Definitions from Wiktionary (impedance)
▸ noun: The act of impeding; that which impedes; a hindrance.
▸ noun: (physics) A measure of the opposition to the flow of an alternating current in a circuit; the aggregation of its resistance, and inductive and capacitive reactances; the ratio of voltage to current treated as complex quantities.
▸ noun: (physics) A quantity analogous to electrical impedance in some other energy domain
▸ noun: (physics, usually with “mechanical”) a measure of opposition to motion of something subjected to a force; the ratio of force to velocity treated as complex quantities.
▸ noun: (physics, usually with “acoustic” or “sound”) the ratio of sound pressure to volume flow rate treated as complex quantities.
▸ Also see impedance
▸ Words similar to impedances
▸ Usage examples for impedances
▸ Idioms related to impedances
▸ Civic discussion about impedances (New!)
▸ Popular adjectives describing impedances
▸ Words that often appear near impedances
▸ Rhymes of impedances
▸ Invented words related to impedances
▸ noun: The act of impeding; that which impedes; a hindrance.
▸ noun: (physics) A measure of the opposition to the flow of an alternating current in a circuit; the aggregation of its resistance, and inductive and capacitive reactances; the ratio of voltage to current treated as complex quantities.
▸ noun: (physics) A quantity analogous to electrical impedance in some other energy domain
▸ noun: (physics, usually with “mechanical”) a measure of opposition to motion of something subjected to a force; the ratio of force to velocity treated as complex quantities.
▸ noun: (physics, usually with “acoustic” or “sound”) the ratio of sound pressure to volume flow rate treated as complex quantities.
▸ Also see impedance
▸ Words similar to impedances
▸ Usage examples for impedances
▸ Idioms related to impedances
▸ Civic discussion about impedances (New!)
▸ Popular adjectives describing impedances
▸ Words that often appear near impedances
▸ Rhymes of impedances
▸ Invented words related to impedances