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OAS accession Detail for 0145405
<< previous | |revision: 5 |
accessions_id: | 0145405 | archive |
Title: | Digital Elevation Model and orthophotographs of Greenland based on aerial photographs from 1978-1987 (G150 AERODEM) (NCEI Accession 0145405) |
Abstract: | Here, we present a medium-resolution DEM and orthophotographs that consistently cover the entire surroundings and margins of the Greenland Ice Sheet 1978-1987. About 3,500 aerial photographs of Greenland are combined with field surveyed geodetic ground control to produce a 25 m gridded DEM and a 2 m black-and-white digital orthophotograph. Supporting data consist of a reliability mask and a photo footprint coverage with assigned recording dates. Through one internal and two external validation tests, this DEM shows an accuracy better than 10 m horizontally and 6 m vertically while the precision is better than 4 m. |
Date received: | 20151024 |
Start date: | 19780701 |
End date: | 19870831 |
Seanames: | Baffin Bay, Davis Strait, Greenland Sea (including Iceland Sea and North Greenland Sea), Labrador Sea, North Atlantic Ocean, North Greenland Sea |
West boundary: | -73.5 |
East boundary: | -10 |
North boundary: | 84 |
South boundary: | 59.5 |
Observation types: | model output |
Instrument types: | camera, photograph |
Datatypes: | HABITAT |
Submitter: | Korsgaard, Niels J. |
Submitting institution: | University of Copenhagen |
Collecting institutions: | University of Copenhagen |
Contributing projects: | |
Platforms: | |
Number of observations: | |
Supplementary information: | These data include a metadata subdirectory with the photo footprints as GIS shapefiles (.shp, .prj and associated indexing files); a DEM subdirectory containing .tif and .tfw files; an Orthorectified subdirectory containing .jp2 and .aux.xml files; and a ReliabilityMask subditrectory containing .tif and .tfw files. Users are advised the total size of this data set is app. 36 GB. |
Availability date: | 20160415 |
Metadata version: | 5 |
Keydate: | 2016-03-18 00:20:04+00 |
Editdate: | 2024-09-09 20:24:24+00 |