Sims 4 - Homeless Elder Challenge - by egadslarads Short Rules: Sim 1) Must be an Elder 3) You may have any traits; Start 1) 20x15 vacant lot. 2) may spend up to 4k on landscaping and ?. should have 16k when you finish building. 0 rest. Rule 1) NO leave the Neighborhood you live in. 3) You MUST pay your bills 4) You MAY NOT build anything on your lot or get a job until you have $10,000 The Goal: Die in a fully furnished nice house property value being $30/$60,000 married
9 Pins
I'm starting out in Newcrest, and to make sure I don't go over that $4,000 landscaping budget I'm setting family funds to $4,000 off the bat.
Got a bit of gardening done, following the challenge founders idea of bouncing around the achievements, and now he's working on his fishing.
Decided the whole neighborhood should be abandoned lots. Cheated and tossed down copy's of his lot on the rest of them.
This is all he wear's ever.
S4 doesn't have any base grunge affect content so this shall have to do. Lot is in the gallery