Greg Kroah-Hartman Makes A Compelling Case For New Linux Kernel Drivers To Be Written In Rust

Greg KH makes the case that the vast majority of the kernel bugs are due to "stupid little corner cases in C that are totally gone in Rust." He's all for moving from the C codebase to new code gradually being in Rust where these memory safety bugs and other C shortcomings aren't possible.
Greg acknowledges all of the Linux kernel C code isn't going away anytime soon but does hope for new code/drivers to be in Rust for avoiding bugs and issues with C code.
Below is Greg's LKML post in full for those interested in his latest thoughts on Rust code in the kernel.
"As someone who has seen almost EVERY kernel bugfix and security issue for the past 15+ years (well hopefully all of them end up in the stable trees, we do miss some at times when maintainers/developers forget to mark them as bugfixes), and who sees EVERY kernel CVE issued, I think I can speak on this topic.
The majority of bugs (quantity, not quality/severity) we have are due to the stupid little corner cases in C that are totally gone in Rust. Things like simple overwrites of memory (not that rust can catch all of these by far), error path cleanups, forgetting to check error values, and use-after-free mistakes. That's why I'm wanting to see Rust get into the kernel, these types of issues just go away, allowing developers and maintainers more time to focus on the REAL bugs that happen (i.e. logic issues, race conditions, etc.)
I'm all for moving our C codebase toward making these types of problems impossible to hit, the work that Kees and Gustavo and others are doing here is wonderful and totally needed, we have 30 million lines of C code that isn't going anywhere any year soon. That's a worthy effort and is not going to stop and should not stop no matter what.
But for new code / drivers, writing them in rust where these types of bugs just can't happen (or happen much much less) is a win for all of us, why wouldn't we do this? C++ isn't going to give us any of that any decade soon, and the C++ language committee issues seem to be pointing out that everyone better be abandoning that language as soon as possible if they wish to have any codebase that can be maintained for any length of time.
Rust also gives us the ability to define our in-kernel apis in ways that make them almost impossible to get wrong when using them. We have way too many difficult/tricky apis that require way too much maintainer review just to "ensure that you got this right" that is a combination of both how our apis have evolved over the years (how many different ways can you use a 'struct cdev' in a safe way?) and how C doesn't allow us to express apis in a way that makes them easier/safer to use. Forcing us maintainers of these apis to rethink them is a GOOD thing, as it is causing us to clean them up for EVERYONE, C users included already, making Linux better overall.
And yes, the Rust bindings look like magic to me in places, someone with very little Rust experience, but I'm willing to learn and work with the developers who have stepped up to help out here. To not want to learn and change based on new evidence (see my point about reading every kernel bug we have.)
Rust isn't a "silver bullet" that will solve all of our problems, but it sure will help in a huge number of places, so for new stuff going forward, why wouldn't we want that?
Linux is a tool that everyone else uses to solve their problems, and here we have developers that are saying "hey, our problem is that we want to write code for our hardware that just can't have all of these types of bugs automatically".
Why would we ignore that?
Yes, I understand our overworked maintainer problem (being one of these people myself), but here we have people actually doing the work!
Yes, mixed language codebases are rough, and hard to maintain, but we are kernel developers dammit, we've been maintaining and strengthening Linux for longer than anyone ever thought was going to be possible. We've turned our development model into a well-oiled engineering marvel creating something that no one else has ever been able to accomplish. Adding another language really shouldn't be a problem, we've handled much worse things in the past and we shouldn't give up now on wanting to ensure that our project succeeds for the next 20+ years. We've got to keep pushing forward when confronted with new good ideas, and embrace the people offering to join us in actually doing the work to help make sure that we all succeed together.
greg k-h"