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X.Org News Archives

1,209 X.Org open-source and Linux related news articles on Phoronix since 2006.

libX11 1.8.10 Brings Memory Safety Fixes
libX11 1.8.10 Brings Memory Safety Fixes

Alan Coopersmith of Oracle -- thanks to his work on Solaris and maintaining the X11 support -- continues to be one of the few developers left managing new X.Org software component releases. This weekend Coopersmith released libX11 1.8.10 as the newest version of this client-side library for the core X11 protocol.

29 July 2024 - libX11 1.8.10 - 22 Comments
X.Org Testing Ground Expands Its Scope To Illumos/OpenIndiana
X.Org Testing Ground Expands Its Scope To Illumos/OpenIndiana

Coming just a day after posting a big set of patches for improving VRR display support under the X.Org Server, Enrico Weigelt today announced the release of the X.Org Testing Ground v0.0.4 software that now supports OpenIndiana / Illumos (OpenSolaris) in addition to its Linux and BSD platform support.

23 July 2024 - X.Org Testing Ground v0.0.4 - 37 Comments
X.Org Testing Ground Toolkit v0.0.2 Adds NetBSD & FreeBSD Support
X.Org Testing Ground Toolkit v0.0.2 Adds NetBSD & FreeBSD Support

Last week marked the inaugural release of the X.Org Testing Ground Toolkit to make it easier to compile the X.Org Server. That v0.0.1 release was limited to supporting Debian/Apt-based Linux distributions while now this helper toolkit has been extended to support FreeBSD and NetBSD too.

18 June 2024 - X.Org Testing Ground - 8 Comments
X.Org Testing Ground Toolkit: Making It Less Difficult To Compile The X Server In 2024
X.Org Testing Ground Toolkit: Making It Less Difficult To Compile The X Server In 2024

While the upstream X.Org Server development remains slow with most of the large vendors treating it in maintenance mode and not investing in new features, open-source developer Enrico Weigelt has been one of the few still working to improve the X.Org Server. As part of his work besides pushing new patches and testing of the latest X.Org Server Git state, today he announced the release of the X.Org Testing Ground Toolkit v0.0.1 as a means to help in facilitate testing of the latest X.Org Server Git by making it easier to build it.

13 June 2024 - X.Org Testing Ground Toolkit - 31 Comments
NetBSD On The State & Future Of X.Org/X11
NetBSD On The State & Future Of X.Org/X11

While on Linux the desktop environments, graphics stack, and other application software is steadily adopting Wayland support and focusing less on X11/X.Org support, the state of Wayland support and the open-source graphics driver stack in general is less robust among the BSDs. The NetBSD project published a status report around their ongoing dependence and modifications to their X.Org stack.

4 May 2024 - X.Org Dependence - 318 Comments
Explicit GPU Synchronization Merged For XWayland
Explicit GPU Synchronization Merged For XWayland

One year in the making, NVIDIA's code for explicit GPU synchronization in XWayland along with the X.Org Server DRI3 and Present extensions has now been merged! This is a big culmination of all the recent work around Wayland explicit synchronization and notably takes care of a number of NVIDIA driver problems on Wayland in the process.

9 April 2024 - Explicit GPU Sync - 51 Comments
X.Org Server & XWayland Hit By Four More Security Issues
X.Org Server & XWayland Hit By Four More Security Issues

Last year the X.Org Server disabled byte-swapped clients by default over being a large and known attack surface within the X.Org/XWayland codebase. That's proven itself to further be the case with 3 of 4 new CVEs made public today being around the byte-swapped code.

3 April 2024 - Byte-Swapped Issues - 153 Comments
X.Org Server Clears Out Remnants For Supporting Old Compilers
X.Org Server Clears Out Remnants For Supporting Old Compilers

There are still no signs of a new X.Org Server feature release coming in the near-term with most of the major stakeholders divesting from the xorg-server besides the XWayland portion of the code-base. But for those interested in the past few days there have been some NetBSD/OpenBSD build fixes to the X.Org Server as well as clearing out some remnants of old compiler support.

