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On Greater Need, Lorrie Morgan perfectly balanced slick contemporary country with rootsy honky tonk. Although the album is peppered with filler, like most country records, Morgan's performance is consistently stunning, and the best moments rank among her very finest work.
© Thom Owens /TiVo
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Lorrie Morgan, Associated Performer, Main Artist, Associated Performer - David Malloy, Composer, Lyricist - Anthony Crawford, Composer, Lyricist - Richard "Spady" Brannan, Composer, Lyricist - JAMES STROUD, Producer - Michael Black - Jana King - Curtis "Mr. Harmony" Young
(P) 1996 BMG Music
Lorrie Morgan, Associated Performer, Main Artist, Associated Performer - JAMES STROUD, Producer - John Moffat, Composer, Lyricist - Michael Black - Jana King - Curtis "Mr. Harmony" Young
(P) 1996 BMG Music
Lorrie Morgan, Associated Performer, Main Artist, Associated Performer - Constant Change, Composer, Lyricist - JAMES STROUD, Producer - Michael Black - Jana King - Curtis "Mr. Harmony" Young
(P) 1996 BMG Music
Lorrie Morgan, Associated Performer, Main Artist, Associated Performer - Vince Gill, Associated Performer, Featured Artist - Travis Tritt, Associated Performer, Featured Artist - Lorrie Morgan featuring Vince Gill and Travis Tritt, Associated Performer - JAMES STROUD, Producer - Kat Graham, Composer, Lyricist - J. Francis Keus, Composer, Lyricist
(P) 1996 BMG Music
Lorrie Morgan, Associated Performer, Main Artist, Associated Performer - JAMES STROUD, Producer - Skip Ewing, Composer, Lyricist - Victoria Shaw, Composer, Lyricist - Michael Black - Jana King - Curtis "Mr. Harmony" Young
(P) 1996 BMG Music
Lorrie Morgan, Associated Performer, Main Artist, Associated Performer - JAMES STROUD, Producer - Ray Pennington, Composer, Lyricist
(P) 1996 BMG Music
Lorrie Morgan and Jon Randall, Associated Performer, Main Artist, Associated Performer - Constant Change, Composer, Lyricist - JAMES STROUD, Producer
(P) 1996 RCA Records, a division of Sony Music Entertainment
Lorrie Morgan, Associated Performer, Main Artist, Associated Performer - Paul Nelson, Composer, Lyricist - Gayla Borders, Composer, Lyricist - Jeff Borders, Composer, Lyricist - JAMES STROUD, Producer
(P) 1996 BMG Music
Lorrie Morgan, Associated Performer, Main Artist, Associated Performer - Don Schlitz, Composer, Lyricist - Billy Livsey, Composer, Lyricist - JAMES STROUD, Producer - Michael Black - Jana King - Curtis "Mr. Harmony" Young
(P)1996, BMG Music
Lorrie Morgan, Associated Performer, Main Artist, Associated Performer - Lynn Gillespie Chater, Composer, Lyricist - Kerry Chater, Composer, Lyricist - Cyril Rawson, Composer, Lyricist - JAMES STROUD, Producer - Michael Black - Jana King - Jesse Whitley - Curtis "Mr. Harmony" Young
(P) 1996, BMG Music
Lorrie Morgan, Associated Performer, Main Artist, Associated Performer - JAMES STROUD, Producer - Skip Ewing, Composer, Lyricist - Donny Kees, Composer, Lyricist - Michael Black - Jana King - Curtis "Mr. Harmony" Young
(P) 1996 BMG Music
On Greater Need, Lorrie Morgan perfectly balanced slick contemporary country with rootsy honky tonk. Although the album is peppered with filler, like most country records, Morgan's performance is consistently stunning, and the best moments rank among her very finest work.
© Thom Owens /TiVo
Informationen zu dem Album
- 1 Disc(s) - 11 Track(s)
- Gesamte Laufzeit: 00:36:02
- Künstler: Lorrie Morgan
- Komponist: Various Composers
- Label: BNA Records Label
- Genre: Blues/Country/Folk Country
(P) 1996 BMG Entertainment
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