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Langue disponible : anglais
Keyboard maestro Gregg Giuffria originally planned to retain the Angel title for his second high-profile cinematic rock show, but the scalding ivories soaring throughout this record prove he's fully in charge, making the Giuffria moniker an apt band name. The long, blond angel always kicks off his projects with some cool keys, and the pulsing prelude to "Do Me Right" overpowers the rest of the song; like much of the album, this track devolves into a standard hair cut with symphonic trappings. Some abrupt occultism flies out of the flip's finale (spookiest cock rock craziness since the rise of Hagar's animal on Three Lock Box). Know now that both Giuffria platters are built around David Glen Eisley's voice, and enjoyment depends on how one takes to his heavy heaving. Plus, typical of this time period, some stuff sears, while some stuff sucks. But wistful weeper "Call to the Heart" rightfully remains Giuffria's crowning achievement and lone chart glory. Poor Giuffria remains a terrain-tethered star who never got off the ground.
© Doug Stone /TiVo
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Giuffria, MainArtist - Gregg Giuffria, Producer, ComposerLyricist - David Glen Eisley, ComposerLyricist
℗ 1984 UMG Recordings, Inc.
Giuffria, MainArtist - Gregg Giuffria, Producer, ComposerLyricist - David Glen Eisley, ComposerLyricist
℗ 1984 UMG Recordings, Inc.
Craig Goldy, ComposerLyricist - Giuffria, MainArtist - Gregg Giuffria, Producer, ComposerLyricist - David Glen Eisley, ComposerLyricist
℗ 1984 UMG Recordings, Inc.
Craig Goldy, ComposerLyricist - Giuffria, MainArtist - Gregg Giuffria, Producer, ComposerLyricist - David Glen Eisley, ComposerLyricist
℗ 1984 UMG Recordings, Inc.
Giuffria, MainArtist - Gregg Giuffria, Producer, ComposerLyricist - David Glen Eisley, ComposerLyricist
℗ 1984 UMG Recordings, Inc.
Giuffria, MainArtist - Gregg Giuffria, Producer, ComposerLyricist - David Glen Eisley, ComposerLyricist
℗ 1984 UMG Recordings, Inc.
Craig Goldy, ComposerLyricist - Giuffria, MainArtist - Gregg Giuffria, Producer, ComposerLyricist - David Glen Eisley, ComposerLyricist - Gregg Russell Giuffria, Producer
℗ 1984 UMG Recordings, Inc.
Giuffria, MainArtist - Gregg Giuffria, Producer, ComposerLyricist - David Glen Eisley, ComposerLyricist
℗ 1984 UMG Recordings, Inc.
Giuffria, MainArtist - Gregg Giuffria, Producer, ComposerLyricist - David Glen Eisley, ComposerLyricist
℗ 1984 UMG Recordings, Inc.
Giuffria, MainArtist - Gregg Giuffria, Producer, ComposerLyricist - David Glen Eisley, ComposerLyricist
℗ 1984 UMG Recordings, Inc.
Keyboard maestro Gregg Giuffria originally planned to retain the Angel title for his second high-profile cinematic rock show, but the scalding ivories soaring throughout this record prove he's fully in charge, making the Giuffria moniker an apt band name. The long, blond angel always kicks off his projects with some cool keys, and the pulsing prelude to "Do Me Right" overpowers the rest of the song; like much of the album, this track devolves into a standard hair cut with symphonic trappings. Some abrupt occultism flies out of the flip's finale (spookiest cock rock craziness since the rise of Hagar's animal on Three Lock Box). Know now that both Giuffria platters are built around David Glen Eisley's voice, and enjoyment depends on how one takes to his heavy heaving. Plus, typical of this time period, some stuff sears, while some stuff sucks. But wistful weeper "Call to the Heart" rightfully remains Giuffria's crowning achievement and lone chart glory. Poor Giuffria remains a terrain-tethered star who never got off the ground.
© Doug Stone /TiVo
À propos
- 1 disque(s) - 10 piste(s)
- Durée totale : 00:45:24
- Artistes principaux : Giuffria
- Compositeur : Various Composers
- Label : Geffen
- Genre : Pop/Rock Rock
© 1984 UMG Recordings, Inc. ℗ 1984 UMG Recordings, Inc.
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