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Idioma disponible: inglés
This second installment into Bix's recorded career focuses on the sides he made while working as a member of Paul Whiteman's band. Cutting dates with old friends and bandmates like Frank Trumbauer, Adrian Rollini, Pee Wee Russell, Bill Rank, Eddie Lang, and drummer Chauncey Morehouse, these sides chronicle Bix's activities in the studios away from the "king of jazz" between 1927 and 1928. But don't consider all these sides as some sort of hot jazz oasis away from the more stilted arrangements of the Whiteman band; there's more than enough corn aboard on sides like "Mississippi Mud," two takes of "Clorinda," "Our Bungalow of Dreams," and "There'll Come a Time," several of these tracks clumsily adorned with annoying glee-club vocals. But sides like the two takes of "Three Blind Mice," "Sorry," "Jazz Me Blues," "Royal Garden Blues," and "Since My Best Gal Turned Me Down" show Bix still was full of creative ideas galore and a tone to die for. While conventional wisdom has this period as the start of Bix's musical decline, these sides show that there was much great music left in him.
© Cub Koda /TiVo
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Frank Signorelli, Piano - Bix Beiderbecke & His Gang, Cornet - Chauncey Morehouse, Percussion - F. Trumbauer, Composer - F. Trumbauer, Lyricist - Tommy Rockwell, Producer - C. Morehouse, Composer - C. Morehouse, Lyricist - Frank Trumbauer & His Orchestra, Saxophone - Williard Robison & His Orchestra; featuring Bix Beiderbecke and Frank Trumbauer, Performer - Don Murray, Clarinet - Carl Kress, Banjo
Originally Released 1927 Sony Music Entertainment Inc.
Frank Signorelli, Piano - Bix Beiderbecke & His Gang, Cornet - Chauncey Morehouse, Percussion - F. Trumbauer, Composer - F. Trumbauer, Lyricist - Willard Robison & His Orchestra; featuring Bix Beiderbecke and Frank Trumbauer, Performer - Tommy Rockwell, Producer - C. Morehouse, Composer - C. Morehouse, Lyricist - Frank Trumbauer & His Orchestra, Saxophone - Don Murray, Clarinet - Carl Kress, Banjo
Originally Released 1927 Sony Music Entertainment Inc.
Frank Signorelli, Piano - Bix Beiderbecke & His Gang, Cornet - Chauncey Morehouse, Percussion - Tommy Rockwell, Producer - Deep River Quintet, Vocal - William Robison & His Orchestra; featuring Bix Beiderbecke and Frank Trumbauer, Performer - Frank Trumbauer & His Orchestra, Saxophone - R.O. Morgan, Composer - R.O. Morgan, Lyricist - Don Murray, Clarinet - Carl Kress, Banjo
Originally Released 1927 Sony Music Entertainment Inc.
Frank Signorelli, Piano - Bix Beiderbecke & His Gang, Cornet - Chauncey Morehouse, Percussion - Willard Robison & His Orchestra; featuring Bix Beiderbecke and Frank Trumbaeur, Performer - Tommy Rockwell, Producer - Deep River Quintet, Vocal - Frank Trumbauer & His Orchestra, Saxophone - R.O. Morgan, Composer - R.O. Morgan, Lyricist - Don Murray, Clarinet - Carl Kress, Banjo
Originally Released 1927 Sony Music Entertainment Inc.
Frank Signorelli, Piano - Bix Beiderbecke & His Gang, Cornet - Chauncey Morehouse, Percussion - Willard Robison & His Orchestra; featuring Bix Beiderbecke and Frank Trumbauer, Performer - Tommy Rockwell, Producer - Deep River Quintet, Vocal - Frank Trumbauer & His Orchestra, Saxophone - T. Klages, Composer - T. Klages, Lyricist - Don Murray, Clarinet - Carl Kress, Banjo - T. Waller, Composer - T. Waller, Lyricist
Originally Released 1927 Sony Music Entertainment Inc.
Frank Signorelli, Piano - Bix Beiderbecke & His Gang, Cornet - Chauncey Morehouse, Percussion - Willard Robison & His Orchestra; featuring Bix Beiderbecke and Frank Trumbauer, Performer - Tommy Rockwell, Producer - Deep River Quintet, Vocal - Frank Trumbauer & His Orchestra, Saxophone - T. Klages, Composer - T. Klages, Lyricist - Don Murray, Clarinet - Carl Kress, Banjo - T. Waller, Composer - T. Waller, Lyricist
Originally Released 1927 Sony Music Entertainment Inc.
