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As a suburban California kid, DJ Shadow tended to treat hip-hop as a musical innovation, not as an explicit social protest, which goes a long way toward explaining why his debut album, Endtroducing....., sounded like nothing else at the time of its release. Using hip-hop, not only its rhythms but its cut-and-paste techniques, as a foundation, Shadow created a deep, endlessly intriguing world on Endtroducing....., one where there are no musical genres, only shifting sonic textures and styles. Shadow created the entire album from samples, almost all pulled from obscure, forgotten vinyl, and the effect is that of a hazy, half-familiar dream -- parts of the record sound familiar, yet it's clear that it only suggests music you've heard before, and that the multi-layered samples and genres create something new. And that's one of the keys to the success of Endtroducing.....: it's innovative, but it builds on a solid historical foundation, giving it a rich, multifaceted sound. It's not only a major breakthrough for hip-hop and electronica, but for pop music.
© Stephen Thomas Erlewine /TiVo
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Josh Davis, Composer - DJ SHADOW, Producer, MainArtist, MixingEngineer
2005 Universal-Island Records Ltd. 2005 Universal-Island Records Ltd.
Josh Davis, Composer - DJ SHADOW, Producer, MainArtist, MixingEngineer - Jeremy Storch, Composer
2005 Universal-Island Records Ltd. 2005 Universal-Island Records Ltd.
Josh Davis, Composer - DJ SHADOW, Producer, MainArtist, MixingEngineer
2005 Universal-Island Records Ltd. 2005 Universal-Island Records Ltd.
DJ SHADOW, Producer, MainArtist, MixingEngineer
2005 Universal-Island Records Ltd. 2005 Universal-Island Records Ltd.
Jimmy Heath, Composer - Josh Davis, Composer - DJ SHADOW, Producer, MainArtist, MixingEngineer
2005 Universal-Island Records Ltd. 2005 Universal-Island Records Ltd.
Josh Davis, Composer - DJ SHADOW, Producer, MainArtist, MixingEngineer
2005 Universal-Island Records Ltd. 2005 Universal-Island Records Ltd.
DJ SHADOW, Producer, MainArtist, MixingEngineer
2005 Universal-Island Records Ltd. 2005 Universal-Island Records Ltd.
Bjork, Composer - Josh Davis, Composer - DJ SHADOW, Producer, MainArtist, MixingEngineer
2005 Universal-Island Records Ltd. 2005 Universal-Island Records Ltd.
Josh Davis, Composer - DJ SHADOW, Producer, MainArtist, MixingEngineer
2005 Universal-Island Records Ltd. 2005 Universal-Island Records Ltd.
Josh Davis, Composer - DJ SHADOW, Producer, MainArtist, MixingEngineer
2005 Universal-Island Records Ltd. 2005 Universal-Island Records Ltd.
Josh Davis, Composer - DJ SHADOW, Producer, MainArtist, MixingEngineer - Baraka, Composer - Pekka Pohoja, Composer
2005 Universal-Island Records Ltd. 2005 Universal-Island Records Ltd.
DJ SHADOW, Producer, MainArtist, MixingEngineer
2005 Universal-Island Records Ltd. 2005 Universal-Island Records Ltd.
DJ SHADOW, MainArtist
2005 Universal-Island Records Ltd. 2005 Universal-Island Records Ltd.
Josh Davis, Composer - DJ SHADOW, Producer, MainArtist, MixingEngineer
2005 Universal-Island Records Ltd. 2005 Universal-Island Records Ltd.
Josh Davis, Composer - DJ SHADOW, Producer, MainArtist, MixingEngineer - Jeremy Storch, Composer
2005 Universal-Island Records Ltd. 2005 Universal-Island Records Ltd.
Cut Chemist, MixingEngineer - Josh Davis, Composer - DJ SHADOW, Producer, MainArtist
2005 Universal-Island Records Ltd. 2005 Universal-Island Records Ltd.
Peter Baumann, Composer - DJ SHADOW, Producer, MainArtist, MixingEngineer - Chris Franke, Composer - Edgar Froese, Composer - John Paul Davis, Composer
2005 Universal-Island Records Ltd. 2005 Universal-Island Records Ltd.
Josh Davis, Composer - DJ SHADOW, Producer, MainArtist, MixingEngineer - George Alex Spyropoulos, Composer - Patrick Campbell-Lyons, Composer
2005 Universal-Island Records Ltd. 2005 Universal-Island Records Ltd.
Josh Davis, Composer - DJ SHADOW, Producer, MainArtist, MixingEngineer
2005 Universal-Island Records Ltd. 2005 Universal-Island Records Ltd.
Josh Davis, Composer - DJ SHADOW, Producer, MainArtist, MixingEngineer
2005 Universal-Island Records Ltd. 2005 Universal-Island Records Ltd.
Bjork, Composer - Josh Davis, Composer - DJ SHADOW, Producer, MainArtist, MixingEngineer
2005 Universal-Island Records Ltd. 2005 Universal-Island Records Ltd.
Josh Davis, Composer, Producer, MixingEngineer - DJ SHADOW, MainArtist
2005 Universal-Island Records Ltd. 2005 Universal-Island Records Ltd.
Josh Davis, Composer - DJ SHADOW, Producer, MainArtist, MixingEngineer
2005 Universal-Island Records Ltd. 2005 Universal-Island Records Ltd.
Josh Davis, Composer - DJ SHADOW, Producer, MainArtist, MixingEngineer - Tim Parker, Composer
2005 Universal-Island Records Ltd. 2005 Universal-Island Records Ltd.
Josh Davis, Composer - DJ SHADOW, Producer, MainArtist
2005 Universal-Island Records Ltd. 2005 Universal-Island Records Ltd.
Jimmy Heath, Composer - Josh Davis, Composer - DJ SHADOW, Producer, MainArtist
2005 Universal-Island Records Ltd. 2005 Universal-Island Records Ltd.
DJ SHADOW, MainArtist, MixingEngineer
2005 Universal-Island Records Ltd. 2005 Universal-Island Records Ltd.
As a suburban California kid, DJ Shadow tended to treat hip-hop as a musical innovation, not as an explicit social protest, which goes a long way toward explaining why his debut album, Endtroducing....., sounded like nothing else at the time of its release. Using hip-hop, not only its rhythms but its cut-and-paste techniques, as a foundation, Shadow created a deep, endlessly intriguing world on Endtroducing....., one where there are no musical genres, only shifting sonic textures and styles. Shadow created the entire album from samples, almost all pulled from obscure, forgotten vinyl, and the effect is that of a hazy, half-familiar dream -- parts of the record sound familiar, yet it's clear that it only suggests music you've heard before, and that the multi-layered samples and genres create something new. And that's one of the keys to the success of Endtroducing.....: it's innovative, but it builds on a solid historical foundation, giving it a rich, multifaceted sound. It's not only a major breakthrough for hip-hop and electronica, but for pop music.
© Stephen Thomas Erlewine /TiVo
Informationen zu dem Album
- 2 Disc(s) - 27 Track(s)
- Gesamte Laufzeit: 02:02:02
- Künstler: DJ Shadow
- Komponist: Various Composers
- Label: [PIAS] Recordings Catalogue
- Genre: Hip-Hop/Rap
2005 Universal-Island Records Ltd. 2005 Universal-Island Records Ltd.
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