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Student Poster Session & Student Sponsorship | Clean Space Days 2024

Clean Space Days 2024, organized by ESA - European Space Agency, will take place from 8 to 11 October 2024, at ESTEC in Noordwijk, Netherlands. The presentations will focus on space sustainability, covering topics like Ecodesign for space, Zero Debris, and In-Orbit Servicing missions.

New this year is a dedicated Poster Session where ten selected university students can present their research and expand their professional network.

Please note following eligibility criteria for the Student Poster Session:
  • You must be enrolled as a student (Bachelors, Masters, PhD) at the time of the Clean Space Days
  • For teams of students, the poster abstract should be uploaded by one representative
  • Poster abstracts must be based on students' own research
  • Please submit an abstract of at most 300 words describing your research to be considered for the CSD 24 Student Poster Session. Poster designs are not expected until October 1st.
  • To submit an abstract for the student poster session, please choose the track "Student Poster Session" when submitting your abstract.
  • Be a citizen of an ESA Member State, Canada, Latvia, Lithuania, Slovakia or Slovenia;
The deadline for abstract submission is August 24, 2024.
To submit your abstract please click here.

Additionally, ESA Academy is offering sponsorships for three students to assist with the costs of travel and accommodation.
For eligibility details and to apply for the sponsorship, please visit the application page here.

The deadline for application is August 24, 2024.
Click here to fill-in the application form.