Kindergarten Poems

152 Pins
Ready2Read Level 2 Unit 1
I will add-in that this doesn't say but the song it's sung to is clearly "B-I-N-G-O" (..."and bingo was his name-o"...but change the words to match this; cute & easy to do! Sight words GALORE!
mrspicasso's art room
Sweet end of year poem with handprint art project. I think I'll have my students make these for their parents.
A classroom from Baton Rouge, LA
Debbie Diller I can posters - I want to make a poster for the choices students have when they finish an assignment.
Used a list of similar goodbyes as our first shared reading at the beginning of the year. The kids LOVED them. They're still posted by the door and they say them all the time.
Joyful Learning In KC
Poem: A poem about spring even though May is considered late spring.- Amanda Johnson
oviparous animals
oviparous animal craft and cute poem for science journal.
Just 4 Teachers: Sharing Across Borders: Farfallina & Marcel: Unit 2 Week 3 Poem and Activity
Caterpillar Garden poem
The Crayon Box That Talked Freebie Writing Papers
The Crayon Box That Talked - Wouldn't it be terrible? Wouldn't it be sad? If just one single color was the color we had? If everything was purple? Or red? Or blue? Or green? If yellow, pink or orange was all that could be seen? Can you just imagine how dull the world would be if just one single color was all we got to see?
Short Vowel Review - Freebie
Love these! We are learning short vowels right now, need to print these... - short vowel poems- cute short a poem :)