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Jennifer Love Hewitt was teen pop before teen pop was cool, but she sat out its glory years of 1999-2001, concentrating on her film career and transition from adolescence to adulthood. Her 2002 musical comeback, BareNaked, is the culmination of her journey to womanhood and, appropriately, it doggedly avoids any comparisons with teen pop. Where Pink chose Linda Perry as the collaborator, J-Love hired Meredith Brooks, who certainly does move Hewitt far away from teen pop, firmly planting her into adult alternative pop with a record that wants to sound like Michelle Branch but can't shake the fact that it sounds like Meredith Brooks. This is not a bad thing, since it's well-crafted, appealing melodic acoustic pop, not nearly as provocative as the coy cover art and title, all earnestly sung by Love. If it doesn't ring as authentically as, say, Branch or Vanessa Carlton, it's because at her core Hewitt is a show-biz kid, and she still sounds a bit like she's putting on a show. But, thanks to Brooks' sturdy craftsmanship, it's a pretty good show all the same, with plenty of good MOR tunes and a winning, warm production that is only ridiculous on the hippy-dippy voice-and-bongo interpretation of "Me and Bobby McGee." Many critics have laughed this off because it's Jennifer Love Hewitt and because it is unabashedly square mainstream pop, but it's very good in its style and is a nice new beginning for a singer/actress that seemed to be stuck in dance-pop.
© Stephen Thomas Erlewine /TiVo
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Jeff Peters, Recording Engineer - Meredith Brooks, Composer - Meredith Brooks, Lyricist - Meredith Brooks, Recording Engineer - Meredith Brooks, Electric Guitar - Meredith Brooks, Producer - Meredith Brooks, Engineer - Guy Erez, Composer - Guy Erez, Lyricist - Emerson Swinford, Composer - Emerson Swinford, Lyricist - Emerson Swinford, Acoustic Baritone Guitar - Michael Parnell, Keyboards - Michael Parnell, Engineer - Jennifer Love Hewitt, Background Vocal - Jennifer Love Hewitt, Performer - Jennifer Love Hewitt, Composer - Jennifer Love Hewitt, Lyricist - Peter Karr, Edited By - Abe Laboriel, Jr., Drums - Goldo, Keyboards - Goldo, Programmer - Andy Goldmark, Edited By - Brad Haehnel, Mixing Engineer - Livingstone Brown, Keyboards - Livingstone Brown, Bass Drum - Paul Goldo, Composer - Paul Goldo, Lyricist
(P) 2002 Zomba Recording LLC
Meredith Brooks, Recording Engineer - Meredith Brooks, Electric Guitar - Meredith Brooks, Acoustic Baritone Guitar - Meredith Brooks, Background Vocal - Meredith Brooks, Composer - Meredith Brooks, Lyricist - Meredith Brooks, Engineer - Seth McLain, Engineer - David Cole, Recording Engineer - Abe Laboriel, Jr., Drums - Alex Greggs, Programmer - Livingstone Brown, Composer - Livingstone Brown, Lyricist - Livingstone Brown, Keyboards - Livingstone Brown, Bass Drum - Livingstone Brown, Acoustic Baritone Guitar - Livingstone Brown, Programmer - Mike Stevens, Composer - Mike Stevens, Lyricist - Jennifer Love Hewitt, Background Vocal - Jennifer Love Hewitt, Performer
(P) 2002 Zomba Recording LLC
Paul Lindemulder, Piano - Jeff Peters, Recording Engineer - Meredith Brooks, Composer - Meredith Brooks, Lyricist - Meredith Brooks, Recording Engineer - Meredith Brooks, Guitar - Meredith Brooks, Producer - Meredith Brooks, Engineer - Michael Parnell, Engineer - Jennifer Love Hewitt, Background Vocal - Jennifer Love Hewitt, Composer - Jennifer Love Hewitt, Lyricist - Jennifer Love Hewitt, Performer - Windy Wagner, Background Vocal - Abe Laboriel, Jr., Drums - Brad Haehnel, Mixing Engineer - Livingstone Brown, Keyboards - Livingstone Brown, Bass Drum - Livingstone Brown, Programmer
(P) 2002 Zomba Recording LLC