20 February 2024 - Sun Pro / Sun Studio & More - 163 Comments
X.Org Server & XWayland Updated Due To Two Decade-Old Security Vulnerabilities
X.Org Server & XWayland Updated Due To Two Decade-Old Security Vulnerabilities

The X.Org Server doesn't see much in the way of feature work these days with Red Hat and others divesting from classic X.Org/X11 sessions. But there continues to be new point releases of the X.Org Server and the XWayland code due to long-standing security issues within the X.Org codebase. New point releases were out last night due to two CVEs for bugs dating back to 2007 and 2009.

13 December 2023 - X.Org Security - 117 Comments
X.Org Hit By New Security Vulnerabilities - Two Date Back To 1988 With X11R2
X.Org Hit By New Security Vulnerabilities - Two Date Back To 1988 With X11R2

It was a decade ago that a security researcher commented on X.Org Server security being even "worse than it looks" and that the GLX code for example was "80,000 lines of sheer terror" and hundreds of bugs being uncovered throughout the codebase. In 2023 new X.Org security vulnerabilities continue to be uncovered, two of which were made public today and date back to X11R2 code from the year 1988.

3 October 2023 - X.Org Vulnerabilities - 90 Comments
XDC 2023 To Provide Update On AMD HDR For The Steam Deck, Rusticl & Wine Wayland
XDC 2023 To Provide Update On AMD HDR For The Steam Deck, Rusticl & Wine Wayland

There's just under one month to go now until the X.Org Developers' Conference (XDC) returns to A Coruña, Spain for the annual development conference focused on open-source graphics drivers (Mesa), Wayland, and related Linux display/graphics infrastructure although the X.Org Server itself hasn't received much attention in recent years. Here's a look at some of the planned talks for the exciting XDC 2023.

20 September 2023 - XDC 2023 Talks - 9 Comments
Trend Micro Uncovers Yet Another X.Org Server Vulnerability: CVE-2023-1393
Trend Micro Uncovers Yet Another X.Org Server Vulnerability: CVE-2023-1393

For over a decade now the X.Org Server has been seeing routine security disclosures in its massive codebase with some security researchers saying it's even worse than it looks and security researchers frequently finding multiple vulnerabilities at a time in the large and aging code-base that these days rarely sees new feature work. Today another disclosure was made by the folks with the Trend Micro Zero Day Initiative.

29 March 2023 - CVE-2023-1393 - 305 Comments
XWayland Lands Fix For At Least One Game Hanging It & Causing 100% CPU Usage
XWayland Lands Fix For At Least One Game Hanging It & Causing 100% CPU Usage

While XWayland is in fairly good shape for enjoying both native and emulated games relying on X11 to run atop Wayland compositors for Linux gaming, occasionally different peculiar issues are uncovered. The most recent issue analyzed and addressed in XWayland Git is over the game Resident Evil 6 causing XWayland to hang and consume 100% of the CPU resources on launching that title.

27 March 2023 - Resident Evil Causes XWayland Evil - 78 Comments
X.Org Needs More People To Run For The Board

The X.Org Board of Directors has delayed their election process by two weeks in hopes of having more candidates nominated to run for the board as currently they do not have enough candidates to start an election.

23 March 2023 - X.Org Board of Directors - 46 Comments
xf86-video-modesetting TearFree Gets Fixed Up For A/V De-Synchronization Issue
xf86-video-modesetting TearFree Gets Fixed Up For A/V De-Synchronization Issue

A few months back the generic xf86-video-modesetting X.Org driver added TearFree page-flipping support. The option eliminates screen tearing without the use of a compositor and was seen as a win by many for this generic DDX driver that works atop the modern DRM/KMS kernel drivers. But a rather annoying issue was discovered that could lead to audio/video synchronization problems was uncovered and is now fixed in the latest driver code.