Frank Signorelli, Piano - Bix Beiderbecke & His Gang, Cornet - Chauncey Morehouse, Drums - Bill Rank, Trombone - Bix Beiderbecke & His Gang; featuring New Orleans Lucky Seven, Performer - Tommy Rockwell, Producer - D.J. LAROCCA, Composer - D.J. LAROCCA, Lyricist - L. Shields, Composer - L. Shields, Lyricist - Don Murray, Clarinet
Originally released 1927. All rights reserved by Columbia Records, a division of Sony Music Entertainment
C. Williams, Lyricist - C. Williams, Composer - Frank Signorelli, Piano - Bix Beiderbecke & His Gang, Cornet - Chauncey Morehouse, Drums - Bill Rank, Trombone - Bix Beiderbecke & His Gang; featuring New Orleans Lucky Seven, Performer - Tommy Rockwell, Producer - S. Williams, Composer - S. Williams, Lyricist - Don Murray, Clarinet
Originally released 1928. All rights reserved by Columbia Records, a division of Sony Music Entertainment
Michael Brooks, Producer - Frank Signorelli, Piano - Bix Beiderbecke & His Gang, Performer - Bix Beiderbecke & His Gang, Cornet - Chauncey Morehouse, Drums - Bill Rank, Trombone - T. Delaney, Composer - T. Delaney, Lyricist - Tommy Rockwell, Producer - Allen Weinberg, Director - Don Murray, Clarinet
Originally Released 1927 Sony Music Entertainment Inc.
Frank Signorelli, Piano - Bix Beiderbecke & His Gang, Cornet - Chauncey Morehouse, Drums - Bill Rank, Trombone - F. Henderson, Composer - F. Henderson, Lyricist - Tommy Rockwell, Producer - New Orleans Lucky Seven, Performer - Don Murray, Clarinet - J. Trent, Composer - J. Trent, Lyricist
Originally released 1928. All rights reserved by Columbia Records, a division of Sony Music Entertainment .
Howdy Quicksell, Arranger - Frank Signorelli, Piano - Bix Beiderbecke & His Gang, Cornet - Chauncey Morehouse, Drums - Bill Rank, Trombone - Tommy Rockwell, Producer - Raymond Klages, Composer - Raymond Klages, Lyricist - New Orleans Lucky Seven, Performer - Don Murray, Clarinet - Howard Quicksell, Composer - Howard Quicksell, Lyricist
Originally released 1928. All rights reserved by Columbia Records, a division of Sony Music Entertainment
Pee Wee Russell, Tenor Saxophone - Pee Wee Russell, Clarinet - Joe Venuti, Violin - Frank Signorelli, Piano - Bix Beiderbecke & His Gang, Cornet - C. Morehouse, Composer - C. Morehouse, Lyricist - Chauncey Morehouse, Drums - Eddie Lang, Guitar - Bill Rank, Trombone - F. Trumbauer, Composer - F. Trumbauer, Lyricist - Tommy Rockwell, Producer - Frank Trumbauer & His Orchestra, Saxophone - Don Murray, Tenor Saxophone - Don Murray, Clarinet - Frank Trumbauer & His Orchestra; featuring Bix Beiderbecke, Performer
Originally Released 1928 Sony Music Entertainment Inc.
Pee Wee Russell, Tenor Saxophone - Pee Wee Russell, Clarinet - Joe Venuti, Violin - Eddie Green, Composer - Eddie Green, Lyricist - Frank Signorelli, Piano - Bix Beiderbecke & His Gang, Cornet - Chauncey Morehouse, Drums - Eddie Lang, Guitar - Bill Rank, Trombone - Tommy Rockwell, Producer - Frank Trumbauer & His Orchestra, Saxophone - Don Murray, Tenor Saxophone - Don Murray, Clarinet - Frank Trumbauer & His Orchestra; featuring Bix Beiderbecke, Performer
Originally Released 1928 Sony Music Entertainment Inc.
R. LUDWIG, Composer - R. LUDWIG, Lyricist - Bix Beiderbecke, Performer - Frank Signorelli, Piano - Bix Beiderbecke & His Gang, Cornet - Chauncey Morehouse, Drums - Bill Rank, Trombone - Tommy Rockwell, Producer - H. Quicksell, Composer - H. Quicksell, Lyricist - Don Murray, Clarinet
Originally released 1928. All rights reserved by Columbia Records, a division of Sony Music Entertainment .
