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Not much changes in Florida rapper Rod Wave's formula on his fifth studio album, Nostalgia. His emotional delivery, melodic flows, gospel underpinnings, and pop-friendly approach to trap all have the same push and impact as on his 2022 effort Beautiful Mind, 2021's SoulFly, or any of his earlier records, with slightly more refined production reflecting Rod's chart-topping superstardom. There's a unified feeling throughout the almost-hour-long project, and it reaches its highest points right around the middle of the journey with the passionate melodic trap burner "Fight the Feeling," 21 Savage-aided celebration track "Turks & Caicos," and the pain-fueled storytelling of "Boyz Don't Cry," a tune emblematic of Rod Wave's heart-on-the-sleeve appeal.
© TiVo Staff /TiVo
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Wet, MainArtist, AssociatedPerformer - Kelly Zutrau, Composer - Joseph Valle, Composer - Rod Wave, MainArtist, AssociatedPerformer - Rodarius Green, Composer - EELMATIC, Producer - Lee Allen Speights III, Composer
(P) 2023 Alamo Records, LLC/Sony Music Entertainment
Aton, Producer - FAS, Producer - Rod Wave, MainArtist, AssociatedPerformer - Rodarius Green, Composer - Cameron Holmes, Composer - ProdByCamm, Producer - Dvosk, Producer - Daniel Voskoboynik, Composer - beatsbytrain, Producer - Bryan Austin Beachley, Composer
(P) 2023 Alamo Records, LLC/Sony Music Entertainment
Landers, Producer - McCoy, Producer - Ryan Bevolo, Composer, Producer - Rod Wave, MainArtist, AssociatedPerformer - Rodarius Green, Composer - Evan McCoy, Composer - Jack William Landers, Composer - beatsbytrain, Producer - Bryan Austin Beachley, Composer
(P) 2023 Alamo Records, LLC/Sony Music Entertainment
David Cabral, Composer - Rod Wave, MainArtist, AssociatedPerformer - Rodarius Green, Composer - AyoBleu, Producer - Braylen Rembert, Composer - Dkeyz, Producer - beatsbytrain, Producer - Bryan Austin Beachley, Composer
(P) 2023 Alamo Records, LLC/Sony Music Entertainment
Rod Wave, MainArtist, AssociatedPerformer - Rodarius Green, Composer - Desirez, Producer - Gabe Lucas, Composer, Producer - Brooderick Blanc, Composer
(P) 2023 Alamo Records, LLC/Sony Music Entertainment
Hayley Williams, Composer - Taylor York, Composer - Keyman, Producer - Rod Wave, MainArtist, AssociatedPerformer - Rodarius Green, Composer - Xyn, Producer - Hunter Sallis, Composer - beatsbytrain, Producer - Ryan Harroud, Composer - Bryan Austin Beachley, Composer
(P) 2023 Alamo Records, LLC/Sony Music Entertainment
Rod Wave, MainArtist, AssociatedPerformer - Rodarius Green, Composer - Dubba K, Producer - beatsbytrain, Producer - Bryan Austin Beachley, Composer - Konsta Korhonen, Composer
(P) 2023 Alamo Records, LLC/Sony Music Entertainment
Rod Wave, MainArtist, AssociatedPerformer - Rodarius Green, Composer - Fraxille, Producer - Cameron Holmes, Composer - ProdByCamm, Producer - Jonas Gunnes Gumdal, Composer - beatsbytrain, Producer - Bryan Austin Beachley, Composer
(P) 2023 Alamo Records, LLC/Sony Music Entertainment
Rod Wave, MainArtist, AssociatedPerformer - Rodarius Green, Composer - ThatBossEvan, Producer - Aldaz, Producer - beatsbytrain, Producer - Amineskrtt, Producer
(P) 2023 Alamo Records, LLC/Sony Music Entertainment
Justin Smith, Composer - Robert Relf, Composer - Ade, Producer - Reginald Payne, Composer - Tom Brock, Composer - Barry Bailey, Composer - George Belton, Composer - Charles Fleming, Composer - Larry Miller, Composer - 21 Savage, FeaturedArtist, AssociatedPerformer - Rod Wave, MainArtist, AssociatedPerformer - Rodarius Green, Composer - Sheyaa Bin Abraham-Joseph, Composer - Aderinsola Solebo, Composer - Rod Wave feat. 21 Savage, AssociatedPerformer
