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Next-generation data filtering in the genomics era


Genomic data are ubiquitous across disciplines, from agriculture to biodiversity, ecology, evolution and human health. However, these datasets often contain noise or errors and are missing information that can affect the accuracy and reliability of subsequent computational analyses and conclusions. A key step in genomic data analysis is filtering — removing sequencing bases, reads, genetic variants and/or individuals from a dataset — to improve data quality for downstream analyses. Researchers are confronted with a multitude of choices when filtering genomic data; they must choose which filters to apply and select appropriate thresholds. To help usher in the next generation of genomic data filtering, we review and suggest best practices to improve the implementation, reproducibility and reporting standards for filter types and thresholds commonly applied to genomic datasets. We focus mainly on filters for minor allele frequency, missing data per individual or per locus, linkage disequilibrium and Hardy–Weinberg deviations. Using simulated and empirical datasets, we illustrate the large effects of different filtering thresholds on common population genetics statistics, such as Tajima’s D value, population differentiation (FST), nucleotide diversity (π) and effective population size (Ne).

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Fig. 1: Pre-variant filtering — challenges and potential solutions related to filtering before variant calling.
Fig. 2: Post-variant filtering — challenges associated with four common filters after variant discovery.
Fig. 3: Flow chart to facilitate thoughtful, systematic and reproducible filtering for representative studies and questions using genomic DNA.

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Data availability

Information on the empirical and simulated data used for the analyses shown in this review is available in the Supplementary Information.

Code availability

The simulation code is available on GitHub at: https://github.com/ChristieLab/filtering_simulation_paper.


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The authors thank E. Anderson, A. Leaché, M. Kardos and the reviewers for their helpful comments that greatly improved this manuscript. The authors also thank M. Exposito-Alonso and the 1001 Genomes Consortium, the 1000 Genomes Project, B. Hand, M. Freedman, M. Kardos, C. Kessler, M. Lynch, R. Malison, D. Martchenko, M. Miller, R. Schweizer, A.B.A. Shafer and X. Yin for allowing their datasets to be reviewed and re-filtered. M.R.C. was funded, in part, by NSF DEB-1856710 and OCE-1924505. G.L. was funded, in part, by NSF-DOB-M66230.

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All authors conceptualized, wrote and edited the manuscript. W.H. and J.A.G. conducted the simulations and analyses in Box 2.

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Correspondence to William Hemstrom or Mark R. Christie.

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The authors declare no competing interests.

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Nature Reviews Genetics thanks Mark Ravinet and the other, anonymous, reviewer(s) for their contribution to the peer review of this work.

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Related links

DNA DataBank of Japan Sequence Read Archive: https://www.ddbj.nig.ac.jp/dra/index-e.html

European Variation Archive: https://www.ebi.ac.uk/eva/

GATK: https://gatk.broadinstitute.org/hc/en-us

NCBI Short-Read Archive: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sra

Supplementary information



The mapping of sequencing reads and/or contigs to either each other (pairwise/multiple alignment) or to a reference. Alignments can vary in the strength of the evidence that supports them. Most alignment tools will return map quality (mapQ) scores, the derivation and meaning of which varies by program. Filtering thresholds based on this score must consider the specific aligner used.

Base quality score

The value in a logarithmic, Phred scale given to each base on a sequencing read that indicates a quantitative degree of confidence in the nucleotide called from the sequencing instrument.


Contiguous sequences of DNA assembled from many overlapping sequence reads, representing a fragment of a chromosome.

De novo assembly

The reference-free alignment of sequencing reads into overlapping stacks or contigs for subsequent use in variant discovery and genotyping.


A measure of inbreeding; the degree of subpopulation divergence from Hardy–Weinberg proportions — the correlation between alleles at specific loci within individuals relative to the subpopulation.


A measure of population differentiation; the proportion of the total genetic variance due to differences in allele frequencies between subpopulations.

Genetic variants

Differences in DNA sequence compared with a reference sequence or other individuals within a population. The term includes short variants (single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) or insertions and deletions) and structural variants (chromosomal inversions and copy number variations (CNVs)). In the context of this Review, used interchangeably with ‘locus’.

Genome-wide association studies

(GWAS). Tests for statistical relationships between a phenotype (including disease) and the allelic/genotypic state of an (ideally) large cohort of individuals across the entire set of sequenced loci.


Also referred to as genotype or variant calling. Calling allelic states at a locus (for example, A/A, A/C or C/C at a biallelic single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in a diploid organism) or loci from sequence data. Genotyping algorithms often consist of multiple steps during which filtering can occur.

Haplotype phase

The complete sequence of variants that occur in a region along a single chromatid.

Hardy–Weinberg proportions

(HWP). The expected frequencies of the genotypes at a given locus under Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium. Filtering on HWP is often executed via an exact test, with loci that deviate significantly from HWP removed from subsequent analyses.