1 March 2023 - Fixing TearFree - 9 Comments
ARK Logic X.Org Driver Sees 2023 Update For 90's PCI Video Card
ARK Logic X.Org Driver Sees 2023 Update For 90's PCI Video Card

A week after seeing X.Org display driver updates for old Trident and S3 Graphics hardware, a new release of xf86-video-ark is now available that provides the open-source UMS display driver support for old ARK Logic hardware. ARK Logic only lasted through the 1990's as a purveyor of PCI video cards.

22 February 2023 - xf86-video-ark - 15 Comments
X.Org Server Hit By New Local Privilege Escalation Vulnerability
X.Org Server Hit By New Local Privilege Escalation Vulnerability

The X.Org Server keeps on giving when it comes to security vulnerabilities with its massive, aging, and ill-maintained code-base. Disclosed on Monday night was CVE-2023-0494 as the latest security advisory and another discovery by the Trend Micro Zero Day Initiative.

7 February 2023 - CVE-2023-0494 - 190 Comments
GNOME's Mutter Adds Support For Toggling Byte-Swapped XWayland Clients
GNOME's Mutter Adds Support For Toggling Byte-Swapped XWayland Clients

Stemming from the X.Org Server change to no longer allow byte-swapped clients by default due to the feature being rarely used but of significant security concerns with being a large attack surface, GNOME's Mutter compositor has added optional support for being able to enable byte-swapped XWayland clients.

17 January 2023 - Byte-Swapped XWayland Clients - 13 Comments
X.Org Server No Longer Allowing Byte-Swapped Clients By Default
X.Org Server No Longer Allowing Byte-Swapped Clients By Default

Following the recent discussions around Fedora planning to disable byte swapped clients support for the X.Org Server in order to close another "large attack surface" with the aging X11 server codebase, the upstream X.Org Server has now dropped this support by default.

6 January 2023 - Byte Swapped Clients No More - 28 Comments
X11 Server Development Pace Hits A Two Decade Low
X11 Server Development Pace Hits A Two Decade Low

It shouldn't be news to you that most of the corporate-backed developers working on the Linux desktop are no longer investing in new feature work around the X.Org Server and have shifted their efforts to a Wayland-focused environment moving forward. In looking at the Git statistics for the X.Org Server over the course of 2022 it shows how the development has pulled back dramatically and now at a two decade low for the commits and code changes.

30 December 2022 - X.Org Server - 131 Comments
Twenty Old X.Org Components See New Updates
Twenty Old X.Org Components See New Updates

While X.Org Katamari releases are no longer being organized to bundle up all of the different X11 software components behind one version number and some X.Org software pieces are seeing very seldom updates every number of years, this past week has seen twenty new X.Org software releases.

5 December 2022 - X11 Updates - 38 Comments
xf86-video-modesetting X.Org Driver Sees Patch For "TearFree" Page Flipping
xf86-video-modesetting X.Org Driver Sees Patch For "TearFree" Page Flipping

While several X.Org DDX drivers in the past have implemented a "TearFree" xorg.conf driver option to try to eliminate screen tearing when running an X.Org Server without a composited environment, the xf86-video-modesetting generic DDX that is widely used has lacked that option. That is until a developer finally stepped up and has pending support for the "TearFree" option.

30 November 2022 - xf86-video-modesetting - 10 Comments
AMD Introduces New Hotplug Driver Option For The X.Org Server
AMD Introduces New Hotplug Driver Option For The X.Org Server

Currently when hot-plugging a new GPU to a running X.Org Server, the generic xf86-video-modesetting DDX driver ends up being utilized. However, a new "HotplugDriver" xorg.conf option has been introduced by AMD to allow users to specify their desired DDX driver. In turn this makes it possible for those hot-plugging hardware like AMD Radeon GPUs such as within eGPU enclosures to specify using the xf86-video-amdgpu driver instead.

17 November 2022 - HotplugDriver - 7 Comments

1209 X.Org news articles published on Phoronix.