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Research support

For doctoral students and researchers, there is a wealth of support available for each step of the research process.

A laptop is on a table. The display shows stacks of coins.

1. Applying for research funding

The first step in a research project is to find research funding. Here you will find the information you need to help you attract external research funding.

A man wearing VR glasses, with a display in the background showing a robot arm.

2. Starting up your research project

Once funding has been granted, it is time to start up your project. Here you will find support available for the startup phase.

A person is taking notes by a hospital bed.

3. Research in progress

Once your research is underway, you can get help with information retrieval, data management and more.

Close-up of a stack of journals.

4. Publishing your research

You can publicise your project and your findings in various ways. Here you will find information on publishing support.

Photo of a handshake.

5. Disseminating and utilising findings

Here you will find tips on how you can disseminate your findings for the benefit of industry and society.

A man typing on a laptop.

6. Reporting and closing your project

Once you have completed your research, wrap up the process by reporting and closing your project.

Logotype HRS4R

The Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R)

Utmärkelsen anger att Örebro universitet är en arbetsgivare med stimulerande och välvillig arbetsmiljö.