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Roberto Santana, Producer - Gonzaguinha, Vocalist, MainArtist, AssociatedPerformer, ComposerLyricist
(C) 2000 EMI Music Brasil Ltda This Labelcopy information is the subject of Copyright Protection. All rights reserved. (C) 2000 EMI Music Brasil Ltda ℗ 1976 EMI Records Brasil Ltda
Maria Bethania, Vocalist, MainArtist, AssociatedPerformer - Gonzaguinha, ComposerLyricist - Guto Graça Mello, Producer
(C) 2000 EMI Music Brasil Ltda This Labelcopy information is the subject of Copyright Protection. All rights reserved. (C) 2000 EMI Music Brasil Ltda ℗ 1997 EMI Records Brasil Ltda
Mariozinho Rocha, Producer - Gonzaguinha, Vocalist, MainArtist, AssociatedPerformer, ComposerLyricist
(C) 2000 EMI Music Brasil Ltda This Labelcopy information is the subject of Copyright Protection. All rights reserved. (C) 2000 EMI Music Brasil Ltda ℗ 1978 EMI Records Brasil Ltda
Mariozinho Rocha, Producer - Gonzaguinha, Composer, Vocalist, MainArtist, AssociatedPerformer, ComposerLyricist
(C) 2000 EMI Music Brasil Ltda This Labelcopy information is the subject of Copyright Protection. All rights reserved. (C) 2000 EMI Music Brasil Ltda ℗ 1978 EMI Records Brasil Ltda
Roberto Santana, Producer - Gonzaguinha, Vocalist, MainArtist, AssociatedPerformer, ComposerLyricist
(C) 2000 EMI Music Brasil Ltda This Labelcopy information is the subject of Copyright Protection. All rights reserved. (C) 2000 EMI Music Brasil Ltda ℗ 1976 EMI Records Brasil Ltda
Renato Correa, Producer - Gonzaguinha, Vocalist, MainArtist, AssociatedPerformer, ComposerLyricist
(C) 2000 EMI Music Brasil Ltda This Labelcopy information is the subject of Copyright Protection. All rights reserved. (C) 2000 EMI Music Brasil Ltda ℗ 1983 EMI Records Brasil Ltda
Gonzaguinha, Vocalist, MainArtist, AssociatedPerformer - Gonzaga Jr, Composer
(C) 2000 EMI Music Brasil Ltda This Labelcopy information is the subject of Copyright Protection. All rights reserved. (C) 2000 EMI Music Brasil Ltda ℗ 1985 EMI Records Brasil Ltda
Mariozinho Rocha, Producer - Gonzaguinha, Vocalist, MainArtist, AssociatedPerformer, ComposerLyricist
(C) 2000 EMI Music Brasil Ltda This Labelcopy information is the subject of Copyright Protection. All rights reserved. (C) 2000 EMI Music Brasil Ltda ℗ 1980 EMI Records Brasil Ltda
Gonzaguinha, Vocalist, MainArtist, AssociatedPerformer - Gonzaga Jr, Composer
(C) 2000 EMI Music Brasil Ltda This Labelcopy information is the subject of Copyright Protection. All rights reserved. (C) 2000 EMI Music Brasil Ltda ℗ 1975 EMI Records Brasil Ltda
Renato Correa, Producer - Gonzaguinha, Vocalist, MainArtist, AssociatedPerformer - Gonzaga Jr, Composer
(C) 2000 EMI Music Brasil Ltda This Labelcopy information is the subject of Copyright Protection. All rights reserved. (C) 2000 EMI Music Brasil Ltda ℗ 1981 EMI Records Brasil Ltda
Renato Correa, Producer - Gonzaguinha, Composer, Vocalist, MainArtist, AssociatedPerformer
(C) 2000 EMI Music Brasil Ltda This Labelcopy information is the subject of Copyright Protection. All rights reserved. (C) 2000 EMI Music Brasil Ltda ℗ 1984 EMI Records Brasil Ltda
Ronaldo Bastos, Producer - Gonzaguinha, Composer, Vocalist, MainArtist, AssociatedPerformer
(C) 2000 EMI Music Brasil Ltda This Labelcopy information is the subject of Copyright Protection. All rights reserved. (C) 2000 EMI Music Brasil Ltda ℗ 1978 EMI Records Brasil Ltda
Gonzaguinha, Vocalist, MainArtist, AssociatedPerformer - Luiz Gonzaga Jr., ComposerLyricist - Milton Miranda, Producer
(C) 2000 EMI Music Brasil Ltda This Labelcopy information is the subject of Copyright Protection. All rights reserved. (C) 2000 EMI Music Brasil Ltda ℗ 1973 EMI Records Brasil Ltda
Mariozinho Rocha, Producer - Gonzaguinha, Composer, Vocalist, MainArtist, AssociatedPerformer
(C) 2000 EMI Music Brasil Ltda This Labelcopy information is the subject of Copyright Protection. All rights reserved. (C) 2000 EMI Music Brasil Ltda ℗ 1980 EMI Records Brasil Ltda
Renato Correa, Producer - Gonzaguinha, Vocalist, MainArtist, AssociatedPerformer, ComposerLyricist
(C) 2000 EMI Music Brasil Ltda This Labelcopy information is the subject of Copyright Protection. All rights reserved. (C) 2000 EMI Music Brasil Ltda ℗ 1980 EMI Records Brasil Ltda
Renato Correa, Producer - Gonzaguinha, Vocalist, MainArtist, AssociatedPerformer, ComposerLyricist
(C) 2000 EMI Music Brasil Ltda This Labelcopy information is the subject of Copyright Protection. All rights reserved. (C) 2000 EMI Music Brasil Ltda ℗ 1984 EMI Records Brasil Ltda
Mariozinho Rocha, Producer - Gonzaguinha, Vocalist, MainArtist, AssociatedPerformer, ComposerLyricist
(C) 2000 EMI Music Brasil Ltda This Labelcopy information is the subject of Copyright Protection. All rights reserved. (C) 2000 EMI Music Brasil Ltda ℗ 1982 EMI Records Brasil Ltda
Mariozinho Rocha, Producer - Gonzaguinha, Vocalist, MainArtist, AssociatedPerformer, ComposerLyricist
(C) 2000 EMI Music Brasil Ltda This Labelcopy information is the subject of Copyright Protection. All rights reserved. (C) 2000 EMI Music Brasil Ltda ℗ 1978 EMI Records Brasil Ltda
Mariozinho Rocha, Producer - Gonzaguinha, Vocalist, MainArtist, AssociatedPerformer, ComposerLyricist
(C) 2000 EMI Music Brasil Ltda This Labelcopy information is the subject of Copyright Protection. All rights reserved. (C) 2000 EMI Music Brasil Ltda ℗ 1980 EMI Records Brasil Ltda
Ronaldo Bastos, Producer - Gonzaguinha, Composer, Vocalist, MainArtist, AssociatedPerformer
(C) 2000 EMI Music Brasil Ltda This Labelcopy information is the subject of Copyright Protection. All rights reserved. (C) 2000 EMI Music Brasil Ltda ℗ 1978 EMI Records Brasil Ltda
Gonzaguinha, Vocalist, MainArtist, AssociatedPerformer - Luiz Gonzaga Jr., ComposerLyricist - Milton Miranda, Producer
(C) 2000 EMI Music Brasil Ltda This Labelcopy information is the subject of Copyright Protection. All rights reserved. (C) 2000 EMI Music Brasil Ltda ℗ 1973 EMI Records Brasil Ltda
Gonzaga Júnior, ComposerLyricist - Gonzaguinha, Vocalist, MainArtist, AssociatedPerformer
(C) 2000 EMI Music Brasil Ltda This Labelcopy information is the subject of Copyright Protection. All rights reserved. (C) 2000 EMI Music Brasil Ltda ℗ 1975 EMI Records Brasil Ltda
Luiz Peixoto, Composer - Vicente Paiva, Composer - SIMONE, Vocalist, MainArtist, AssociatedPerformer
(C) 2000 EMI Music Brasil Ltda This Labelcopy information is the subject of Copyright Protection. All rights reserved. (C) 2000 EMI Music Brasil Ltda ℗ 1973 EMI Records Brasil Ltda
Gonzaguinha, Vocalist, MainArtist, AssociatedPerformer - Gonzaga Jr, Composer
(C) 2000 EMI Music Brasil Ltda This Labelcopy information is the subject of Copyright Protection. All rights reserved. (C) 2000 EMI Music Brasil Ltda ℗ 1977 EMI Records Brasil Ltda
Mariozinho Rocha, Producer - Gonzaguinha, Composer, Vocalist, MainArtist, AssociatedPerformer
(C) 2000 EMI Music Brasil Ltda This Labelcopy information is the subject of Copyright Protection. All rights reserved. (C) 2000 EMI Music Brasil Ltda ℗ 1979 EMI Records Brasil Ltda
Mariozinho Rocha, Producer - Gonzaguinha, Composer, Vocalist, MainArtist, AssociatedPerformer
(C) 2000 EMI Music Brasil Ltda This Labelcopy information is the subject of Copyright Protection. All rights reserved. (C) 2000 EMI Music Brasil Ltda ℗ 1978 EMI Records Brasil Ltda
Gonzaguinha, Vocalist, MainArtist, AssociatedPerformer - Gonzaga Jr, Composer
(C) 2000 EMI Music Brasil Ltda This Labelcopy information is the subject of Copyright Protection. All rights reserved. (C) 2000 EMI Music Brasil Ltda ℗ 1985 EMI Records Brasil Ltda
Gonzaguinha, Vocalist, MainArtist, AssociatedPerformer - Luiz Gonzaga Jr., ComposerLyricist - Milton Miranda, Producer
(C) 2000 EMI Music Brasil Ltda This Labelcopy information is the subject of Copyright Protection. All rights reserved. (C) 2000 EMI Music Brasil Ltda ℗ 1973 EMI Records Brasil Ltda
À propos
- 2 disque(s) - 28 piste(s)
- Durée totale : 01:38:59
- Artistes principaux : Gonzaguinha
- Compositeur : Various Composers
- Label : EMI
- Genre : Pop/Rock Pop
© 2000 EMI Music Brasil Ltda This Compilation ℗ 2000 EMI Music Brasil Ltda
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