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Coming off their 1982 masterpiece Under the Big Black Sun, X offered their follow-up More Fun in the New World one year later. While its predecessor won the band a slew of new fans, it didn't serve as the major breakthrough that it so deservedly should have. Rightfully, they didn't fool with their already winning formula; they issued another solid set of songs produced, again, by Ray Manzarek. The anthemic album opener "The New World" is still powerful years later, as is the absolutely beautiful ballad "I Must Not Think Bad Thoughts," which perfectly captures the paranoid feeling of Reagan's America in the '80s. X achieved new rough and rocking heights with the vicious "Devil Doll," "Painting the Town Blue," and "Make the Music Go Bang," while returning once again to their retro '50s roots with "Poor Girl." More Fun in the New World would prove to be Manzarek's final production credit with X, who would hook up with renowned heavy metal veteran Michael Wagener for their next release two years later, Ain't Love Grand!
© Greg Prato /TiVo
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JOHN DOE, Writer - Ray Manzarek, Producer - x, Band Member, Vocals, MainArtist - Cervenka, Writer - Doe, Writer
© 1983 Elektra Records ℗ 1983 Elektra Records for the United States and WEA International for the world outside of the United States.
Ray Manzarek, Producer - Otis Blackwell, Writer - x, Band Member, Vocals, MainArtist
© 1983 Elektra Records ℗ 1983 Elektra Records
JOHN DOE, Writer - Ray Manzarek, Producer - Otis Blackwell, Writer - x, Band Member, Vocals, MainArtist - Cevenka, Writer
© 1983 Elektra Records ℗ 1983 Elektra Records
JOHN DOE, Writer - Ray Manzarek, Producer - Otis Blackwell, Writer - x, Band Member, Vocals, MainArtist - Cervenka, Writer
© 1983 Elektra Records ℗ 1983 Elektra Records
Ray Manzarek, Producer - Otis Blackwell, Writer - x, Band Member, Vocals, MainArtist
© 1983 Elektra Records ℗ 1983 Elektra Records
Ray Manzarek, Producer - Otis Blackwell, Writer - x, Band Member, Vocals, MainArtist
© 1983 Elektra Records ℗ 1983 Elektra Records
Ray Manzarek, Producer - Otis Blackwell, Writer - x, Band Member, Vocals, MainArtist - Doe, Writer - Chevenka, Writer
© 1983 Elektra Records ℗ 1983 Elektra Entertainment for the United States and WEA International for the world outside of the United States.
JOHN DOE, Writer - Ray Manzarek, Producer - x, Band Member, Vocals, MainArtist - Cervenka, Writer - Doe, Writer - Exene Cervenka, Writer - Chevenka, Writer
© 1983 Elektra Records ℗ 1983 Elektra Records
Ray Manzarek, Producer - Otis Blackwell, Writer - x, Band Member, Vocals, MainArtist
© 1983 Elektra Records ℗ 1983 Elektra Records
Ray Manzarek, Producer - Otis Blackwell, Writer - x, Band Member, Vocals, MainArtist
© 1983 Elektra Records ℗ 1983 Elektra Records
Ray Manzarek, Producer - Otis Blackwell, Writer - x, Band Member, Vocals, MainArtist
© 1983 Elektra Records ℗ 1983 Elektra Records
Ray Manzarek, Producer - Otis Blackwell, Writer - x, Band Member, Vocals, MainArtist
© 1983 Elektra Records ℗ 1983 Elektra Records
JOHN DOE, Writer - Ray Manzarek, Producer - Otis Blackwell, Writer - x, Band Member, Vocals, MainArtist - Cevenka, Writer
© 1983 Elektra Records ℗ 1983 Elektra Records
Coming off their 1982 masterpiece Under the Big Black Sun, X offered their follow-up More Fun in the New World one year later. While its predecessor won the band a slew of new fans, it didn't serve as the major breakthrough that it so deservedly should have. Rightfully, they didn't fool with their already winning formula; they issued another solid set of songs produced, again, by Ray Manzarek. The anthemic album opener "The New World" is still powerful years later, as is the absolutely beautiful ballad "I Must Not Think Bad Thoughts," which perfectly captures the paranoid feeling of Reagan's America in the '80s. X achieved new rough and rocking heights with the vicious "Devil Doll," "Painting the Town Blue," and "Make the Music Go Bang," while returning once again to their retro '50s roots with "Poor Girl." More Fun in the New World would prove to be Manzarek's final production credit with X, who would hook up with renowned heavy metal veteran Michael Wagener for their next release two years later, Ain't Love Grand!
© Greg Prato /TiVo
À propos
- 1 disque(s) - 13 piste(s)
- Durée totale : 00:41:29
- Artistes principaux : X
- Label : Rhino - Elektra
- Genre : Pop/Rock Rock Alternatif et Indé
© 1983 Elektra Records ℗ 1983 Elektra Records. Marketed by Rhino Entertainment Company, a Warner Music Group Company.
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