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The second album from Palace Brothers would seem to barely qualify on either count -- at a shade over 27 minutes, Days in the Wake seems a bit skimpy in the era of the 80-minute CD, and only one song, "Come a Little Dog," clearly features any musicians besides Will Oldham and his rickety acoustic guitar. But the stark simplicity and audio vérité ambience of Days in the Wake builds on the already dramatic emotional power of There Is No-One What Will Take Care of You, and if Will Oldham's obsession with sin and retribution is less forcefully stated in these songs, that's not to say it isn't clearly present on most of these songs, especially the cautionary tale "You Will Miss Me When I Burn," the mournful but fiercely proud "No More Workhorse Blues," and "Pushkin," which begins with the declaration "God is the answer/God lies within," without making it sound like a concept in which Oldham can take much comfort. Oldham's lyrics would become increasingly cryptic from this point on, but while the literal meaning of songs like "Wither Thou Goest" and "I Am a Cinematographer" is elusive, the emotional power of these performances is as eloquent as anyone could hope for. Days in the Wake is the simplest work in the Palace canon, and among the very best. (Days in the Wake was originally released simply as Palace Brothers.)
© Mark Deming /TiVo
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Palace Brothers, Composer, MainArtist - Drag City Inc., MusicPublisher
1994 Drag City Inc. 1994 Drag City Inc.
Palace Brothers, Composer, MainArtist - Drag City Inc., MusicPublisher
1994 Drag City Inc. 1994 Drag City Inc.
Palace Brothers, Composer, MainArtist - Drag City Inc., MusicPublisher
1994 Drag City Inc. 1994 Drag City Inc.
Palace Brothers, Composer, MainArtist - Drag City Inc., MusicPublisher
1994 Drag City Inc. 1994 Drag City Inc.
Palace Brothers, Composer, MainArtist - Drag City Inc., MusicPublisher
1994 Drag City Inc. 1994 Drag City Inc.
Palace Brothers, Composer, MainArtist - Drag City Inc., MusicPublisher
1994 Drag City Inc. 1994 Drag City Inc.
Palace Brothers, Composer, MainArtist - Drag City Inc., MusicPublisher
1994 Drag City Inc. 1994 Drag City Inc.
Palace Brothers, Composer, MainArtist - Drag City Inc., MusicPublisher
1994 Drag City Inc. 1994 Drag City Inc.
Palace Brothers, Composer, MainArtist - Drag City Inc., MusicPublisher
1994 Drag City Inc. 1994 Drag City Inc.
Palace Brothers, Composer, MainArtist - Drag City Inc., MusicPublisher
1994 Drag City Inc. 1994 Drag City Inc.
Album review
The second album from Palace Brothers would seem to barely qualify on either count -- at a shade over 27 minutes, Days in the Wake seems a bit skimpy in the era of the 80-minute CD, and only one song, "Come a Little Dog," clearly features any musicians besides Will Oldham and his rickety acoustic guitar. But the stark simplicity and audio vérité ambience of Days in the Wake builds on the already dramatic emotional power of There Is No-One What Will Take Care of You, and if Will Oldham's obsession with sin and retribution is less forcefully stated in these songs, that's not to say it isn't clearly present on most of these songs, especially the cautionary tale "You Will Miss Me When I Burn," the mournful but fiercely proud "No More Workhorse Blues," and "Pushkin," which begins with the declaration "God is the answer/God lies within," without making it sound like a concept in which Oldham can take much comfort. Oldham's lyrics would become increasingly cryptic from this point on, but while the literal meaning of songs like "Wither Thou Goest" and "I Am a Cinematographer" is elusive, the emotional power of these performances is as eloquent as anyone could hope for. Days in the Wake is the simplest work in the Palace canon, and among the very best. (Days in the Wake was originally released simply as Palace Brothers.)
© Mark Deming /TiVo
About the album
- 1 disc(s) - 10 track(s)
- Total length: 00:26:55
- Main artists: Palace Brothers
- Composer: Palace Brothers
- Label: Drag City
- Genre: Pop/Rock Rock
1994 Drag City Inc. 1994 Drag City Inc.
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