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Carla Cook's Dem Bones follows her critically acclaimed and commercially successful Maxjazz debut, It's All About Love. The Grammy-nominated artist taps into her diverse musical influences and presents a musical autobiography reflected in 11 songs. The precision of her multi-hued voice is accompanied by such great musicians as Cyrus Chestnut on piano; Fred Wesley, Craig Harris, and Tyrone Jefferson on trombones; James Genus on bass; and Billy Kilson on drums. Packed with straight-ahead jazz, the crowning glory on this CD is the approach she uses on the title cut, "Dem Bones." Tastefully arranged for three trombones (her voice being the fourth "bone") Cook's presentation adds a modern dimension to the use of the trombone -- both muted and open -- as an expressive "voice" in a jazz composition. Wesley, Craig, and Jefferson show just how expressive in a wonderfully improvised section that features them slurring and sliding on their "bones." Another great song is "For the Elders," a bebop piece that shines with Cyrus Chestnut's light piano stylings set against Cook's voice in tandem with the trombone. Craig Harris' solo is once again stellar and indicative of the remarkable versatility of this instrument in capable hands. Since Carla Cook has such a great voice (not only for jazz, but for R&B and gospel as well), along with excellent taste in song selection, Dem Bones should maintain her loyal following. With something for everyone, it represents her excellent jazz vocal techniques very well and rises to the occasion -- one that can be defined as a great hour of jazz.
© Paula Edelstein /TiVo
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Carla Cook, MainArtist - BVC Inc. (ASCAP), MusicPublisher
(C) 2001 MAXJAZZ (P) 2001 Mack Avenue Records II, LLC
WB Music Corp (ASCAP), MusicPublisher - Carla Cook, MainArtist
(C) 2001 MAXJAZZ (P) 2001 Mack Avenue Records II, LLC
Carla Cook, MainArtist - Twenty Eight St. Music (ASCAP), MusicPublisher
(C) 2001 MAXJAZZ (P) 2001 Mack Avenue Records II, LLC
Carla Cook, MainArtist - Cookin' Music (BMI), MusicPublisher
(C) 2001 MAXJAZZ (P) 2001 Mack Avenue Records II, LLC
Carla Cook, MainArtist - EMI Robbins Catalog (ASCAP), MusicPublisher
(C) 2001 MAXJAZZ (P) 2001 Mack Avenue Records II, LLC
Carla Cook, MainArtist - Universal MCA Music (ASCAP), MusicPublisher
(C) 2001 MAXJAZZ (P) 2001 Mack Avenue Records II, LLC
Carla Cook, MainArtist - Corcovado Music Corp (BMI), MusicPublisher
(C) 2001 MAXJAZZ (P) 2001 Mack Avenue Records II, LLC
Carla Cook, MainArtist - Eulipion Ventures (BMI), MusicPublisher
(C) 2001 MAXJAZZ (P) 2001 Mack Avenue Records II, LLC
PUBLIC DOMAIN, MusicPublisher - Carla Cook, MainArtist
(C) 2001 MAXJAZZ (P) 2001 Mack Avenue Records II, LLC
Carla Cook, MainArtist - Sanga Music Inc (BMI), MusicPublisher
(C) 2001 MAXJAZZ (P) 2001 Mack Avenue Records II, LLC
Carla Cook, MainArtist - Cookin' Music (BMI), MusicPublisher
(C) 2001 MAXJAZZ (P) 2001 Mack Avenue Records II, LLC
Carla Cook's Dem Bones follows her critically acclaimed and commercially successful Maxjazz debut, It's All About Love. The Grammy-nominated artist taps into her diverse musical influences and presents a musical autobiography reflected in 11 songs. The precision of her multi-hued voice is accompanied by such great musicians as Cyrus Chestnut on piano; Fred Wesley, Craig Harris, and Tyrone Jefferson on trombones; James Genus on bass; and Billy Kilson on drums. Packed with straight-ahead jazz, the crowning glory on this CD is the approach she uses on the title cut, "Dem Bones." Tastefully arranged for three trombones (her voice being the fourth "bone") Cook's presentation adds a modern dimension to the use of the trombone -- both muted and open -- as an expressive "voice" in a jazz composition. Wesley, Craig, and Jefferson show just how expressive in a wonderfully improvised section that features them slurring and sliding on their "bones." Another great song is "For the Elders," a bebop piece that shines with Cyrus Chestnut's light piano stylings set against Cook's voice in tandem with the trombone. Craig Harris' solo is once again stellar and indicative of the remarkable versatility of this instrument in capable hands. Since Carla Cook has such a great voice (not only for jazz, but for R&B and gospel as well), along with excellent taste in song selection, Dem Bones should maintain her loyal following. With something for everyone, it represents her excellent jazz vocal techniques very well and rises to the occasion -- one that can be defined as a great hour of jazz.
© Paula Edelstein /TiVo
Informationen zu dem Album
- 1 Disc(s) - 11 Track(s)
- Gesamte Laufzeit: 01:00:25
- Künstler: Carla Cook
- Label: MAXJAZZ
- Genre: Jazz Jazzgesang
(C) 2001 MAXJAZZ (P) 2001 Mack Avenue Records II, LLC
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