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Rift, Phish's follow up to their major-label breakthrough A Picture of Nectar, follows the same pattern as its predecessor, but doesn't live up to the surprising, adventurous music on Nectar. Instead, most of the album sounds like an uninspired retread, as the band tries to fashion their songs into a loose concept album. The concentration on thematic unity tends to rob Phish of the loose spontaneity that makes them unique and makes Rift a bland, tedious listen.
© Stephen Thomas Erlewine /TiVo
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Bob Ludwig, Masterer - BARRY BECKETT, Producer - Trey Anastasio, Guitar, Vocals, Writer - JUstin Niebank, Mixer - Greg Parker, AssistantEngineer - PETE GREENE, RecordingEngineer - Phish, MainArtist - Jon Fishman, Drums - Page McConnell, Keyboards, Vocals - Tom Marshall, Writer - Mike Gordon, Bass Guitar, Backing Vocals - Jon Altschiller, AssistantEngineer - Kevin Halpin, Engineer - Chris Bailey, AssistantEngineer - Tom Walters, AssistantEngineer - Mark Nevess, Additional Mixer
© 1993 Elektra Entertainment, A Division of Warner Communications Inc.for the United States and WEA International for the world outside of the United States. ℗ 1993 Elektra Entertainment, a division of Warner Communications Inc.
Bob Ludwig, Masterer - BARRY BECKETT, Producer - Trey Anastasio, Guitar, Vocals, Writer - JUstin Niebank, Mixer - Greg Parker, AssistantEngineer - PETE GREENE, RecordingEngineer - Phish, MainArtist - Jon Fishman, Drums - Page McConnell, Keyboards, Vocals - Tom Marshall, Writer - Mike Gordon, Bass Guitar, Backing Vocals - Jon Altschiller, AssistantEngineer - Gordon Stone, Pedal Steel Guitar - Kevin Halpin, Engineer - Chris Bailey, AssistantEngineer - Tom Walters, AssistantEngineer - Mark Nevess, Additional Mixer
© 1993 Elektra Entertainment, A Division of Warner Communications Inc.for the United States and WEA International for the world outside of the United States. ℗ 1993 Elektra Entertainment, a division of Warner Communications Inc.
Bob Ludwig, Masterer - BARRY BECKETT, Producer - Trey Anastasio, Guitar, Vocals - JUstin Niebank, Mixer - Greg Parker, AssistantEngineer - PETE GREENE, RecordingEngineer - Phish, MainArtist - Jon Fishman, Drums, Writer - Page McConnell, Keyboards, Vocals - Mike Gordon, Bass Guitar, Backing Vocals - Jon Altschiller, AssistantEngineer - Kevin Halpin, Engineer - Chris Bailey, AssistantEngineer - Tom Walters, AssistantEngineer - Mark Nevess, Additional Mixer
© 1993 Elektra Entertainment, A Division of Warner Communications Inc.for the United States and WEA International for the world outside of the United States. ℗ 1993 Elektra Entertainment, a division of Warner Communications Inc.
Bob Ludwig, Masterer - BARRY BECKETT, Producer - Trey Anastasio, Guitar, Vocals, Writer - JUstin Niebank, Mixer - Greg Parker, AssistantEngineer - PETE GREENE, RecordingEngineer - Phish, MainArtist - Jon Fishman, Drums - Page McConnell, Keyboards, Vocals - Tom Marshall, Writer - Mike Gordon, Bass Guitar, Backing Vocals - Jon Altschiller, AssistantEngineer - Kevin Halpin, Engineer - Chris Bailey, AssistantEngineer - Tom Walters, AssistantEngineer - Mark Nevess, Additional Mixer
© 1993 Elektra Entertainment, A Division of Warner Communications Inc.for the United States and WEA International for the world outside of the United States. ℗ 1993 Elektra Entertainment, a division of Warner Communications Inc.
Bob Ludwig, Masterer - BARRY BECKETT, Producer - Trey Anastasio, Guitar, Vocals, Writer - JUstin Niebank, Mixer - Greg Parker, AssistantEngineer - PETE GREENE, RecordingEngineer - Phish, MainArtist - Jon Fishman, Drums - Page McConnell, Keyboards, Vocals - Tom Marshall, Writer - Mike Gordon, Bass Guitar, Backing Vocals - Jon Altschiller, AssistantEngineer - Kevin Halpin, Engineer - Chris Bailey, AssistantEngineer - Tom Walters, AssistantEngineer - Mark Nevess, Additional Mixer
© 1993 Elektra Entertainment, A Division of Warner Communications Inc.for the United States and WEA International for the world outside of the United States. ℗ 1993 Elektra Entertainment, a division of Warner Communications Inc.
Bob Ludwig, Masterer - BARRY BECKETT, Producer - Trey Anastasio, Guitar, Vocals, Writer - JUstin Niebank, Mixer - Greg Parker, AssistantEngineer - PETE GREENE, RecordingEngineer - Phish, MainArtist - Jon Fishman, Drums - Page McConnell, Keyboards, Vocals - Tom Marshall, Writer - Mike Gordon, Bass Guitar, Backing Vocals - Jon Altschiller, AssistantEngineer - Kevin Halpin, Engineer - Chris Bailey, AssistantEngineer - Tom Walters, AssistantEngineer - Mark Nevess, Additional Mixer
© 1993 Elektra Entertainment, A Division of Warner Communications Inc.for the United States and WEA International for the world outside of the United States. ℗ 1993 Elektra Entertainment, a division of Warner Communications Inc.
Bob Ludwig, Masterer - BARRY BECKETT, Producer - Trey Anastasio, Guitar, Vocals, Writer - JUstin Niebank, Mixer - Greg Parker, AssistantEngineer - PETE GREENE, RecordingEngineer - Phish, MainArtist - Jon Fishman, Drums - Page McConnell, Keyboards, Vocals - Tom Marshall, Writer - Mike Gordon, Bass Guitar, Backing Vocals - Jon Altschiller, AssistantEngineer - Kevin Halpin, Engineer - Chris Bailey, AssistantEngineer - Tom Walters, AssistantEngineer - Mark Nevess, Additional Mixer
© 1993 Elektra Entertainment, A Division of Warner Communications Inc.for the United States and WEA International for the world outside of the United States. ℗ 1993 Elektra Entertainment, a division of Warner Communications Inc.
Bob Ludwig, Masterer - BARRY BECKETT, Producer - Trey Anastasio, Guitar, Vocals, Writer - JUstin Niebank, Mixer - Greg Parker, AssistantEngineer - PETE GREENE, RecordingEngineer - Phish, MainArtist - Jon Fishman, Drums - Page McConnell, Keyboards, Vocals - Tom Marshall, Writer - Mike Gordon, Bass Guitar, Backing Vocals - Jon Altschiller, AssistantEngineer - Kevin Halpin, Engineer - Chris Bailey, AssistantEngineer - Tom Walters, AssistantEngineer - Mark Nevess, Additional Mixer
© 1993 Elektra Entertainment, A Division of Warner Communications Inc.for the United States and WEA International for the world outside of the United States. ℗ 1993 Elektra Entertainment, a division of Warner Communications Inc.
Bob Ludwig, Masterer - BARRY BECKETT, Producer - Trey Anastasio, Guitar, Vocals - JUstin Niebank, Mixer - Greg Parker, AssistantEngineer - PETE GREENE, RecordingEngineer - Phish, MainArtist - Jon Fishman, Drums - Page McConnell, Keyboards, Vocals - Mike Gordon, Bass Guitar, Lead Vocals, Writer - Jon Altschiller, AssistantEngineer - Kevin Halpin, Engineer - Chris Bailey, AssistantEngineer - Tom Walters, AssistantEngineer - Mark Nevess, Additional Mixer
© 1993 Elektra Entertainment, A Division of Warner Communications Inc.for the United States and WEA International for the world outside of the United States. ℗ 1993 Elektra Entertainment, a division of Warner Communications Inc.
Bob Ludwig, Masterer - BARRY BECKETT, Producer - Trey Anastasio, Guitar, Vocals, Writer - JUstin Niebank, Mixer - Greg Parker, AssistantEngineer - PETE GREENE, RecordingEngineer - Phish, MainArtist - Jon Fishman, Drums - Page McConnell, Keyboards, Vocals - Mike Gordon, Bass Guitar, Backing Vocals - Jon Altschiller, AssistantEngineer - Kevin Halpin, Engineer - Chris Bailey, AssistantEngineer - Tom Walters, AssistantEngineer - Mark Nevess, Additional Mixer
© 1993 Elektra Entertainment, A Division of Warner Communications Inc.for the United States and WEA International for the world outside of the United States. ℗ 1993 Elektra Entertainment, a division of Warner Communications Inc.
Bob Ludwig, Masterer - BARRY BECKETT, Producer - Trey Anastasio, Guitar, Vocals - JUstin Niebank, Mixer - Greg Parker, AssistantEngineer - PETE GREENE, RecordingEngineer - Phish, MainArtist - Jon Fishman, Drums - Page McConnell, Keyboards, Vocals - Mike Gordon, Bass Guitar, Lead Vocals, Writer - Jon Altschiller, AssistantEngineer - Kevin Halpin, Engineer - Chris Bailey, AssistantEngineer - Tom Walters, AssistantEngineer - Mark Nevess, Additional Mixer
© 1993 Elektra Entertainment, A Division of Warner Communications Inc.for the United States and WEA International for the world outside of the United States. ℗ 1993 Elektra Entertainment, a division of Warner Communications Inc.