(P) 2023 Alamo Records, LLC/Sony Music Entertainment
Johnny Carter, Composer - Egon, Producer - Rod Wave, MainArtist, AssociatedPerformer - Rodarius Green, Composer - JLH, Producer - James Lanty-Hickson, Composer - beatsbytrain, Producer - AYOKXNZO, Producer - Bryan Austin Beachley, Composer
(P) 2023 Alamo Records, LLC/Sony Music Entertainment
Willie Jerome Byrd, Composer - Will A Fool, Producer - Rod Wave, MainArtist, AssociatedPerformer - Rodarius Green, Composer - BSQUARED, Producer - Ben Bull, Composer
(P) 2023 Alamo Records, LLC/Sony Music Entertainment
Flex, Producer - Antonio Ramos, Composer - Joseph Boyden, Composer - Thomas Horton, Composer - TnTxd, Producer - Rod Wave, MainArtist, AssociatedPerformer - Rodarius Green, Composer - Trillgotjuice, Producer - SephGotTheWaves, Producer - Geovocals, Producer - Georgia Boyden, Composer - Felix Govaerts, Composer
(P) 2023 Alamo Records, LLC/Sony Music Entertainment
Antonio Ramos, Composer - Thomas Horton, Composer - Dora Pereli, Composer - TnTxd, Producer - Rod Wave, MainArtist, AssociatedPerformer - Rodarius Green, Composer - Trillgotjuice, Producer - Londn Blue, Producer - Sterling Reynolds, Composer
(P) 2023 Alamo Records, LLC/Sony Music Entertainment
Will A Fool, Producer - LayZ, Producer - William Jerome Byrd, Composer - Rod Wave, MainArtist, AssociatedPerformer - Rodarius Green, Composer - Cameron Holmes, Composer - BSQUARED, Producer - Ben Bull, Composer - ProdByCamm, Producer - beatsbytrain, Producer - Bryan Austin Beachley, Composer
(P) 2023 Alamo Records, LLC/Sony Music Entertainment
Will A Fool, Producer - William Jerome Byrd, Composer - Rod Wave, MainArtist, AssociatedPerformer - Rodarius Green, Composer - BSQUARED, Producer - Ben Bull, Composer
(P) 2023 Alamo Records, LLC/Sony Music Entertainment
Ronny J, Producer - Ronald Spence Jr., Composer - Juko, Producer - Rod Wave, MainArtist, AssociatedPerformer - Rodarius Green, Composer - Jacob Sclaver, Composer
(P) 2023 Alamo Records, LLC/Sony Music Entertainment
Rod Wave, MainArtist, AssociatedPerformer - Rodarius Green, Composer - David Alexander Weinstein, Composer - EELMATIC, Producer - Grace Enger, Composer - Sadie Jean, MainArtist, AssociatedPerformer - Sadie Jean Wilcox, Composer - Lee Allen Speights III, Composer
(P) 2023 Alamo Records, LLC/Sony Music Entertainment
Not much changes in Florida rapper Rod Wave's formula on his fifth studio album, Nostalgia. His emotional delivery, melodic flows, gospel underpinnings, and pop-friendly approach to trap all have the same push and impact as on his 2022 effort Beautiful Mind, 2021's SoulFly, or any of his earlier records, with slightly more refined production reflecting Rod's chart-topping superstardom. There's a unified feeling throughout the almost-hour-long project, and it reaches its highest points right around the middle of the journey with the passionate melodic trap burner "Fight the Feeling," 21 Savage-aided celebration track "Turks & Caicos," and the pain-fueled storytelling of "Boyz Don't Cry," a tune emblematic of Rod Wave's heart-on-the-sleeve appeal.
© TiVo Staff /TiVo
Informationen zu dem Album
- 1 Disc(s) - 18 Track(s)
- Gesamte Laufzeit: 00:55:25
- 3 Videoclip
- Künstler: Rod Wave
- Komponist: Various Composers
- Label: Alamo
- Genre: Hip-Hop/Rap
(P) 2023 Alamo Records, LLC/Sony Music Entertainment
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