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Curb Records does it again: beats the dead horse, that is. After releasing no less than seven previous Tim McGraw hits compilations -- several just in order to keep him under contract -- and only issuing Emotional Traffic, his last album for them after they lost a protracted legal battle, the label releases this compilation just as McGraw is riding a successful pre-release single in "Looking for That Girl." (They pulled the same stunt just before Two Lanes of Freedom was released, issuing the cash-in comp Tim McGraw & Friends, a collection of duets compiled from over 20 years.) Love Story contains McGraw's most well-known amorous tunes and a pair of previously unreleased tracks -- "I Just Love You" and "What About You" -- available exclusively through Wal-Mart.
© Thom Jurek /TiVo
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Faith Hill, FeaturedArtist - Tim McGraw, MainArtist
2014 Curb Records, Inc. 2013 Curb Records, Inc.
Tim McGraw, MainArtist
2014 Curb Records, Inc. 2014 Curb Records, Inc.
Tim McGraw, MainArtist
2014 Curb Records, Inc. 2014 Curb Records, Inc.
Tim McGraw, MainArtist
2014 Curb Records, Inc. 2015 Curb Records, Inc.
Tim McGraw, MainArtist
2014 Curb Records, Inc. 2015 Curb Records, Inc.
Tim McGraw, MainArtist
2014 Curb Records, Inc. 2014 Curb Records, Inc.
Tim McGraw, MainArtist
2014 Curb Records, Inc. 2017 Curb Records, Inc.
Tim McGraw, MainArtist
2014 Curb Records, Inc. 2015 Curb Records, Inc.
Tim McGraw, MainArtist
2014 Curb Records, Inc. 2015 Curb Records, Inc.
Tim McGraw, MainArtist
2014 Curb Records, Inc. 2014 Curb Records, Inc.
Tim McGraw, MainArtist
2014 Curb Records, Inc. 2014 Curb Records, Inc.
Tim McGraw, MainArtist
2014 Curb Records, Inc. 2014 Curb Records, Inc.
Tim McGraw, MainArtist
2014 Curb Records, Inc. 2014 Curb Records, Inc.
Tim McGraw, MainArtist
2014 Curb Records, Inc. 2014 Curb Records, Inc.
Curb Records does it again: beats the dead horse, that is. After releasing no less than seven previous Tim McGraw hits compilations -- several just in order to keep him under contract -- and only issuing Emotional Traffic, his last album for them after they lost a protracted legal battle, the label releases this compilation just as McGraw is riding a successful pre-release single in "Looking for That Girl." (They pulled the same stunt just before Two Lanes of Freedom was released, issuing the cash-in comp Tim McGraw & Friends, a collection of duets compiled from over 20 years.) Love Story contains McGraw's most well-known amorous tunes and a pair of previously unreleased tracks -- "I Just Love You" and "What About You" -- available exclusively through Wal-Mart.
© Thom Jurek /TiVo
Informationen zu dem Album
- 1 Disc(s) - 14 Track(s)
- Gesamte Laufzeit: 00:57:56
- Künstler: Tim McGraw
- Label: Curb Records, Inc.
- Genre: Blues/Country/Folk Country
2014 Curb Records, Inc. 2014 Curb Records, Inc.
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