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Lyrical Lemonade is a brand created by videographer and entrepreneur Cole Bennett, who started out as a blogger when he was in high school and rose to fame through his YouTube channel. He directed videos for local Chicago rappers before moving on to then-emerging acts associated with the SoundCloud rap scene, including Lil Pump and Ski Mask the Slump God. Within a few years, he began working with much bigger names such as Eminem, Justin Bieber, and blink-182. In addition to hosting a music festival and merchandising ventures such as clothing and beverages, Bennett branched into music production with All Is Yellow, a 2024 album previewed by several singles, including the Billboard Hot 100-charting "Doomsday" (with Juice WRLD and Cordae). Bennett receives co-production credit on most of the album's 14 songs, but this feels like a case similar to Nigo's I Know Nigo!, where it's hard to tell what the primary artist did other than call up his famous friends and business partners. Dozens of guests make appearances on All Is Yellow, including Lil Yachty, Chief Keef, Juicy J, JID, and Denzel Curry. Musically, it sounds like a grab bag of several different popular styles -- a little trap, drill, emo, cloud rap, plus an overwrought piano ballad, and a pillowy lullaby based on blink-182's "I Miss You." The Eminem-sampling "Doomsday," which has some of the hardest bars on the entire album, is immediately followed by a studio chatter-heavy reprise featuring Eminem himself. G Herbo and BabyTron both trade some clever verses on the quick-witted "Equilibrium." "Stop Giving Me Advice" (with Dave and Jack Harlow) seems to sum up Bennett's perspective in terms of finding success his own way and living out his dreams, even if it isn't him delivering the lyrics. It does seem like plenty of curatorial effort was put into the making of All Is Yellow, but it's not very cohesive as a whole: the few highlights and moments with potential are surrounded by skippable left turns. Ultimately, it feels like the album equivalent of a festival with a massive lineup, with most of the audience members showing up for the handful of acts they're most familiar with and ignoring the rest.
© TiVo Staff /TiVo
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Daniyel, Producer, Guitar, Percussion, Bass, Keyboard, DrumKit - Destin Route, ComposerLyricist - Dj Mormile, A&R - Ski Mask The Slump God, MainArtist - Cole Bennett, Producer - Sheck Wes, MainArtist - Khadimou Fall, ComposerLyricist - Marvin Jordan, ComposerLyricist - JID, MainArtist - Stokeley Clevon Goulbourne, ComposerLyricist - Marvy Ayy, Producer, Guitar, Percussion, Bass, MasteringEngineer, MixingEngineer, ProgrammingEngineer, Keyboard, DrumKit - Fecony, Producer - Harris Sameer, ComposerLyricist - Daniyel Weissmann, ComposerLyricist - John Nocito, Producer, ComposerLyricist - Car!ton, Producer - Carlton McDowell, ComposerLyricist - Amanda Rosenthal, A&R - Jason Peerless, Other - Liza Corsey, AAndRAdministrator - Lyrical Lemonade, MainArtist - Kosher World, Producer - Jake Millan, A&R
℗ 2024 Lyrical Lemonade, LLC
Scott Mescudi, ComposerLyricist - Kid Cudi, MainArtist - Lil Durk, MainArtist - Durk Banks, ComposerLyricist - Daniyel, Producer - Vincent Goodyer, ComposerLyricist - Cole Bennett, Producer - Marvin Jordan, ComposerLyricist - Marvy Ayy, Producer, MasteringEngineer, MixingEngineer - 18yoman, Producer - Daniyel Weissmann, ComposerLyricist - Chelsea Warner, Producer, ComposerLyricist - Car!ton, Producer - Carlton McDowell, ComposerLyricist, BackgroundVocalist, ProgrammingEngineer - Reece Weinberg, ComposerLyricist, BackgroundVocalist, ProgrammingEngineer - Emerson Poulin, Producer, ComposerLyricist, BackgroundVocalist, ProgrammingEngineer - Lyrical Lemonade, MainArtist - REWINED, Producer - Kosher World, Producer
