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After two years of legal struggles, rapper YNW Melly continues his musical career with second studio album (and fourth full-length release), Just a Matter of Slime. Pieced together primarily by his label while Melly was incarcerated and awaiting trial, the project features old vocals from the pre-2019 vault -- and as a result, the album's features tend to take the main stage. While his debut album, 2019's Melly vs. Melvin, was a relatively independent piece, Just a Matter of Slime sees him link up with a wide range of collaborators: Lil Uzi Vert provides a sleek sparring partner on "Mind of Melvin," Lil Baby and Lil Durk offer radio-ready shine on "Take Kare," and Future and Tee Grizzley give the "Freddy Krueger Remix" some gritty traces. Unfortunately, Melly's own vocals don't quite match the energy of his contemporaries (perhaps due to his lack of input in the final release) and as such, much of the album lacks the outlandish personality that made him so popular in the late 2010s. When combined with uninspired and sonically incohesive production, these tracks result in a lethargic layover tape, rather than a second full album.
© TiVo Staff /TiVo
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Chris Athens, Masterer - Lil Uzi Vert, FeaturedArtist - Symere Woods, Writer - Salvador Majail, Recorded by - Mega Beats, Producer - YNW Melly, Vocals, MainArtist - Zachary Gayden, Writer - Jamell Demons, Writer - Christian “The Scientist” Perez, Mixer - Gulf Shore Publishing, Writer
2021 2021
Chris Athens, Masterer - William Jeffery, Writer - Salvador Majail, Recorded by - YNW Melly, Vocals, MainArtist - Hotboii, FeaturedArtist - Will Jeffery, Producer - Jamell Demons, Writer - Javarri Walker, Writer - YNW Gunna, FeaturedArtist - Christian “The Scientist” Perez, Mixer - Gulf Shore Publishing, Writer - Jeremiah Dukes, Writer
2021 2021
Chris Athens, Masterer - Kodak Black, FeaturedArtist - Salvador Majail, Recorded by - YNW Melly, Vocals, MainArtist - Bill K. Kapri, Writer - Mazouz Beats, Producer - Jamell Demons, Writer - Christian “The Scientist” Perez, Mixer - Gulf Shore Publishing, Writer - Alexander Mazouz, Writer
2021 2021
Chris Athens, Masterer - Dominique Jones, Writer - Lil Durk, FeaturedArtist - Durk Banks, Writer - Lil Baby, FeaturedArtist - Salvador Majail, Recorded by - YNW Melly, Vocals, MainArtist - James Benjamin Thomas, Writer - Jamell Demons, Writer - Yoda Yae, Producer - Michael Nyhan, Writer - Christian “The Scientist” Perez, Mixer - Gulf Shore Publishing, Writer - Sean Fitzgerald Piatt JR, Writer
2021 2021
Chris Athens, Masterer - Selim Bouab, A&R Direction - Salvador Majail, Recorded by - YNW Melly, Vocals, MainArtist - Queen Naija, FeaturedArtist - Queen Naija Bulls, Writer - Yung Shad, Producer - Geoff Ogunlesi, A&R Direction - Jamell Demons, Writer - Rashad Simmons, Writer - Christian "The Scientist" Perez, Mixer - Yarico Beats, Producer - Wayne Massac, Writer
2021 2021
Chris Athens, Masterer - Salvador Majail, Recorded by - Osm, Producer - YNW Melly, Vocals, MainArtist - Yung Shad, Producer - Jamell Demons, Writer - Rashad Simmons, Writer - Wayne Massac, Writer - Savion Augustine, Writer - Christian “The Scientist” Perez, Mixer - Savion Beatz, Producer - Yarico, Producer - Denelson Deraverier, Writer
2021 2021
Chris Athens, Masterer - Young Thug, FeaturedArtist - Jeffery Williams, Writer - Taz Taylor, Producer - Cxdy, Producer - Cody Rounds, Writer - Salvador Majail, Recorded by - YNW Melly, Vocals, MainArtist - Ovrcz, Producer - Jamell Demons, Writer - Tanner Katich, Writer - OkTanner, Producer - Niccolo Justin Short, Writer - Christian “The Scientist” Perez, Mixer - Danny Dnodgrass, Writer
2021 2021
Chris Athens, Masterer - Salvador Majail, Recorded by - YNW Melly, Vocals, MainArtist - Lil Tjay, FeaturedArtist - Trillgotjuice, Producer - Tione Merritt, Writer - Jamell Demons, Writer - Antonio Ari Ramos, Writer - Christian “The Scientist” Perez, Mixer
2021 2021
Chris Athens, Masterer - Kevin Gates, Writer, FeaturedArtist - Michael Nguyen, Writer - Salvador Majail, Recorded by - YNW Melly, Vocals, MainArtist - Jamell Demons, Writer - Ey3zlow, Producer - Christian “The Scientist” Perez, Mixer
2021 2021
Chris Athens, Masterer - Salvador Majail, Recorded by - YNW Melly, Vocals, MainArtist - SMKEXCLSV, Producer - Jamell Demons, Writer - Eduardo Juarez Hernandez, Writer - Christian “The Scientist” Perez, Mixer
2021 2021
Chris Athens, Masterer - Future, FeaturedArtist - Nayvadius Wilburn, Writer - Tee Grizzley, FeaturedArtist - Salvador Majail, Recorded by - YNW Melly, Vocals, MainArtist - William Van Zandt, Producer, Writer - Jamell Demons, Writer - Terry Sanchez Wallace Jr., Writer - Christian “The Scientist” Perez, Mixer
2021 2021
Chris Athens, Masterer - Salvador Majail, Recorded by - YNW Melly, Vocals, MainArtist - Yung Shad, Producer - Jamell Demons, Writer - Rashad Simmons, Writer - Savion Augustine, Writer - Christian “The Scientist” Perez, Mixer - Savion Beatz, Producer
2021 2021
After two years of legal struggles, rapper YNW Melly continues his musical career with second studio album (and fourth full-length release), Just a Matter of Slime. Pieced together primarily by his label while Melly was incarcerated and awaiting trial, the project features old vocals from the pre-2019 vault -- and as a result, the album's features tend to take the main stage. While his debut album, 2019's Melly vs. Melvin, was a relatively independent piece, Just a Matter of Slime sees him link up with a wide range of collaborators: Lil Uzi Vert provides a sleek sparring partner on "Mind of Melvin," Lil Baby and Lil Durk offer radio-ready shine on "Take Kare," and Future and Tee Grizzley give the "Freddy Krueger Remix" some gritty traces. Unfortunately, Melly's own vocals don't quite match the energy of his contemporaries (perhaps due to his lack of input in the final release) and as such, much of the album lacks the outlandish personality that made him so popular in the late 2010s. When combined with uninspired and sonically incohesive production, these tracks result in a lethargic layover tape, rather than a second full album.
© TiVo Staff /TiVo
Informationen zu dem Album
- 1 Disc(s) - 12 Track(s)
- Gesamte Laufzeit: 00:43:26
- Künstler: YNW Melly
- Label: P2021
- Genre: Hip-Hop/Rap
2021 2021
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