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2017's Iteration was supposedly the end of the Com Truise saga, but the project itself continued with 2019's Persuasion System mini-album. Seth Haley switched up his equipment and worked on capturing some new sounds, but the results still fit the overall feel of his previous work. "Wordline" opens with woozy textures and a submerged computer voice, not dissimilar to Com Truise's past releases. However, other moments on the album are both mellower and more subdued. "Gaussian" begins with rolling storm clouds and continues with Ulrich Schnauss-like synth pads and ethereal pianos, ending with a warped explosion. "Ultrafiche of You" is Haley at his most unabashedly sentimental, with a slow, swaying beat embellished with ticking hi-hats, and heartfelt melodies rippling into choppy waves. If any Com Truise track would prompt the audience to reach for their lighters at one of his shows, this would be it. "Kontex" continues the balance of slow, back-and-forth melodies and sophisticated beats, while "Existence Schematic" is more of a burst of sunshine, with fast, jittery LinnDrums and richer, gauzier synth pads. Following the starry synth drama of "Privilege Escalation," the release ends on a surprising note with "Departure," a Twin Peaks-worthy atmospheric outro with New Order-esque bass guitar, revisiting the often overlooked post-punk influence present throughout Com Truise's work. Persuasion System signals a bit of a different approach for Haley, but not so much that it will alienate anyone who enjoyed his earlier releases.
© Paul Simpson /TiVo
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Com Truise, Artist, MainArtist - Seth Haley, Composer, Producer - CONTROLPOPMUSIK, MusicPublisher
2019 Ghostly International 2019 Ghostly International
Com Truise, Artist, MainArtist - Seth Haley, Composer, Producer - CONTROLPOPMUSIK, MusicPublisher
2019 Ghostly International 2019 Ghostly International
Com Truise, Artist, MainArtist - Seth Haley, Composer, Producer - CONTROLPOPMUSIK, MusicPublisher
2019 Ghostly International 2019 Ghostly International
Com Truise, Artist, MainArtist - Seth Haley, Composer, Producer - CONTROLPOPMUSIK, MusicPublisher
2019 Ghostly International 2019 Ghostly International
Com Truise, Artist, MainArtist - Seth Haley, Composer, Producer - CONTROLPOPMUSIK, MusicPublisher
2019 Ghostly International 2019 Ghostly International
Com Truise, Artist, MainArtist - Seth Haley, Composer, Producer - CONTROLPOPMUSIK, MusicPublisher
2019 Ghostly International 2019 Ghostly International
Com Truise, Artist, MainArtist - Seth Haley, Composer, Producer - CONTROLPOPMUSIK, MusicPublisher
2019 Ghostly International 2019 Ghostly International
Com Truise, Artist, MainArtist - Seth Haley, Composer, Producer - CONTROLPOPMUSIK, MusicPublisher
2019 Ghostly International 2019 Ghostly International
Com Truise, Artist, MainArtist - Seth Haley, Composer, Producer - CONTROLPOPMUSIK, MusicPublisher
2019 Ghostly International 2019 Ghostly International
2017's Iteration was supposedly the end of the Com Truise saga, but the project itself continued with 2019's Persuasion System mini-album. Seth Haley switched up his equipment and worked on capturing some new sounds, but the results still fit the overall feel of his previous work. "Wordline" opens with woozy textures and a submerged computer voice, not dissimilar to Com Truise's past releases. However, other moments on the album are both mellower and more subdued. "Gaussian" begins with rolling storm clouds and continues with Ulrich Schnauss-like synth pads and ethereal pianos, ending with a warped explosion. "Ultrafiche of You" is Haley at his most unabashedly sentimental, with a slow, swaying beat embellished with ticking hi-hats, and heartfelt melodies rippling into choppy waves. If any Com Truise track would prompt the audience to reach for their lighters at one of his shows, this would be it. "Kontex" continues the balance of slow, back-and-forth melodies and sophisticated beats, while "Existence Schematic" is more of a burst of sunshine, with fast, jittery LinnDrums and richer, gauzier synth pads. Following the starry synth drama of "Privilege Escalation," the release ends on a surprising note with "Departure," a Twin Peaks-worthy atmospheric outro with New Order-esque bass guitar, revisiting the often overlooked post-punk influence present throughout Com Truise's work. Persuasion System signals a bit of a different approach for Haley, but not so much that it will alienate anyone who enjoyed his earlier releases.
© Paul Simpson /TiVo
À propos
- 1 disque(s) - 9 piste(s)
- Durée totale : 00:33:09
- Artistes principaux : Com Truise
- Compositeur : Com Truise
- Maison de disque : Ghostly International
- Genre : Électronique
2019 Ghostly International 2019 Ghostly International
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