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Refreshing and impulsive, Philantropiques is the new project from French producer Fabrice Henri, aka Guts, who earned his stripes as a beatmaker for Alliance Ethnik, Big Red and Svinkels. This album is far from his hip-hop origins. The samples are simple but effective and take you from France to Africa, from the Caribbean to South America. Sultry instrumentals and organic vocals are omnipresent throughout the album and the solid grooves and choice guests ensure ambiance. The greatly inspired Haitian Jowee Omicil’s provides a magic touch with his brass sections and daring vocals (Voyaging Bird, Li Dous Konsa, Bougé Bagay La). The singing of Nazaré Pereira (Nosso Carimbó é do Mundo), Manuel Do Rosario Das Neves (Mucagiami), Pinduca et Catia Werneck (Já Nāo Há Mais Paz) transports you to Brazil. The joyous duo of singers DjeuhDjoah & Lieutenant Nicholson (Groove ma poule) and that of Pat Kalla (Daddy Sweet) lightens up the show. Here and there, the jazzman Florian Pellissier contributes his piano skills to the ensemble. Cyril Atef (half of Bumcello) provides frequent fiery percussive riffs that won’t fail to get you moving. All is meticulously polished off by American saxophonist Ben Abarbanel-Wolff (with Ebo Taylor and Pat Thomas). This record is packed with beautiful people, wonderful, fleeting instrumentals and a melting pot of groovy rhythms that have no place for doom and gloom.
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Guts, Producer, MainArtist - Cyril Atef, Drums - Fabrice Henri, Composer - Ben Abarbanel-Wolff, BaritoneSaxophone - Sékou Kouyaté, Guitar - Jowee Omicil, Composer, FeaturedArtist, LeadVocals, SopranoSaxophone - Christiane Prince, Contributor - Kenny Ruby, BassGuitar - Florian Pellissier, Keyboards - Sylvain Ruby, Composer - Adelaïde songeons, Trombone - Ben Abarbanel wolff, Composer
2019 Heavenly Sweetness 2019 Heavenly Sweetness
Guts, MainArtist - Cyril Atef, Drums - Vum Vum, FeaturedArtist, LeadVocals - Patricia Silveira, BackgroundVocals - Ben Abarbanel-Wolff, TenorSaxophone - Christiane Prince, Contributor - Kenny Ruby, BassGuitar - Erwan Loeffel, Percussion - Adelaïde songeons, Trombone - Manuel Do Rosario Das Neves, Composer - Lameck Makaba, Guitar
2019 Heavenly Sweetness 2019 Heavenly Sweetness
Guts, MainArtist - Cyril Atef, Composer, Drums, VocalEngineer - Claudio Jolowicz, Flute - Fabrice Henri, Composer - Caetano Malta, Guitar - Ben Abarbanel-Wolff, TenorSaxophone - Catia Werneck, FeaturedArtist, LeadVocals - Pedro barrios, Contributor - Kenny Ruby, Keyboards, BassGuitar - Erwan Loeffel, Percussion - Florian Pellissier, Composer, Keyboards - Sylvain Ruby, Composer - Adelaïde songeons, Trombone - Julien Matrot, Trumpet - Ben Abarbanel wolff, Composer - Donald R. Fields, Composer
2019 Heavenly Sweetness 2019 Heavenly Sweetness
Lieutenant Nicholson, FeaturedArtist, LeadVocals - DjeuhDjoah, FeaturedArtist, LeadVocals - Guts, Producer, MainArtist - Cyril Atef, Composer, Drums, Keyboards - Fabrice Henri, Composer - Ben Abarbanel-Wolff, BaritoneSaxophone, TenorSaxophone - Sékou Kouyaté, Guitar - Kenny Ruby, Keyboards, BassGuitar - Florian Pellissier, Keyboards - Dramane Dembele, Flute - Nicolas Voulzy, Composer - Adelaïde songeons, Trombone - Ben Abarbanel wolff, Composer - George Olivier Mondo, Composer - Syvlain Ruby, Composer
2019 Heavenly Sweetness 2019 Heavenly Sweetness
Guts, MainArtist - Cyril Atef, Drums, Percussion - Fabrice Henri, Composer - Caetano Malta, Guitar - Ben Abarbanel-Wolff, TenorSaxophone - Kenny Ruby, BassGuitar - Florian Pellissier, Keyboards - Pat Kalla, Composer, FeaturedArtist, LeadVocals - Dramane Dembele, Flute - Adelaïde songeons, Trombone - Julien Matrot, Trumpet - Ben Abarbanel wolff, Composer
2019 Heavenly Sweetness 2019 Heavenly Sweetness
Guts, Producer, MainArtist - Cyril Atef, Composer, Drums, Percussion - Fabrice Henri, Composer - Ben Abarbanel-Wolff, TenorSaxophone - Sékou Kouyaté, Guitar - Jowee Omicil, Composer, SopranoSaxophone - Christiane Prince, Contributor - Kenny Ruby, Composer, BassGuitar - Florian Pellissier, Keyboards - Adelaïde songeons, Trombone - Ben Abarbanel wolff, Composer
2019 Heavenly Sweetness 2019 Heavenly Sweetness
Guts, MainArtist - Cyril Atef, Drums, Percussion - Fabrice Henri, Composer - Mario Canonge, Piano - Ben Abarbanel-Wolff, TenorSaxophone - Black Sage, FeaturedArtist, LeadVocals - Kenny Ruby, BassGuitar - Sylvain Ruby, Composer - Adelaïde songeons, Trombone - Ben Abarbanel wolff, Composer
2019 Heavenly Sweetness 2019 Heavenly Sweetness
