensitivity to hyperparameters | [a few thousand to millions of training samples] | |
Robustness to noise | (number of layers, number of units, learning rate) | ||
Versatility |
Algorithm | Complexity Ranking | Accuracy Ranking | Computational Cost |
SVM | 3 | 2 | 3 |
CNN | 5 | 5 | 5 |
LSTM | 5 | 4 | 5 |
KNN | 1 | 3 | 2 |
RF | 3 | 1 | 3 |
DBN | 4 | 6 | 5 |
Category of Classifiers | Algorithm | Studies |
Common Machine Learning Algorithms | K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) | [184] |
Random Forest Along with Linear Regression and Gradient Boosting Model | [276] | |
Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) | ||
Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) | [100,136] | |
Advanced and Hybrid Machine Learning | Wavelet Neural Network (WNN) | [73] |
Stacking Ensemble Model | [84] | |
Quantum Particle Swarm Optimization (QPSO) with Backpropagation (BP) Neural Network | [309] | |
Dempster–Shafer Evidence Theory | [309] | |
Stacked Layer Deep Neural Network (DNN) with Gaussian Window | [90] | |
Stacked Autoencoder and Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) | [167,220] | |
Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) | [39,111] | |
Neuro-Fuzzy Network (NFN) | [111] | |
Gate Recurrent Unit (GRU) | [246] | |
Hybrid Autoencoder | [243] | |
Auto Deep Neural Network (AutoDNN) | [83] |
Database | Studies |
CWRU [312] | [34,53,57,75,83,114,144,164,229,233,243,271,286] |
IMS [313] | [41,68,198,235,239,314] |
MFPT bearing dataset [315] | [57,182,268] |
SEU gearbox dataset [316] | [268] |
PU bearing dataset [317] | [182] |
PRONOSTIA dataset [318] | [169,171,198,211,247,252] |
XJTU-SY dataset [319] | [170,171,235,247] |
Paderborn University dataset [317] | [57,75,273] |
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Share and Cite
Bagri, I.; Tahiry, K.; Hraiba, A.; Touil, A.; Mousrij, A. Vibration Signal Analysis for Intelligent Rotating Machinery Diagnosis and Prognosis: A Comprehensive Systematic Literature Review. Vibration 2024, 7, 1013-1062.
Bagri I, Tahiry K, Hraiba A, Touil A, Mousrij A. Vibration Signal Analysis for Intelligent Rotating Machinery Diagnosis and Prognosis: A Comprehensive Systematic Literature Review. Vibration. 2024; 7(4):1013-1062.
Chicago/Turabian StyleBagri, Ikram, Karim Tahiry, Aziz Hraiba, Achraf Touil, and Ahmed Mousrij. 2024. "Vibration Signal Analysis for Intelligent Rotating Machinery Diagnosis and Prognosis: A Comprehensive Systematic Literature Review" Vibration 7, no. 4: 1013-1062.
APA StyleBagri, I., Tahiry, K., Hraiba, A., Touil, A., & Mousrij, A. (2024). Vibration Signal Analysis for Intelligent Rotating Machinery Diagnosis and Prognosis: A Comprehensive Systematic Literature Review. Vibration, 7(4), 1013-1062.