℗ 2023 Lyrical Lemonade, LLC
Van McCoy, ComposerLyricist - Chris Barnett, ComposerLyricist - Chief Keef, Producer, MainArtist - Keith Cozart, ComposerLyricist - Tyree Pittman, ComposerLyricist - Lil Yachty, MainArtist - Miles Parks McCollum, ComposerLyricist - Dj Mormile, A&R - Cole Bennett, Producer - Marvin Jordan, ComposerLyricist - Tyrone Pittman, ComposerLyricist - Marvy Ayy, Producer, Guitar, Percussion, Bass, MasteringEngineer, MixingEngineer, ProgrammingEngineer, Keyboard, DrumKit - Car!ton, Producer - Carlton McDowell, Guitar, Percussion, Bass, ComposerLyricist, Keyboard, DrumKit - Amanda Rosenthal, A&R - Jason Peerless, Other - Liza Corsey, AAndRAdministrator - Lyrical Lemonade, MainArtist - Jake Millan, A&R
℗ 2024 Lyrical Lemonade, LLC
Daniyel, Producer, Guitar, Percussion, Bass, BackgroundVocalist, ProgrammingEngineer, Keyboard, DrumKit - Dj Mormile, A&R - Cole Bennett, Producer - Lil Skies, MainArtist - Kimetrius Foose, ComposerLyricist - Marvin Jordan, ComposerLyricist - Lil Tecca, MainArtist - Tyler-Justin Anthony Sharpe, ComposerLyricist - Marvy Ayy, Producer, Guitar, Percussion, Bass, MasteringEngineer, MixingEngineer, BackgroundVocalist, ProgrammingEngineer, Keyboard, DrumKit - The Kid LAROI, MainArtist - Jacob Wice, Producer - Daniyel Weissmann, ComposerLyricist - Charlton Kenneth Jeffrey Howard, ComposerLyricist - Car!ton, Producer - Carlton McDowell, Guitar, Percussion, Bass, ComposerLyricist, BackgroundVocalist, ProgrammingEngineer, Keyboard, DrumKit - Amanda Rosenthal, A&R - Jason Peerless, Other - Liza Corsey, AAndRAdministrator - Lyrical Lemonade, MainArtist - Kosher World, Producer - Jake Millan, A&R - Jacob Wice-Budner, ComposerLyricist
℗ 2024 Lyrical Lemonade, LLC
Paul Beauregard, ComposerLyricist - Juicy J, Producer, MainArtist, DrumKit - Michael Foster, ComposerLyricist - Cochise, MainArtist - Lil B, MainArtist - Daniyel, Producer, Guitar, Percussion, Bass, Keyboard, DrumKit - Eric Carlson, Piano - Jordan Michael Houston, ComposerLyricist - Crazy Mike, Producer - Mike "Crazy Mike" Foster, Keyboard - Denzel Curry, MainArtist, ComposerLyricist - Dj Mormile, A&R - Cole Bennett, Producer - Marvin Jordan, ComposerLyricist - Marvy Ayy, Producer, Guitar, Percussion, Bass, MasteringEngineer, MixingEngineer, Keyboard, DrumKit - Brandon Christopher McCartney, ComposerLyricist - Jacob Wice, Producer - Teezo Touchdown, MainArtist - Daniyel Weissmann, ComposerLyricist - Car!ton, Producer - Carlton McDowell, Guitar, Bass, ComposerLyricist, BackgroundVocalist - Amanda Rosenthal, A&R - Jason Peerless, Other - Liza Corsey, AAndRAdministrator - Terrell Anthony Cox, ComposerLyricist - Lyrical Lemonade, MainArtist - Aaron Lashane Thomas, ComposerLyricist - Kosher World, Producer - Jake Millan, A&R
℗ 2024 Lyrical Lemonade, LLC
Amine, MainArtist - Daniyel, Producer - Khalif Malik Ibn Shaman Brown, ComposerLyricist - Swae Lee, MainArtist - Ben Hogarth, VocalEngineer - Dj Mormile, A&R - Adam Aminé Daniel, ComposerLyricist - Cole Bennett, Producer - Marvin Jordan, ComposerLyricist - Alyssa Michelle Stephens, ComposerLyricist - Marvy Ayy, Producer, Guitar, Percussion, Bass, MasteringEngineer, MixingEngineer, BackgroundVocalist, ProgrammingEngineer, Keyboard, DrumKit - Latto, MainArtist - Daniyel Weissmann, ComposerLyricist - Car!ton, Producer - Carlton McDowell, Guitar, Percussion, Bass, ComposerLyricist, BackgroundVocalist, ProgrammingEngineer, Keyboard, DrumKit - Amanda Rosenthal, A&R - Jason Peerless, Other - Liza Corsey, AAndRAdministrator - Lyrical Lemonade, MainArtist - Kosher World, Producer - Jake Millan, A&R
℗ 2024 Lyrical Lemonade, LLC
