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Stephen Goss, Composer - Zeek, Producer - Charlie Heat, Producer - Cousin Stizz, MainArtist - Ernest Brown III, Composer - Juan Z. Leonard, Composer
(C) 2022 Stizz Music Inc. under exclusive license to Independent (P) 2022 Stizz Music Inc. under exclusive license to Independent
Stephen Goss, Composer - M. Ali, Producer - Cousin Stizz, MainArtist - Tee-WaTT, Producer - Terry Kevontay Watson, Composer - Malcolm Ali, Composer
(C) 2022 Stizz Music Inc. under exclusive license to Independent (P) 2022 Stizz Music Inc. under exclusive license to Independent
Stephen Goss, Composer - Cousin Stizz, MainArtist - Tee-WaTT, Producer - Jackson Carroll, Composer - Dom Sarfo, Producer - Dominick Sarfo Sanford, Composer - beatsbyjaxx, Producer
(C) 2022 Stizz Music Inc. under exclusive license to Independent (P) 2022 Stizz Music Inc. under exclusive license to Independent
Stephen Goss, Composer - Charlie Heat, Producer - Cousin Stizz, MainArtist - Ernest Brown III, Composer - Snapz, Composer, Producer - Niles Groce, Composer
(C) 2022 Stizz Music Inc. under exclusive license to Independent (P) 2022 Stizz Music Inc. under exclusive license to Independent
Stephen Goss, Composer - Armaan, Producer - Cousin Stizz, MainArtist - Blasian Beats, Producer - Mathius Herman, Composer - Snapz, Producer - Niles Groce, Composer - Armaan Azeem, Composer - ________, Composer, Producer
(C) 2022 Stizz Music Inc. under exclusive license to Independent (P) 2022 Stizz Music Inc. under exclusive license to Independent
Stephen Goss, Composer - Cousin Stizz, MainArtist - Latrell James, Producer - Latrell Boyd, Composer
(C) 2022 Stizz Music Inc. under exclusive license to Independent (P) 2022 Stizz Music Inc. under exclusive license to Independent
Stephen Goss, Composer - Cousin Stizz, MainArtist - JUSTIN HOWZE, Composer - Mike Hector, Composer, Producer - Snapz, Producer - Niles Groce, Composer - BRICK!, Producer
(C) 2022 Stizz Music Inc. under exclusive license to Independent (P) 2022 Stizz Music Inc. under exclusive license to Independent
Stephen Goss, Composer - Halfway, Producer - Cousin Stizz, MainArtist - Snapz, Producer - Niles Groce, Composer - Aidan Crotinger, Composer - Michael Seven, Producer - Michael Robinson II, Composer
(C) 2022 Stizz Music Inc. under exclusive license to Independent (P) 2022 Stizz Music Inc. under exclusive license to Independent
Stephen Goss, Composer - Cousin Stizz, MainArtist - Kal Banx, Producer - Kalon Berry, Composer
(C) 2022 Stizz Music Inc. under exclusive license to Independent (P) 2022 Stizz Music Inc. under exclusive license to Independent
Stephen Goss, Composer - Cousin Stizz, Producer, MainArtist - Kal Banx, Producer - Kalon Berry, Composer
(C) 2022 Stizz Music Inc. under exclusive license to Independent (P) 2022 Stizz Music Inc. under exclusive license to Independent
Stephen Goss, Composer - Cousin Stizz, MainArtist - WaveIQ, Producer - Tavon Daniel Thompson, Composer
(C) 2022 Stizz Music Inc. under exclusive license to Independent (P) 2022 Stizz Music Inc. under exclusive license to Independent
Stephen Goss, Composer - Miguel Vargas, Composer - Cousin Stizz, MainArtist - LDG, Producer - Lawrence Greenidge, Composer - Luke Crowder, Composer, Producer
(C) 2022 Stizz Music Inc. under exclusive license to Independent (P) 2022 Stizz Music Inc. under exclusive license to Independent
Stephen Goss, Composer - Shante Franklin, Composer - Curren$y, FeaturedArtist - Cousin Stizz, MainArtist - Bouve, Producer - Harrison Bouve, Composer
(C) 2022 Stizz Music Inc. under exclusive license to Independent (P) 2022 Stizz Music Inc. under exclusive license to Independent
Informationen zu dem Album
- 1 Disc(s) - 13 Track(s)
- Gesamte Laufzeit: 00:35:51
- Künstler: Cousin Stizz
- Komponist: Various Composers
- Label: Stizz Music Inc.
- Genre: Hip-Hop/Rap
(C) 2022 Stizz Music Inc. under exclusive license to Independent (P) 2022 Stizz Music Inc. under exclusive license to Independent
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