Matty Malneck, Violin - Hal McDonald, Drums - Jimmy Dorsey & His Original Dorseyland Jazz Band, Alto Saxophone - Jimmy Dorsey & His Original Dorseyland Jazz Band, Clarinet - Charles Strickfaden, Alto Saxophone - Bix Beiderbecke & His Gang, Cornet - Eddie Lang, Guitar - Tommy Rockwell, Producer - Russell Gray & His Orchestra; featuring Frank Trumbauer, Performer - N. Loring, Composer - N. Loring, Lyricist - J. YELLEN, Composer - J. YELLEN, Lyricist - Tom Satterfield, Piano - Frank Trumbauer & His Orchestra, Saxophone - M. AGER, Composer - M. AGER, Lyricist
Originally Released 1927 Sony Music Entertainment Inc.
Matty Malneck, Violin - Hal McDonald, Drums - J. Manone, Composer - J. Manone, Lyricist - Jimmy Dorsey & His Original Dorseyland Jazz Band, Alto Saxophone - Jimmy Dorsey & His Original Dorseyland Jazz Band, Clarinet - M. Mole, Composer - M. Mole, Lyricist - Charles Strickfaden, Alto Saxophone - Bix Beiderbecke & His Gang, Cornet - Eddie Lang, Guitar - Tommy Rockwell, Producer - Tom Satterfield, Piano - Frank Trumbauer & His Orchestra, Saxophone - Frank Trumbauer & His Orchestra; featuring Bix Beiderbecke, Performer
Originally Released 1928 Sony Music Entertainment Inc.
Matty Malneck, Violin - Hal McDonald, Drums - W. Robison, Composer - W. Robison, Lyricist - Jimmy Dorsey & His Original Dorseyland Jazz Band, Alto Saxophone - Jimmy Dorsey & His Original Dorseyland Jazz Band, Clarinet - Charles Strickfaden, Alto Saxophone - Bix Beiderbecke & His Gang, Cornet - Eddie Lang, Guitar - Tommy Rockwell, Producer - Tom Satterfield, Piano - Frank Trumbauer & His Orchestra, Saxophone - Frank Trumbauer & His Orchestra; featuring Bix Beiderbecke, Performer
Originally Released 1928 Sony Music Entertainment Inc.
Matty Malneck, Violin - Hal McDonald, Drums - Jimmy Dorsey & His Original Dorseyland Jazz Band, Alto Saxophone - Jimmy Dorsey & His Original Dorseyland Jazz Band, Clarinet - Charles Strickfaden, Alto Saxophone - Bix Beiderbecke & His Gang, Cornet - Eddie Lang, Guitar - Frank Trumbauer & His Orchestra; Vocal by Bing Crosby; featuring Bix Beiderbecke, Performer - Tommy Rockwell, Producer - Harry Barris, Composer - Harry Barris, Lyricist - James Cavanaugh, Composer - James Cavanaugh, Lyricist - Bing Crosby, Vocal - Tom Satterfield, Piano - Frank Trumbauer & His Orchestra, Vocal - Frank Trumbauer & His Orchestra, Saxophone
Originally Released 1928 Sony Music Entertainment Inc.
I. Gershwin, Composer - I. Gershwin, Lyricist - Irving Kaufman, Vocal - P.G. Wodehouse, Composer - P.G. Wodehouse, Lyricist - Bix Beiderbecke, Performer - Michael Brooks, Producer - Bix Beiderbecke & His Gang, Cornet - Lou Raderman, Performer - Tommy Rockwell, Producer - G. Gershwin, Composer - G. Gershwin, Lyricist - Manny Klein, Soprano - Manny Klein, Banjo - Manny Klein, Drums - Manny Klein, Piano - Manny Klein, Alto Saxophone - Manny Klein, Tenor Saxophone - Manny Klein, Clarinet - Manny Klein, Trumpet - Allen Weinberg, Director
Originally Released 1928 Sony Music Entertainment Inc.