Paul Daniel, ComposerLyricist - Dj Mormile, A&R - 6 Dogs, MainArtist - Ronald Chase Amick, ComposerLyricist - Jaasu, Producer, Percussion, MixingEngineer, ProgrammingEngineer, DrumKit - Jassu Mallory, ComposerLyricist - $NOT, MainArtist - Doc Daniel, Producer, Percussion, Bass, ProgrammingEngineer, DrumKit - Marvy Ayy, MasteringEngineer, MixingEngineer - Jonathan Birkner, ComposerLyricist - Jonnywood, Producer, Guitar, Percussion, Bass, ProgrammingEngineer, Keyboard, DrumKit - Amanda Rosenthal, A&R - Jason Peerless, Other - Liza Corsey, AAndRAdministrator - Lyrical Lemonade, MainArtist - Edy Junior Edouard, ComposerLyricist - Jake Millan, A&R
℗ 2024 Lyrical Lemonade, LLC
Andre Young, ComposerLyricist - Marshall Mathers, ComposerLyricist - Melvin Charles Bradford, ComposerLyricist - Cordae, MainArtist - Cole Bennett, Producer - Juice WRLD, MainArtist - Max Lord, Producer, ComposerLyricist, MixingEngineer, RecordingEngineer - Jarad Higgins, ComposerLyricist - Cordae Dunston, ComposerLyricist - Marvy Ayy, MasteringEngineer - Lyrical Lemonade, MainArtist, ComposerLyricist
℗ 2023 Grade A Productions, LLC, distributed by Interscope Records
Andre Young, ComposerLyricist - Marshall Mathers, ComposerLyricist - Luis Resto, ComposerLyricist, AdditionalKeyboard - Mike Strange, MixingEngineer, RecordingEngineer - Eminem, MainArtist, AdditionalProducer - Brian "Big Bass" Gardner, MasteringEngineer - Tony Campana, RecordingEngineer - Melvin Charles Bradford, ComposerLyricist - Daniyel, Producer - Cole Bennett, Producer - Daniyel Weissmann, ComposerLyricist - John Nocito, Producer, ComposerLyricist - Lyrical Lemonade, MainArtist - Kosher World, Producer
℗ 2024 Lyrical Lemonade, LLC
Nathan Phillips, MixingEngineer - Joey Bada$$, MainArtist - Daniyel, Producer - Jo-Vaughn Virginie Scott, ComposerLyricist - Lil Yachty, MainArtist - Miles Parks McCollum, ComposerLyricist - Dj Mormile, A&R - Cole Bennett, Producer - Gus Dapperton, Producer, Guitar, MainArtist, Keyboard - Brendan Rice, ComposerLyricist - Marvy Ayy, MasteringEngineer - Daniyel Weissmann, ComposerLyricist - jacob Lincoln, Producer, ComposerLyricist - Amanda Rosenthal, A&R - Jason Peerless, Other - Liza Corsey, AAndRAdministrator - Lyrical Lemonade, MainArtist - Kosher World, Producer - Jake Millan, A&R
℗ 2024 Lyrical Lemonade, LLC
Daniyel, Producer - G Herbo, MainArtist - Dj Mormile, A&R - Cole Bennett, Producer - Marvin Jordan, ComposerLyricist - Babytron, MainArtist - Marvy Ayy, Producer, Guitar, Percussion, Bass, MasteringEngineer, MixingEngineer, BackgroundVocalist, RecordingEngineer, ProgrammingEngineer, Keyboard - Herbert Randall Wright III, ComposerLyricist - Daniyel Weissmann, ComposerLyricist - Car!ton, Producer - Carlton McDowell, Guitar, Percussion, Bass, ComposerLyricist, BackgroundVocalist, RecordingEngineer, ProgrammingEngineer, Keyboard - Amanda Rosenthal, A&R - Jason Peerless, Other - Liza Corsey, AAndRAdministrator - Lyrical Lemonade, MainArtist - Kosher World, Producer - Jake Millan, A&R - James Edward Johnson IV, ComposerLyricist
℗ 2024 Lyrical Lemonade, LLC
Tom Delonge, ComposerLyricist - Mark Hoppus, ComposerLyricist - Corbin, MainArtist, ComposerLyricist - Travis Barker, ComposerLyricist - Daniyel, Producer, ComposerLyricist - Black Kray, MainArtist, ComposerLyricist - Lil Tracy, MainArtist, ComposerLyricist - Cole Bennett, Producer - Marvy Ayy, Producer, ComposerLyricist, MasteringEngineer, MixingEngineer - Car!ton, Producer - Carlton McDowell, Percussion, Programmer, ComposerLyricist, RecordingEngineer, Keyboard, DrumKit - jacob Lincoln, Producer, Guitar - Lyrical Lemonade, MainArtist - Kosher World, Producer
℗ 2023 Lyrical Lemonade, LLC
Fred Ball, Producer, ComposerLyricist - UMI, Producer, MainArtist - Daniyel, CoProducer - SahBabii, MainArtist - Dj Mormile, A&R - Veronica Vera, ComposerLyricist - Marvy Ayy, Guitar, Percussion, Bass, ProgrammingEngineer, Keyboard, DrumKit - Teezo Touchdown, MainArtist - Saaheem Malik Valdery, ComposerLyricist - Amanda Rosenthal, A&R - Jason Peerless, Other - Liza Corsey, AAndRAdministrator - Lyrical Lemonade, MainArtist - Aaron Lashane Thomas, ComposerLyricist - Jake Millan, A&R - Tierra Umi Wilson, ComposerLyricist - V Ron, MasteringEngineer, MixingEngineer, CoProducer
