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Since the advent of acid jazz in the mid-'80s, the many electronic-jazz hybrids to come down the pipe have steadily grown more mature, closer to a balanced fusion that borrows the spontaneity and emphasis on group interaction of classic jazz while still emphasizing the groove and elastic sound of electronic music. For his second album, French producer Ludovic Navarre expanded the possibilities of his template for jazzy house by recruiting a sextet of musicians to solo over his earthy productions. The opener "Rose Rouge" is an immediate highlight, as an understated Marlena Shaw vocal sample ("I want you to get together/put your hands together one time"), trance-state piano lines, and a ride-on-the-rhythm drum program frames solos by trumpeter Pascal Ohse and baritone Claudio de Qeiroz. For "Montego Bay Spleen," Navarre pairs an angular guitar solo by Ernest Ranglin with a deep-groove dub track, complete with phased effects and echoey percussion. "Land Of..." moves from a Hammond- and horn-led soul-jazz stomp into Caribbean territory, marked by more hints of dub and the expressive Latin percussion of Carneiro. Occasionally, Navarre's programming (sampled or otherwise) grows a bit repetitious -- even for dance fans, to say nothing of the jazzbo crowd attracted by the album's Blue Note tag. Though it is just another step on the way to a perfect blend of jazz and electronic, Tourist is an excellent one.
© John Bush /TiVo
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Ludovic Navarre, Composer, Producer, Arranger, Writer - St Germain, MainArtist
© 2012 Primary Society licence exclusive Parlophone Music France ℗ 1999 Primary Society Under Exclusive Licence to Parlophone / Warner Music France
Ludovic Navarre, Composer, Producer, Arranger, Writer - St Germain, MainArtist - The Magic House Stud, Arranger
© 2012 Primary Society licence exclusive Parlophone Music France ℗ 1999 Primary Society Under Exclusive Licence to Parlophone / Warner Music France
Ludovic Navarre, Composer, Producer, Arranger, Writer - St Germain, MainArtist - The Magic House Stud, Arranger
© 2012 Primary Society licence exclusive Parlophone Music France ℗ 1999 Primary Society Under Exclusive Licence to Parlophone / Warner Music France
Ludovic Navarre, Composer, Producer, Arranger, Writer - St Germain, MainArtist - The Magic House Stud, Arranger
© 2012 Primary Society licence exclusive Parlophone Music France ℗ 1999 Primary Society Under Exclusive Licence to Parlophone / Warner Music France
Ludovic Navarre, Composer, Producer, Arranger, Writer - St Germain, MainArtist - The Magic House Stud, Arranger
© 2012 Primary Society licence exclusive Parlophone Music France ℗ 1999 Primary Society Under Exclusive Licence to Parlophone / Warner Music France
Ludovic Navarre, Composer, Producer, Arranger, Writer - St Germain, MainArtist - The Magic House Stud, Arranger
© 2012 Primary Society licence exclusive Parlophone Music France ℗ 1999 Primary Society Under Exclusive Licence to Parlophone / Warner Music France
Ludovic Navarre, Composer, Producer, Arranger, Writer - St Germain, MainArtist - The Magic House Stud, Arranger
© 2012 Primary Society licence exclusive Parlophone Music France ℗ 1999 Primary Society Under Exclusive Licence to Parlophone / Warner Music France
Ludovic Navarre, Composer, Producer, Arranger, Writer - St Germain, MainArtist - The Magic House Stud, Arranger
© 2012 Primary Society licence exclusive Parlophone Music France ℗ 1999 Primary Society Under Exclusive Licence to Parlophone / Warner Music France
Ludovic Navarre, Composer, Producer - St Germain, MainArtist
© 2012 Primary Society licence exclusive Parlophone Music France ℗ 1999 Primary Society Under Exclusive Licence to Parlophone / Warner Music France
Since the advent of acid jazz in the mid-'80s, the many electronic-jazz hybrids to come down the pipe have steadily grown more mature, closer to a balanced fusion that borrows the spontaneity and emphasis on group interaction of classic jazz while still emphasizing the groove and elastic sound of electronic music. For his second album, French producer Ludovic Navarre expanded the possibilities of his template for jazzy house by recruiting a sextet of musicians to solo over his earthy productions. The opener "Rose Rouge" is an immediate highlight, as an understated Marlena Shaw vocal sample ("I want you to get together/put your hands together one time"), trance-state piano lines, and a ride-on-the-rhythm drum program frames solos by trumpeter Pascal Ohse and baritone Claudio de Qeiroz. For "Montego Bay Spleen," Navarre pairs an angular guitar solo by Ernest Ranglin with a deep-groove dub track, complete with phased effects and echoey percussion. "Land Of..." moves from a Hammond- and horn-led soul-jazz stomp into Caribbean territory, marked by more hints of dub and the expressive Latin percussion of Carneiro. Occasionally, Navarre's programming (sampled or otherwise) grows a bit repetitious -- even for dance fans, to say nothing of the jazzbo crowd attracted by the album's Blue Note tag. Though it is just another step on the way to a perfect blend of jazz and electronic, Tourist is an excellent one.
© John Bush /TiVo
Informationen zu dem Album
- 1 Disc(s) - 9 Track(s)
- Gesamte Laufzeit: 01:00:21
- 1 digitales Booklet
- Künstler: St Germain
- Komponist: St Germain
- Label: Parlophone (France)
- Genre: Electronic
© 2012 Primary Society licence exclusive Parlophone Music France ℗ 2012 Primary Society licence exclusive Parlophone Music France
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