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Miskatonic University Press

Publications and Talks


Denton, William. “Turning Data Into Art.” Urban Library Journal 27, no. 2 (August 2021). https://academicworks.cuny.edu/ulj/vol27/iss2/1/.

Coysh, Sarah J., William Denton and Lisa Sloniowski. “Ordering Things.” In The Politics of Theory and the Practice of Critical Librarianship, edited by Karen P. Nicholson and Maura Seale, 129–144. Sacramento: Library Juice Press, 2018. https://hdl.handle.net/10315/34415

Denton, William. “Libraries and Archives Augmenting the World.” In The Top Technologies Every Librarian Needs to Know, edited by Kenneth J. Varnum, 27–41. Chicago: ALA TechSource, 2014. https://hdl.handle.net/10315/27527.

⸻. “A Modest Proposal for a More Efficient Organizational Decision-Making Effectiveness Structure at York University Libraries.” White paper circulated to colleagues in York University Libraries, 2013. https://hdl.handle.net/10315/24345.

⸻. “On Dentographs, A New Method of Visualizing Library Collections.” The Code4Lib Journal 16 (2012). https://journal.code4lib.org/articles/6300.

⸻. Review of The History of the Library in Western Civilization vol. 4: From Cassiodorus to Furnival: Classical and Christian Letters, Schools and Libraries in the Monasteries, Universities, Western Book Centres by Konstantinos Sp. Staikos. Papers of the Bibliographic Society of Canada 49, no. 2 (Fall 2011): 212–215. https://doi.org/10.33137/pbsc.v49i2.21966.

Denton, William and Sarah J. Coysh. “Usability Testing of VuFind at an Academic Library.” Library Hi Tech 29, no. 2 (2011): 301–319. https://hdl.handle.net/10315/6743.

Denton, William. Review of Implementing FRBR in Libraries: Key Issues and Future Directions by Yin Zhang and Athena Salaba. Cataloging & Classification Quarterly 49, no. 1 (2011): 47–49. https://hdl.handle.net/10315/5966.

Denton, William and Stacy Allison-Cassin. “The One Big Library Unconference.” Access (Winter 2009): 20–21. https://hdl.handle.net/10315/2516.

Denton, William. “Survival of the Fistest.” Review of Darwin’s Nightmare by Mike Knowles. Driven (October 2008).

⸻. “FRBR and the History of Cataloging.” In Understanding FRBR: What It Is and How It Will Affect Our Retrieval Tools, edited by Arlene Taylor, 35–57. Westport CT: Libraries Unlimited, 2007. https://hdl.handle.net/10315/1250.

⸻. Review of FRBR: Hype or Cure-All?, edited by Patrick Le Boeuf. portal: Libraries and the Academy 6, no. 2 (April 2006): 231–232. https://doi.org/10.1353/pla.2006.0018.


Denton, William. “Turning Data Into Art.’’ Paper presented at the LACUNY Institute, May 2021. https://www.miskatonic.org/talks/lacuny/.

Williamson, Ashley and William Denton. “CATR Theatre Science.” Immersive audio experience presented at the Canadian Association for Theatre Research conference, July 2020. https://theatrescience.org/.

Denton, William. “GHG.EARTH.” Talk at Libraries and Archives in the Anthropocene: A Colloquium, New York University, New York, May 2017. https://www.miskatonic.org/2017/05/25/laac/.

⸻. “Anthropocene Librarianship Comes in Many Forms. One is the Making of Art.” Presentation at Everything Under the Sun: York’s Engagement in Vital Environment and Climate Change Issues, York University, Toronto, May 2016.

⸻. “Stuff, Sites and Standards: Libraries and Archives in AR.” Presentation at the March 2014 AR Standards Community Meeting in Arlington, Virginia, March 2014. https://www.miskatonic.org/ar/arstandards10/.

⸻. “On Dentographs.” Presentation at OLITA Digital Odyssey, Toronto, June 2013. https://www.miskatonic.org/2013/06/07/digital-oydyssey-talk-dentographs.

Denton, William and Adam Taves. “Divisiveness, Communication Failure, and Boundary Wars as Tragicomedy.” Performance at a RUSA pre-conference workshop before ALA 2011, New Orleans, June 2011. https://hdl.handle.net/10315/8025.

Denton, William. “Getting Started with R.” Presentation at Code4Lib North, Hamilton ON, June 2011. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gLfuUeWP9CI.

Denton, William and Adam Taves. “After Launching Search and Discovery, Who Is Mission Control?” Performance at Access 2010, Winnipeg, October 2010. https://www.miskatonic.org/2010/10/19/access2010.

Coysh, Sarah and William Denton. “At Their Fingertips: Customized Library Resources in Course Management Systems and Student Portals.” Presentation at the Canadian Library Association conference, Montreal, PQ, June 2009. https://hdl.handle.net/10315/2585.

Denton, William and Jodi Schneider. “What We Talk About When We Talk About FRBR.” Presentation at Code4Lib 2009, Providence RI, February 2009. https://hdl.handle.net/10315/2528.

Allison-Cassin, Stacy, and William Denton. “One Big Library.” Paper presented at OLA Super Conference, Toronto, January 2009. https://hdl.handle.net/10315/250.

Denton, William. “FRBR: Who’s Using It and What Can I Expect Next?” Paper presented at OLA Super Conference, Toronto, February 2008.

My Old Library School Papers

I wrote these for courses at the Faculty of Information (then the Faculty of Information Studies) at the University of Toronto. They’re pretty old now, but I do encourage students in any program to think about publishing some of their work. Chat with your professors or a librarian (especially one who knows about scholarly communication and open access) to find out more about issues involved.