℗ 2024 Lyrical Lemonade, LLC
Angel Lopez, Producer, Guitar, Percussion, Bass, BackgroundVocalist, ProgrammingEngineer, Keyboard, DrumKit - José Velazquez, ComposerLyricist - Daz, Producer - Dave, FeaturedArtist - Rascal, Producer - Colin Leonard, MasteringEngineer - Matthew Tavares, Producer, Guitar, Percussion, Bass, ComposerLyricist, BackgroundVocalist, RecordingEngineer, Keyboard, DrumKit - Nickie Jon Pabón, MixingEngineer, RecordingEngineer - David Omoregie, ComposerLyricist - Tobias Breuer, Guitar, Percussion, Bass, ComposerLyricist, BackgroundVocalist, Keyboard, DrumKit - Dj Mormile, A&R - Jack Harlow, FeaturedArtist - Mario Luciano, Guitar, Percussion, Bass, BackgroundVocalist, ProgrammingEngineer, Keyboard, DrumKit - Hollywood Cole, Producer, Guitar, Percussion, Bass, BackgroundVocalist, ProgrammingEngineer, Keyboard, DrumKit - Kameron Cole, ComposerLyricist - Jackman Thomas Harlow, ComposerLyricist - Amanda Rosenthal, A&R - Davud Ahmedzade, ComposerLyricist - Jason Peerless, Other - Liza Corsey, AAndRAdministrator - Lyrical Lemonade, MainArtist - Jake Millan, A&R
℗ 2023 Lyrical Lemonade, LLC
Presentación del Álbum
Lyrical Lemonade is a brand created by videographer and entrepreneur Cole Bennett, who started out as a blogger when he was in high school and rose to fame through his YouTube channel. He directed videos for local Chicago rappers before moving on to then-emerging acts associated with the SoundCloud rap scene, including Lil Pump and Ski Mask the Slump God. Within a few years, he began working with much bigger names such as Eminem, Justin Bieber, and blink-182. In addition to hosting a music festival and merchandising ventures such as clothing and beverages, Bennett branched into music production with All Is Yellow, a 2024 album previewed by several singles, including the Billboard Hot 100-charting "Doomsday" (with Juice WRLD and Cordae). Bennett receives co-production credit on most of the album's 14 songs, but this feels like a case similar to Nigo's I Know Nigo!, where it's hard to tell what the primary artist did other than call up his famous friends and business partners. Dozens of guests make appearances on All Is Yellow, including Lil Yachty, Chief Keef, Juicy J, JID, and Denzel Curry. Musically, it sounds like a grab bag of several different popular styles -- a little trap, drill, emo, cloud rap, plus an overwrought piano ballad, and a pillowy lullaby based on blink-182's "I Miss You." The Eminem-sampling "Doomsday," which has some of the hardest bars on the entire album, is immediately followed by a studio chatter-heavy reprise featuring Eminem himself. G Herbo and BabyTron both trade some clever verses on the quick-witted "Equilibrium." "Stop Giving Me Advice" (with Dave and Jack Harlow) seems to sum up Bennett's perspective in terms of finding success his own way and living out his dreams, even if it isn't him delivering the lyrics. It does seem like plenty of curatorial effort was put into the making of All Is Yellow, but it's not very cohesive as a whole: the few highlights and moments with potential are surrounded by skippable left turns. Ultimately, it feels like the album equivalent of a festival with a massive lineup, with most of the audience members showing up for the handful of acts they're most familiar with and ignoring the rest.
© TiVo Staff /TiVo
Acerca del álbum
- 1 disco(s) - 14 pista(s)
- Duración total: 00:42:31
- Artistas principales: Lyrical Lemonade
- Compositor: Various Composers
- Sello: Lyrical Lemonade P&D - Def Jam
- Género Hip-Hop/Rap
© 2024 Lyrical Lemonade, LLC ℗ 2024 Lyrical Lemonade, LLC
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