The filling in of missing data for specific genotypes and/or loci by leveraging linkage disequilibrium (LD) between missing genotypes and genotypes called at other loci or samples. Imputation can use reference panels of well-described haplotypes to improve performance when available, usually in well-studied model organisms.

Linkage disequilibrium

(LD). The non-random association of alleles at different loci within a population or sample-group. This association can either be caused by physical linkage, when alleles are co-inherited due to non-independent assortment caused by close physical proximity, or occur across chromosomes when inbreeding, paralogy, genetic drift or other factors make certain alleles at different loci more likely to co-occur.

Low-coverage whole-genome sequencing

Whole-genome sequencing (WGS) with small numbers of reads covering most genomic loci (low coverage); the number of reads constituting low coverage varies widely depending on the discipline, methodology and research question. Low-coverage WGS often requires genotype likelihood-based methods.

Mapping quality

The score given to a read or other DNA sequence indicating the uniqueness of the alignment to a reference sequence; mapping quality score interpretations vary across alignment programs.

Minor allele count

(MAC). The number of gene copies or individuals carrying the minor (that is, least frequent) allele at a locus.

Minor allele frequency

(MAF). The proportion (frequency) of the least common allele at a locus across a study or sample-group; in this Review, we refer to filtering out loci with MAFs below a given threshold as MAF filtering.

Missing data

Missing genotype calls at a specific locus or individual. Missing data can be caused by many factors, such as the absence of a sufficient number of reads covering a locus to call a genotype in an individual with any degree of confidence.

N50 or L50 scores

In a genome assembly after sorting contigs or scaffolds by length, either the length of the contig/scaffold that reaches 50% of the cumulative genome length (N50) or the number of contigs needed to reach 50% of the cumulative genome length (L50); used to evaluate the assembly quality.


Duplicated genomic regions that have arisen via either the duplication of that specific region or the duplication of the entire genome. A type of homologue (loci identical by descent) distinct from orthologues, which arise due to speciation events.

PCR duplicates

Technical duplicates resulting in spurious, usually identical read copies caused by repeatedly sequencing the same piece of template DNA multiple times.

Population structure

Also known as population subdivision. Non-independence among individuals in a study area/region caused by spatial, temporal, behavioural or other forms of reproductive isolation. Population structure is characterized by divergent allele frequencies across loci.

Read depth

The number of reads that cover a given or fixed genomic position. Also referred to as ‘coverage’.

Reference bias

The propensity for reads containing the non-reference allele (the allele not in the reference genome) to have lower mapping quality scores or map to the wrong location compared with those containing the allele present in the reference genome.

Runs of homozygosity

Contiguous homozygous regions of the genome caused by the inheritance of identical haplotypes from both parents (for example, identical by descent). Useful for estimating inbreeding and population demographics.


A group of samples that are not independent due to natural causes (such as geographic or temporal separation) and/or experimental treatments.

Single-nucleotide polymorphisms

(SNPs). Genetic variants where the allelic state of the population varies at a single base pair.


Alleles that appear only once in a sample of individuals. Sometimes alternatively defined as an allele sequenced in only one individual (which may be homozygous for that allele).

Site-frequency spectra

(SFS). The distributions of allele frequencies across loci within a study or sample-group. Can be either an ‘unfolded’ or ‘polarized’ derived allele frequency spectrum which describes the frequency distribution of derived alleles or a ‘folded’ or ‘unpolarized’ minor allele frequency (MAF) spectrum which describes the frequency distribution of the minor alleles. Also known as the allele frequency distribution.

Structural variation

Genetic variation in the order, number and/or arrangement of loci.

Study-wide filtering

Applying a filtering threshold ‘globally’ (simultaneously across all samples in the entire dataset) rather than separately within each sample-group.

VCF file

A file in the variant call format, which contains genotype calls (or likelihoods, posteriors) alongside a flexible suite of metadata such as filtering and processing history and quality information.

Wahlund effect

A reduction in observed heterozygosity (HO) relative to the expected heterozygosity (He) under Hardy–Weinberg proportions (HWP) (that is, HO < He) at many/most loci caused by the underlying population structure. When multiple (sub)populations are included in a sample, any differences in allele frequency between (sub)populations will cause there to be considerably more homozygous individuals at those loci than would be expected under HWP (causing an elevated FIS, the fixation index in individuals relative to a subpopulation).

Within-group filtering

Applying a filtering threshold within each sample-group separately rather than across all individuals simultaneously (for example, study wide or globally).

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Hemstrom, W., Grummer, J.A., Luikart, G. et al. Next-generation data filtering in the genomics era. Nat Rev Genet (2024). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41576-024-00738-6

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  • DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41576-024-00738-6


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