Jeff Peters, Recording Engineer - Meredith Brooks, Recording Engineer - Meredith Brooks, Electric Guitar - Meredith Brooks, Acoustic Baritone Guitar - Meredith Brooks, Background Vocal - Meredith Brooks, Composer - Meredith Brooks, Lyricist - Meredith Brooks, Producer - Meredith Brooks, Engineer - Meredith Brooks, Mixing Engineer - Joseph Alexander Lobato, Engineer - David Darling, Guitar - Sharon Perry, Background Vocal - Rose Stone, Background Vocal - Phil Kaffel, Recording Engineer - Jennifer Love Hewitt, Background Vocal - Jennifer Love Hewitt, Composer - Jennifer Love Hewitt, Lyricist - Jennifer Love Hewitt, Performer - Peter Karr, Edited By - Russ Miller, Drums - Rochelle Gilliard, Background Vocal - Andy Goldmark, Edited By - Livingstone Brown, Bass Drum - Livingstone Brown, Composer - Livingstone Brown, Lyricist - Livingstone Brown, Mixing Engineer
(P) 2002 Zomba Recording LLC
David Cole, Recording Engineer - Meredith Brooks, Composer - Meredith Brooks, Lyricist - Meredith Brooks, Recording Engineer - Meredith Brooks, Electric Guitar - Meredith Brooks, Producer - Meredith Brooks, Engineer - Guy Erez, Composer - Guy Erez, Lyricist - Emerson Swinford, Acoustic Baritone Guitar - Emerson Swinford, Composer - Emerson Swinford, Lyricist - Seth McLain, Engineer - Jennifer Love Hewitt, Background Vocal - Jennifer Love Hewitt, Composer - Jennifer Love Hewitt, Lyricist - Jennifer Love Hewitt, Performer - Windy Wagner, Background Vocal - Abe Laboriel, Jr., Drums - Goldo, Keyboards - Goldo, Programmer - Brad Haehnel, Mixing Engineer - Livingstone Brown, Keyboards - Livingstone Brown, Bass Drum - Paul Goldo, Composer - Paul Goldo, Lyricist
(P) 2002 Zomba Recording LLC
Meredith Brooks, Recording Engineer - Meredith Brooks, Guitar - Meredith Brooks, Composer - Meredith Brooks, Lyricist - Meredith Brooks, Producer - Meredith Brooks, Engineer - David Darling, Recording Engineer - David Darling, Guitar - David Darling, Bass Drum - David Darling, Composer - David Darling, Lyricist - David Darling, Programmer - Phil Kaffel, Recording Engineer - Sharon Perry, Background Vocal - Rose Stone, Background Vocal - Jennifer Love Hewitt, Background Vocal - Jennifer Love Hewitt, Composer - Jennifer Love Hewitt, Lyricist - Jennifer Love Hewitt, Performer - Russ Miller, Drums - Rochelle Gilliard, Background Vocal - Brad Haehnel, Mixing Engineer
(P) 2002 Zomba Recording LLC
Dustin Boyer, Guitar - Dustin Boyer, Composer - Dustin Boyer, Lyricist - Meredith Brooks, Recording Engineer - Meredith Brooks, Guitar - Meredith Brooks, Composer - Meredith Brooks, Lyricist - Meredith Brooks, Producer - Meredith Brooks, Engineer - Phil Kaffel, Recording Engineer - Jennifer Love Hewitt, Background Vocal - Jennifer Love Hewitt, Composer - Jennifer Love Hewitt, Lyricist - Jennifer Love Hewitt, Performer - Goldo, Vocal - Goldo, Programmer - Russ Miller, Drums - Brad Haehnel, Mixing Engineer - Livingstone Brown, Bass Drum - Paul Goldo, Composer - Paul Goldo, Lyricist
(P) 2002 Zomba Recording LLC
Jeff Peters, Recording Engineer - Meredith Brooks, Recording Engineer - Meredith Brooks, Guitar - Meredith Brooks, Composer - Meredith Brooks, Lyricist - Meredith Brooks, Producer - Meredith Brooks, Engineer - Joseph Alexander Lobato, Engineer - Jennifer Love Hewitt, Background Vocal - Jennifer Love Hewitt, Performer - Windy Wagner, Background Vocal - Russ Miller, Drums - Russ Miller, Programmer - Shelly Peiken, Composer - Shelly Peiken, Lyricist - Brad Haehnel, Mixing Engineer - Livingstone Brown, Composer - Livingstone Brown, Lyricist - Livingstone Brown, Keyboards - Livingstone Brown, Bass Drum
(P) 2002 Zomba Recording LLC
Glen Holmen, Bass Drum - Meredith Brooks, Composer - Meredith Brooks, Lyricist - Meredith Brooks, Recording Engineer - Meredith Brooks, Background Vocal - Meredith Brooks, Producer - Meredith Brooks, Engineer - Guy Erez, Composer - Guy Erez, Lyricist - Emerson Swinford, Composer - Emerson Swinford, Lyricist - Jennifer Love Hewitt, Background Vocal - Jennifer Love Hewitt, Performer - Goldo, Recording Engineer - Goldo, