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Although he was never inactive, the 1980s found Tito Puente in a bit of a renaissance. His exciting Afro-Cuban jazz band had found a home on the Concord Picante label, and his music was increasing in popularity again. This particular CD has a stronger than usual repertoire, including "Take Five," "Lush Life" (done as Latin jazz), "Pick Yourself Up" and "Lullaby of Birdland"; the latter song has its composer George Shearing guesting on piano. Puente wrote half of the arrangements, contributed some excellent playing on timbales and vibes, and is heard heading a spirited three-horn, three-percussion octet. Very enjoyable music.
© Scott Yanow /TiVo
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Nick Phillips, Producer, Recording Producer - Tito Puente, Producer, Vibraphone, Timbales , Recording Producer, MainArtist, AssociatedPerformer, ComposerLyricist - Chris Long, Producer - Johnny Rodriguez, Percussion, Bongos, AssociatedPerformer - Mario Rivera, Flute, Saxophone, AssociatedPerformer - Phil Edwards, Recording Engineer, Mix Engineer, StudioPersonnel - George Horn, Mastering Engineer, StudioPersonnel - Kevin Gray, Mastering Engineer, StudioPersonnel - Bobby Rodriguez, Electric Bass, AssociatedPerformer - Sonny Bravo, Piano, AssociatedPerformer - Jimmy Frisaura, Flugelhorn, Trombone, Trumpet, AssociatedPerformer - Ray Gonzales, Flugelhorn, Trumpet, AssociatedPerformer - Carl Jefferson, Producer, Recording Producer
℗ 2023 Concord Picante
Tito Puente, Producer, Vibraphone, Timbales , Recording Producer, MainArtist, AssociatedPerformer - Paul Desmond, ComposerLyricist - Chris Long, Producer - Johnny Rodriguez, Percussion, Bongos, AssociatedPerformer - Mario Rivera, Flute, Saxophone, AssociatedPerformer - Phil Edwards, Recording Engineer, Mix Engineer, StudioPersonnel - George Horn, Mastering Engineer, StudioPersonnel - Kevin Gray, Mastering Engineer, StudioPersonnel - Bobby Rodriguez, Electric Bass, AssociatedPerformer - Sonny Bravo, Piano, AssociatedPerformer - Jimmy Frisaura, Flugelhorn, Trombone, Trumpet, AssociatedPerformer - Ray Gonzales, Flugelhorn, Trumpet, AssociatedPerformer - Carl Jefferson, Producer, Recording Producer
℗ 2023 Concord Picante
Tito Puente, Producer, Vibraphone, Timbales , Recording Producer, MainArtist, AssociatedPerformer - Billy Strayhorn, ComposerLyricist - Chris Long, Producer - Johnny Rodriguez, Percussion, Bongos, AssociatedPerformer - Mario Rivera, Flute, Saxophone, AssociatedPerformer - Phil Edwards, Recording Engineer, Mix Engineer, StudioPersonnel - George Horn, Mastering Engineer, StudioPersonnel - Kevin Gray, Mastering Engineer, StudioPersonnel - Bobby Rodriguez, Electric Bass, AssociatedPerformer - Sonny Bravo, Piano, AssociatedPerformer - Jimmy Frisaura, Flugelhorn, Trombone, Trumpet, AssociatedPerformer - Ray Gonzales, Flugelhorn, Trumpet, AssociatedPerformer - Carl Jefferson, Producer, Recording Producer
℗ 2023 Concord Picante
Jerome Kern, ComposerLyricist - Dorothy Fields, ComposerLyricist - Tito Puente, Producer, Vibraphone, Timbales , Recording Producer, MainArtist, AssociatedPerformer - Chris Long, Producer - Johnny Rodriguez, Percussion, Bongos, AssociatedPerformer - Mario Rivera, Flute, Saxophone, AssociatedPerformer - Phil Edwards, Recording Engineer, Mix Engineer, StudioPersonnel - George Horn, Mastering Engineer, StudioPersonnel - Kevin Gray, Mastering Engineer, StudioPersonnel - Bobby Rodriguez, Electric Bass, AssociatedPerformer - Sonny Bravo, Piano, AssociatedPerformer - Jimmy Frisaura, Flugelhorn, Trombone, Trumpet, AssociatedPerformer - Ray Gonzales, Flugelhorn, Trumpet, AssociatedPerformer - Carl Jefferson, Producer, Recording Producer
℗ 2023 Concord Picante
Pete Escovedo, Conga, AssociatedPerformer - Tito Puente, Producer, Vibraphone, Timbales , Recording Producer, MainArtist, AssociatedPerformer - GEORGE DAVID WEISS, ComposerLyricist - George Shearing, Piano, FeaturedArtist, AssociatedPerformer, ComposerLyricist - Phil Woods, Alto Saxophone, AssociatedPerformer - Chris Long, Producer - Johnny Rodriguez, Percussion, Bongos, AssociatedPerformer - Maynard Ferguson, Flugelhorn, AssociatedPerformer - Mario Rivera, Flute, Saxophone, AssociatedPerformer - Phil Edwards, Recording Engineer, Mix Engineer, StudioPersonnel - George Horn, Mastering Engineer, StudioPersonnel - Terry Gibbs, Vibraphone, AssociatedPerformer - Kevin Gray, Mastering Engineer, StudioPersonnel - Bobby Rodriguez, Electric Bass, AssociatedPerformer - Sonny Bravo, Piano, AssociatedPerformer - Jimmy Frisaura, Flugelhorn, Trombone, Trumpet, AssociatedPerformer - Ray Gonzales, Flugelhorn, Trumpet, AssociatedPerformer - Carl Jefferson, Producer, Recording Producer
℗ 2023 Concord Picante
Tito Puente, Producer, Vibraphone, Timbales , Recording Producer, MainArtist, AssociatedPerformer - Chris Long, Producer - Johnny Rodriguez, Percussion, Bongos, AssociatedPerformer - Mario Rivera, Flute, Saxophone, AssociatedPerformer - Phil Edwards, Recording Engineer, Mix Engineer, StudioPersonnel - George Horn, Mastering Engineer, StudioPersonnel - José Delgado Pérez, ComposerLyricist - Kevin Gray, Mastering Engineer, StudioPersonnel - Bobby Rodriguez, Electric Bass, AssociatedPerformer - Sonny Bravo, Piano, AssociatedPerformer - Jimmy Frisaura, Flugelhorn, Trombone, Trumpet, AssociatedPerformer - Ray Gonzales, Flugelhorn, Trumpet, AssociatedPerformer - Carl Jefferson, Producer, Recording Producer
℗ 2023 Concord Picante
Tito Puente, Producer, Vibraphone, Timbales , Recording Producer, MainArtist, AssociatedPerformer, ComposerLyricist - Chris Long, Producer - Johnny Rodriguez, Percussion, Bongos, AssociatedPerformer - Mario Rivera, Flute, Saxophone, AssociatedPerformer - Phil Edwards, Recording Engineer, Mix Engineer, StudioPersonnel - George Horn, Mastering Engineer, StudioPersonnel - Kevin Gray, Mastering Engineer, StudioPersonnel - Bobby Rodriguez, Electric Bass, AssociatedPerformer - Sonny Bravo, Piano, AssociatedPerformer - Jimmy Frisaura, Flugelhorn, Trombone, Trumpet, AssociatedPerformer - Ray Gonzales, Flugelhorn, Trumpet, AssociatedPerformer - Carl Jefferson, Producer, Recording Producer
℗ 2023 Concord Picante
Tito Puente, Producer, Vibraphone, Timbales , Recording Producer, MainArtist, AssociatedPerformer - Mulgrew Miller, ComposerLyricist - Chris Long, Producer - Johnny Rodriguez, Percussion, Bongos, AssociatedPerformer - Mario Rivera, Flute, Saxophone, AssociatedPerformer - Phil Edwards, Recording Engineer, Mix Engineer, StudioPersonnel - George Horn, Mastering Engineer, StudioPersonnel - Kevin Gray, Mastering Engineer, StudioPersonnel - Bobby Rodriguez, Electric Bass, AssociatedPerformer - Sonny Bravo, Piano, AssociatedPerformer - Jimmy Frisaura, Flugelhorn, Trombone, Trumpet, AssociatedPerformer - Ray Gonzales, Flugelhorn, Trumpet, AssociatedPerformer - Carl Jefferson, Producer, Recording Producer
℗ 2023 Concord Picante
Although he was never inactive, the 1980s found Tito Puente in a bit of a renaissance. His exciting Afro-Cuban jazz band had found a home on the Concord Picante label, and his music was increasing in popularity again. This particular CD has a stronger than usual repertoire, including "Take Five," "Lush Life" (done as Latin jazz), "Pick Yourself Up" and "Lullaby of Birdland"; the latter song has its composer George Shearing guesting on piano. Puente wrote half of the arrangements, contributed some excellent playing on timbales and vibes, and is heard heading a spirited three-horn, three-percussion octet. Very enjoyable music.
© Scott Yanow /TiVo
Informationen zu dem Album
- 1 Disc(s) - 8 Track(s)
- Gesamte Laufzeit: 00:40:39
- Künstler: Tito Puente
- Komponist: Various Composers
- Label: Concord Picante
- Genre: World Music
© 2023 Concord Picante ℗ 2023 Concord Picante
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