Bob Ludwig, Masterer - BARRY BECKETT, Producer - Trey Anastasio, Guitar, Vocals, Writer - JUstin Niebank, Mixer - Greg Parker, AssistantEngineer - PETE GREENE, RecordingEngineer - Phish, MainArtist - Jon Fishman, Drums - Page McConnell, Keyboards, Vocals - Tom Marshall, Writer - Mike Gordon, Bass Guitar, Backing Vocals - Jon Altschiller, AssistantEngineer - Kevin Halpin, Engineer - Chris Bailey, AssistantEngineer - Tom Walters, AssistantEngineer - Mark Nevess, Additional Mixer
© 1993 Elektra Entertainment, A Division of Warner Communications Inc.for the United States and WEA International for the world outside of the United States. ℗ 1993 Elektra Entertainment, a division of Warner Communications Inc.
Bob Ludwig, Masterer - BARRY BECKETT, Producer - Trey Anastasio, Guitar, Vocals - JUstin Niebank, Mixer - Greg Parker, AssistantEngineer - PETE GREENE, RecordingEngineer - Phish, MainArtist - Jon Fishman, Drums, Writer - Page McConnell, Keyboards, Vocals - Mike Gordon, Bass Guitar, Backing Vocals - Jon Altschiller, AssistantEngineer - Kevin Halpin, Engineer - Chris Bailey, AssistantEngineer - Tom Walters, AssistantEngineer - Mark Nevess, Additional Mixer
© 1993 Elektra Entertainment, A Division of Warner Communications Inc.for the United States and WEA International for the world outside of the United States. ℗ 1993 Elektra Entertainment, a division of Warner Communications Inc.
Bob Ludwig, Masterer - BARRY BECKETT, Producer - Trey Anastasio, Guitar, Vocals, Writer - JUstin Niebank, Mixer - Greg Parker, AssistantEngineer - PETE GREENE, RecordingEngineer - Phish, MainArtist - Jon Fishman, Drums - Page McConnell, Keyboards, Vocals - Tom Marshall, Composer, Writer - Mike Gordon, Bass Guitar, Backing Vocals - Jon Altschiller, AssistantEngineer - Kevin Halpin, Engineer - Chris Bailey, AssistantEngineer - Tom Walters, AssistantEngineer - Mark Nevess, Additional Mixer
© 1993 Elektra Entertainment, A Division of Warner Communications Inc.for the United States and WEA International for the world outside of the United States. ℗ 1993 Elektra Entertainment, a division of Warner Communications Inc.
Bob Ludwig, Masterer - BARRY BECKETT, Producer - Trey Anastasio, Guitar, Vocals, Writer - JUstin Niebank, Mixer - Greg Parker, AssistantEngineer - PETE GREENE, RecordingEngineer - Phish, MainArtist - Jon Fishman, Drums - Page McConnell, Keyboards, Vocals - Tom Marshall, Writer - Mike Gordon, Bass Guitar, Backing Vocals - Jon Altschiller, AssistantEngineer - Kevin Halpin, Engineer - Chris Bailey, AssistantEngineer - Tom Walters, AssistantEngineer - Mark Nevess, Additional Mixer
© 1993 Elektra Entertainment, A Division of Warner Communications Inc.for the United States and WEA International for the world outside of the United States. ℗ 1993 Elektra Entertainment, a division of Warner Communications Inc.
Rift, Phish's follow up to their major-label breakthrough A Picture of Nectar, follows the same pattern as its predecessor, but doesn't live up to the surprising, adventurous music on Nectar. Instead, most of the album sounds like an uninspired retread, as the band tries to fashion their songs into a loose concept album. The concentration on thematic unity tends to rob Phish of the loose spontaneity that makes them unique and makes Rift a bland, tedious listen.
© Stephen Thomas Erlewine /TiVo
Informationen zu dem Album
- 1 Disc(s) - 15 Track(s)
- Gesamte Laufzeit: 01:07:41
- Künstler: Phish
- Komponist: Tom Marshall
- Label: Elektra Records
- Genre: Pop/Rock Rock Progressive Rock
© 1993 Elektra Entertainment, A Division of Warner Communications Inc.for the United States and WEA International for the world outside of the United States. ℗ 1993 Elektra Entertainment, A Division of Warner Communications Inc.for the United States and WEA International for the world outside of the United States.
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