
Update in Neuro-Ophthalmology

The last decade has seen an unprecedented pace of translation and innovation in the field of neuro-ophthalmology, providing our previously diagnosable but untreatable patients with new management options that reduce morbidity and mortality. No longer are we the subspeciality that simply admires the disease, and now we have much more than steroids to offer patients.

We recognise that many general Ophthalmologists take care of neuro-ophthalmology diseases, and this special collection targets key areas of change in investigation and management. Overall, it showcases what a dynamic field neuro-ophthalmology has become, and what future advances will likely affect clinical practice.



  • Susan P Mollan

    Birmingham Neuro-Ophthalmology, University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust, UK; Translational Brain Science, Institute of Metabolism and Systems Research, University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, UK

  • Clare L Fraser

    Save Sight Institute, The University of Sydney, Australia; Department of Ophthalmology, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia
