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Spatial coding for action across spatial scales


Humans perform goal-directed actions such as reaching for a light switch or grasping a coffee mug thousands of times a day. Behind the scenes of these seemingly simple actions, the brain performs sophisticated calculations to locate the target object of the action and correctly guide the hand towards it. In this Review, we discuss how the brain establishes spatial representations used for visually guided actions. In addition to reviewing simple tasks and paradigms, we discuss spatial coding in complex and naturalistic environments. We highlight the importance of high-level cognitive factors, such as memory, task constraints, and object semantics, which influence the use of spatial representations for action. To move the field forward, we suggest that future research should integrate across different scales of action spaces from small-scale finger movements to large-scale navigation. Doing so would enable the identification of general mechanisms that underlie spatial coding across different actions and spaces.

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Fig. 1: Example experimental tasks used to study spatial coding for action.
Fig. 2: Example trial structure of a pro-reach and anti-reach task.
Fig. 3: Reference frames coding the location of a target object (mug) for grasping.
Fig. 4: Stimuli, eye movement patterns, and use of reference frames in an object shift task130.
Fig. 5: Classification of different types of space173.

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This work was supported by the DFG grant FI 1567/6-1 ‘The active observer’ and by ‘The Adaptive Mind’, funded by the Excellence Program of the Hessian Ministry for Higher Education, Research, Science and the Arts.

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Fiehler, K., Karimpur, H. Spatial coding for action across spatial scales. Nat Rev Psychol 2, 72–84 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1038/s44159-022-00140-1

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