Guts, MainArtist - Cyril Atef, Drums, Percussion - Fabrice Henri, Composer - Ben Abarbanel-Wolff, Keyboards, Saxophone - Sékou Kouyaté, Guitar - Christiane Prince, Contributor - Kenny Ruby, BassGuitar - Florian Pellissier, Keyboards - Adelaïde songeons, Trombone - Julien Matrot, Trumpet - Ben Abarbanel wolff, Composer
2019 Heavenly Sweetness 2019 Heavenly Sweetness
Guts, MainArtist - Cyril Atef, Composer, Drums, Percussion - Fabrice Henri, Composer - Caetano Malta, Guitar - Ben Abarbanel-Wolff, TenorSaxophone - Kenny Ruby, BassGuitar - Florian Pellissier, Keyboards - Pat Kalla, LeadVocals - Kandy Guira, LeadVocals - Adelaïde songeons, Trombone - Emma Damadji, LeadVocals
2019 Heavenly Sweetness 2019 Heavenly Sweetness
Guts, MainArtist - Cyril Atef, Composer, Drums, Percussion - Fabrice Henri, Composer - Nazare Pereira, LeadVocals - Ben Abarbanel-Wolff, TenorSaxophone - Pinduca, FeaturedArtist, LeadVocals - Emma Lamadji, BackgroundVocals - Christiane Prince, Shakers - Pedro barrios, Contributor - Kenny Ruby, BassGuitar - Erwan Loeffel, Percussion - Adelaïde songeons, Trombone - Nazaré Peirera, FeaturedArtist - Aurino Quirino Gonçalves, Composer - Pinduca Family, Guitar, Keyboards, BackgroundVocals - Kandy Guir, BackgroundVocals
2019 Heavenly Sweetness 2019 Heavenly Sweetness
Guts, MainArtist - Cyril Atef, Composer, Drums, Percussion - Fabrice Henri, Composer - Ben Abarbanel-Wolff, TenorSaxophone - Kenny Ruby, BassGuitar - Sylvain Ruby, Composer - Adelaïde songeons, Trombone - Julien Matrot, Trumpet - Ben Abarbanel wolff, Composer
2019 Heavenly Sweetness 2019 Heavenly Sweetness
Guts, MainArtist - Cyril Atef, Composer, Drums - Fabrice Henri, Composer - Mario Canonge, Keyboards - Christiane Prince, Percussion - Kenny Ruby, BassGuitar - Antoine Leauva, Composer
2019 Heavenly Sweetness 2019 Heavenly Sweetness
Guts, MainArtist - Cyril Atef, Composer, Drums, Percussion, BackgroundVocals - Fabrice Henri, Composer - Ben Abarbanel-Wolff, BaritoneSaxophone, TenorSaxophone - Sékou Kouyaté, Guitar, Balafon - Jowee Omicil, Composer, BackgroundVocals - Christiane Prince, Shakers, BackgroundVocals - Kenny Ruby, BackgroundVocals, BassGuitar - Florian Pellissier, Keyboards - Sylvain Ruby, Composer - Dramane Dembele, Flute - Adelaïde songeons, Trombone - Julien Matrot, Trumpet - Ben Abarbanel wolff, Composer
2019 Heavenly Sweetness 2019 Heavenly Sweetness
Guts, MainArtist - Cyril Atef, Composer, Drums, Percussion - Fabrice Henri, Composer - Mario Canonge, Keyboards - Emma Lamadji, FeaturedArtist, LeadVocals - Kenny Ruby, BassGuitar - Sylvain Ruby, Composer - Kandy Guira, FeaturedArtist, LeadVocals - Ben Abarbanel wolff, Composer
2019 Heavenly Sweetness 2019 Heavenly Sweetness
Guts, Producer, MainArtist - Cyril Atef, Composer, Drums, Percussion - Fabrice Henri, Composer - Kenny Ruby, BassGuitar - Florian Pellissier, Composer - Sylvain Ruby, Composer - Amanda Roldan, FeaturedArtist, LeadVocals
2019 Heavenly Sweetness 2019 Heavenly Sweetness
Refreshing and impulsive, Philantropiques is the new project from French producer Fabrice Henri, aka Guts, who earned his stripes as a beatmaker for Alliance Ethnik, Big Red and Svinkels. This album is far from his hip-hop origins. The samples are simple but effective and take you from France to Africa, from the Caribbean to South America. Sultry instrumentals and organic vocals are omnipresent throughout the album and the solid grooves and choice guests ensure ambiance. The greatly inspired Haitian Jowee Omicil’s provides a magic touch with his brass sections and daring vocals (Voyaging Bird, Li Dous Konsa, Bougé Bagay La). The singing of Nazaré Pereira (Nosso Carimbó é do Mundo), Manuel Do Rosario Das Neves (Mucagiami), Pinduca et Catia Werneck (Já Nāo Há Mais Paz) transports you to Brazil. The joyous duo of singers DjeuhDjoah & Lieutenant Nicholson (Groove ma poule) and that of Pat Kalla (Daddy Sweet) lightens up the show. Here and there, the jazzman Florian Pellissier contributes his piano skills to the ensemble. Cyril Atef (half of Bumcello) provides frequent fiery percussive riffs that won’t fail to get you moving. All is meticulously polished off by American saxophonist Ben Abarbanel-Wolff (with Ebo Taylor and Pat Thomas). This record is packed with beautiful people, wonderful, fleeting instrumentals and a melting pot of groovy rhythms that have no place for doom and gloom.
Informationen zu dem Album
- 1 Disc(s) - 15 Track(s)
- Gesamte Laufzeit: 01:21:23
- Künstler: Guts
- Komponist: Various Composers
- Label: Heavenly Sweetness
- Genre: World Music Zouk & Musik von den Antillen
2019 Heavenly Sweetness 2019 Heavenly Sweetness
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