Irving Kaufman, Vocal - Bix Beiderbecke, Performer - Michael Brooks, Producer - Bix Beiderbecke & His Gang, Cornet - J. Kern, Composer - J. Kern, Lyricist - Lou Raderman, Performer - O. Hammerstein II, Composer - O. Hammerstein II, Lyricist - Tommy Rockwell, Producer - Manny Klein, Soprano - Manny Klein, Banjo - Manny Klein, Drums - Manny Klein, Piano - Manny Klein, Alto Saxophone - Manny Klein, Tenor Saxophone - Manny Klein, Clarinet - Manny Klein, Trumpet - Allen Weinberg, Director
Originally Released 1928 Sony Music Entertainment Inc.
Irving Kaufman, Vocal - Bix Beiderbecke, Performer - Michael Brooks, Producer - Bix Beiderbecke & His Gang, Cornet - Lou Raderman, Performer - Tommy Rockwell, Producer - Oscar Hammerstein II, Composer - Oscar Hammerstein II, Lyricist - Manny Klein, Soprano - Manny Klein, Banjo - Manny Klein, Drums - Manny Klein, Piano - Manny Klein, Alto Saxophone - Manny Klein, Tenor Saxophone - Manny Klein, Clarinet - Manny Klein, Trumpet - Jerome Kern, Composer - Jerome Kern, Lyricist - Allen Weinberg, Director
Originally Released 1928 Sony Music Entertainment Inc.
Matty Malneck, Violin - Hal McDonald, Drums - T. Malie, Composer - T. Malie, Lyricist - Lennie Hayton & His Orchestra, Piano - J. Verges, Composer - J. Verges, Lyricist - Bix Beiderbecke & His Gang, Cornet - Eddie Lang, Guitar - Bill Rank, Trombone - C. Newman, Composer - C. Newman, Lyricist - Noel Taylor, Vocal - Tommy Rockwell, Producer - Izzy Friedman, Alto Saxophone - Izzy Friedman, Clarinet - Charles Margulis, Trumpet - Frank Trumbauer & His Orchestra, Saxophone - Chrles Strickfaden, Alto Saxophone - Frank Trumbauer & His Orchestra; featuring Bix Beiderbecke, Performer
Originally Released 1928 Sony Music Entertainment Inc.
Matty Malneck, Violin - Hal McDonald, Drums - Lennie Hayton & His Orchestra, Piano - Bix Beiderbecke & His Gang, Cornet - Eddie Lang, Guitar - Bill Rank, Trombone - Noel Taylor, Vocal - Tommy Rockwell, Producer - A. Gottler, Composer - A. Gottler, Lyricist - Izzy Friedman, Alto Saxophone - Izzy Friedman, Clarinet - Charles Margulis, Trumpet - Frank Trumbauer & His Orchestra, Saxophone - C. Tobias, Composer - C. Tobias, Lyricist - Chrles Strickfaden, Alto Saxophone - M. Pinkard, Composer - M. Pinkard, Lyricist - Frank Trumbauer & His Orchestra; featuring Bix Beiderbecke, Performer
Originally Released 1928 Sony Music Entertainment Inc.
Presentación del Álbum
This second installment into Bix's recorded career focuses on the sides he made while working as a member of Paul Whiteman's band. Cutting dates with old friends and bandmates like Frank Trumbauer, Adrian Rollini, Pee Wee Russell, Bill Rank, Eddie Lang, and drummer Chauncey Morehouse, these sides chronicle Bix's activities in the studios away from the "king of jazz" between 1927 and 1928. But don't consider all these sides as some sort of hot jazz oasis away from the more stilted arrangements of the Whiteman band; there's more than enough corn aboard on sides like "Mississippi Mud," two takes of "Clorinda," "Our Bungalow of Dreams," and "There'll Come a Time," several of these tracks clumsily adorned with annoying glee-club vocals. But sides like the two takes of "Three Blind Mice," "Sorry," "Jazz Me Blues," "Royal Garden Blues," and "Since My Best Gal Turned Me Down" show Bix still was full of creative ideas galore and a tone to die for. While conventional wisdom has this period as the start of Bix's musical decline, these sides show that there was much great music left in him.
© Cub Koda /TiVo
Acerca del álbum
- 1 disco(s) - 23 pista(s)
- Duración total: 01:08:43
- Artistas principales: Bix Beiderbecke
- Compositor: Various Composers
- Sello: Columbia Jazz Masterpieces
- Género Jazz Jazz tradicional & Nueva Orleans
(P) 1990 Sony Music Entertainment Inc..
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