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Backing off a bit from the outright funky fusion of 1972's Gypsy Man, Terra Nova nonetheless finds saxophonist Robin Kenyatta still indulging his newfound love of electricity and rhythmically altered jazz-funk tempered by his newfound love of Caribbean music. This Michael Cuscuna-produced date showcases Kenyatta's alto in three different settings -- though half of them feature him in an octet with a pair of electric guitarists and two pianists, an organist, bassist, drummer, and no less than Ralph MacDonald on percussion. The feel on most of these cuts is informed by bubbling funky reggae and calypso. Eric Kaz's "Temptation Took Control (And I Fell)" and " Mother Earth (Provides for Me)," Stevie Wonder's "You Are the Sunshine of My Life," Eddie Harris' "Freedom Jazz Dance" and the originals "Island Shakedown" and the title track (that add saxophonist Carlos Garnett, trumpeter Enrico Rava, and trombonist Jonas Gwangwa), are all drenched in these rhythms. The remaining two numbers include a tough, Ray Charles- inflected soul-jazz version of Little Willie John's "Need Your Love So Bad," and the straight up proto-smooth jazz tune "Touch." These latter two numbers make the recording feel a bit schizy, but nonetheless extremely enjoyable -- though in 1973 it must have felt like it was coming from left-field -- and has dated well This is a prime example of the wide range of musical interests Kenyatta attempted to integrate during the '70s. Wounded Bird finally made this set available on CD in 2008.
© Thom Jurek /TiVo
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Eric Kaz, Writer - Robin Kenyatta, MainArtist
© 1973 Atlantic Records ℗ 1973 Atlantic Recording Corp.
Little Willie John, Writer - Robin Kenyatta, MainArtist
© 1973 Atlantic Records ℗ 1973 Atlantic Recording Corp.
Robin Kenyatta, Writer, MainArtist
© 1973 Atlantic Records ℗ 1973 Atlantic Recording Corp.
S. Wonder, Composer - Robin Kenyatta, MainArtist
© 1973 Atlantic Records ℗ 1973 Atlantic Recording Corp.
EDDIE HARRIS, Writer - Robin Kenyatta, MainArtist
© 1973 Atlantic Records ℗ 1973 Atlantic Recording Corp.
Eric Kaz, Writer - Robin Kenyatta, MainArtist
© 1973 Atlantic Records ℗ 1973 Atlantic Recording Corp.
Pam Sawyer, Writer - Frank Wilson, Writer - Robin Kenyatta, MainArtist
© 1973 Atlantic Records ℗ 1973 Atlantic Recording Corp.
George Patterson, Writer - Robin Kenyatta, Writer, MainArtist
© 1973 Atlantic Records ℗ 1973 Atlantic Recording Corp.
Backing off a bit from the outright funky fusion of 1972's Gypsy Man, Terra Nova nonetheless finds saxophonist Robin Kenyatta still indulging his newfound love of electricity and rhythmically altered jazz-funk tempered by his newfound love of Caribbean music. This Michael Cuscuna-produced date showcases Kenyatta's alto in three different settings -- though half of them feature him in an octet with a pair of electric guitarists and two pianists, an organist, bassist, drummer, and no less than Ralph MacDonald on percussion. The feel on most of these cuts is informed by bubbling funky reggae and calypso. Eric Kaz's "Temptation Took Control (And I Fell)" and " Mother Earth (Provides for Me)," Stevie Wonder's "You Are the Sunshine of My Life," Eddie Harris' "Freedom Jazz Dance" and the originals "Island Shakedown" and the title track (that add saxophonist Carlos Garnett, trumpeter Enrico Rava, and trombonist Jonas Gwangwa), are all drenched in these rhythms. The remaining two numbers include a tough, Ray Charles- inflected soul-jazz version of Little Willie John's "Need Your Love So Bad," and the straight up proto-smooth jazz tune "Touch." These latter two numbers make the recording feel a bit schizy, but nonetheless extremely enjoyable -- though in 1973 it must have felt like it was coming from left-field -- and has dated well This is a prime example of the wide range of musical interests Kenyatta attempted to integrate during the '70s. Wounded Bird finally made this set available on CD in 2008.
© Thom Jurek /TiVo
Informationen zu dem Album
- 1 Disc(s) - 8 Track(s)
- Gesamte Laufzeit: 00:35:32
- Künstler: Robin Kenyatta
- Komponist: Stevie Wonder
- Label: Rhino Atlantic
- Genre: Jazz Jazz Fusion & Jazzrock
© 1973 Atlantic Records ℗ 1973 Atlantic Records. Marketed by Rhino Entertainment Company, a Warner Music Group Company.
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