Mundan Sanskar

The Traditions Of Mundan Sanskar In India

Mundan or tonsure ceremony is an important tradition in the Hindu culture and is usually done in the first or third year of a baby’s life. In some cultures, the tradition of baby mundan is only for boys but in most places, girls have a mundan too.

mundan-muhuratThe Traditional Reasons For Performing A Mundan

In most cultures and communities, it is considered that a mundan purifies the baby. The first haircut of a child holds a lot of significance and therefore, the ceremony is celebrated on a large scale. Some of the common beliefs revolving around Mundans include:

  • It cleans the baby from his past life’s negativity
  • It bestows a bright future and a long life for the child
  • It provides the baby a strong protection from the evil eye
  • It cleanses the baby’s body and soul
  • In hot summer months, this really helps to keep the baby’s head cool
  • It also prevents headache and pains that are experienced by children during teething
  • It enhances the growth cycle of your baby’s hair

What Happens During A Baby Mundan?

An auspicious date and time are decided by a priest based on the baby’s birth date. You can send a mundan sanskar card to your friends and family members once the event has been fixed. A havan is performed on this day and the mother holds the baby in her lap while facing west of the sacred fire. The priest reads a mundan sanskar mantra and shaves a part of the baby’s hair. After that, a barber shaves the rest of the hair of the baby. In some families, a father performs the first cut of the hair instead of the priest.

Once the head is shaved, it is washed with holy water (usually Gangajal) followed by application of a paste of turmeric and sandalwood. This process cools the head of the baby and protects him from any nicks or cuts. The hair is usually offered to a deity or a river, as per the belief of the family and the priest.

Tips For A Safe Mundan

  • Ensure that your baby has some snack or a meal before the mundan so that he is not hungry or upset in the ceremony
  • While his head is getting shaved, you must keep your baby occupied so that he gets distracted from the process
  • If you are taking your baby to a temple for the tonsure ceremony, you must ensure that the equipment used by the barber is well-sterilised to prevent infection. It is ideal to buy a fresh pair of scissors and razor for the mundan.
  • As soon as the shaving is over, give your baby a nice bath with lukewarm water and ensure that no hair is stuck in the folds of his skin.
  • In case of any small cuts on the head, apply a soft antiseptic cream. Softly dab it on his head and ensure that he does not digest it by mistake.

Celebrate this special occasion with your loved ones and make memories for a lifetime. With proper care and attention, your baby’s mundan will surely turn into an unforgettable ceremony.