Volume 17

  • No. 7 July 2024

    Water frost on Martian mountaintops

    High-resolution spacecraft imagery has revealed transient deposits that appear in the early mornings of cold seasons at high altitudes on Mars, consistent with water frost of atmospheric origin. The image shows bluish water frost deposited on the caldera of Olympus Mons — the tallest known volcano in the Solar System — on a cold winter morning. The observations highlight the dynamic microclimate of the Tharsis volcanic province and its role in the broader Martian water cycle.

    See Valantinas et al.

  • No. 6 June 2024

    Tibetan Plateau lake expansion

    Model projections suggest that, even under a low emissions scenario, lakes on the Tibetan Plateau will increase in area by about 50% by 2100, with widespread impacts on infrastructure and ecosystems. The photo shows the Dawa Co (left) and Qiduo Co (right) lakes, the land between which is gradually disappearing due to rising lake levels.

    See Zhang et al.

  • No. 5 May 2024

    Clouds and climate sensitivity

    Clouds are the leading source of uncertainty in predicting climate change because they strongly influence Earth’s energy balance, yet how they interact with the climate system is not well understood. Tropical anvil clouds produced by thunderstorms are particularly important because they reflect sunlight and trap thermal radiation, but their fate in a warming world is unclear. The image shows anvil clouds casting shadows over the Amazon rainforest.

    See McKim et al.

  • No. 4 April 2024

    Mud glorious mud

    Human activities have altered the production, transport, and fate of mud and associated organic carbon, with important implications for global carbon cycling. The image shows a mudflat under the bridge to the island Oléron in Charente-Maritime, France.

    See Bianchi et al.

  • No. 3 March 2024

    Ancient human influence on wildfires

    A shift towards more frequent, less intense fires in Australia began about 11,000 years ago due to management by indigenous societies, according to charcoal and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon records from cored lake sediments extending back 150,000 years. The image shows a raft-mounted hydraulic coring rig on Girraween Lagoon, northern Australia, looking over to Eucalypt savanna woodland. Middle right is the raft-mounted hydraulic coring rig used to take 18 metres of sediment from the bottom of the lake.

    See Bird et al.

  • No. 2 February 2024

    Emergence of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current

    Ocean sediment records indicate that the modern Antarctic Circumpolar Current did not exist prior to climatic cooling in the Late Miocene, suggesting an origin linked to the expansion of the Antarctic Ice Sheet. The image shows Spanish polar research vessel BIO Hespérides (A-33) offshore Livingston Island in the South Shetlands Archipelago, Antarctic Peninsula.

    See Evangelinos et al.

  • No. 1 January 2024

    Rare earth elements in circulation

    Mobilization of in-use rare earth element stocks in regions of high consumption can ease dependence on regions of rare earth element extraction, according to dynamic integrated modelling combining material flow and scenario analysis. The satellite image shows wind turbines offshore Jiangsu, China, that have magnets containing substantial rare earth elements, representing a potential urban mine for reuse.

    See Chen et al.