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A causal perspective on dataset bias in machine learning for medical imaging


As machine learning methods gain prominence within clinical decision-making, the need to address fairness concerns becomes increasingly urgent. Despite considerable work dedicated to detecting and ameliorating algorithmic bias, today’s methods are deficient, with potentially harmful consequences. Our causal Perspective sheds new light on algorithmic bias, highlighting how different sources of dataset bias may seem indistinguishable yet require substantially different mitigation strategies. We introduce three families of causal bias mechanisms stemming from disparities in prevalence, presentation and annotation. Our causal analysis underscores how current mitigation methods tackle only a narrow and often unrealistic subset of scenarios. We provide a practical three-step framework for reasoning about fairness in medical imaging, supporting the development of safe and equitable predictive models.

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Fig. 1: Basic causal structures of medical imaging tasks.
Fig. 2: Sensitive information is not relevant for disease prediction in attribute-independent datasets.
Fig. 3: Causal structures of dataset bias in medical imaging.
Fig. 4: Prevalence disparities in medical imaging.
Fig. 5: Presentation disparities in medical imaging.
Fig. 6: Annotation disparities in medical imaging.

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C.J. is supported by Microsoft Research, EPSRC and The Alan Turing Institute through a Microsoft PhD Scholarship and Turing PhD enrichment award. B.G. received support from the Royal Academy of Engineering as part of his Kheiron/RAEng Research Chair in Safe Deployment of Medical Imaging AI.

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C.J. and B.G. devised the Perspective. C.J., D.C.C., F.D.S.R. and B.G. conceptualized and designed the Perspective and its theoretical analysis. All authors contributed to the material and the analysis. C.J. wrote the initial draft. All authors edited and reviewed the manuscript and approved the final version.

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Correspondence to Charles Jones or Ben Glocker.

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B.G. is a part-time employee of HeartFlow and Kheiron Medical Technologies. D.C.C. and O.O. are employees of Microsoft. All other authors declare no competing interests.

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Jones, C., Castro, D.C., De Sousa Ribeiro, F. et al. A causal perspective on dataset bias in machine learning for medical imaging. Nat Mach Intell 6, 138–146 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1038/s42256-024-00797-8

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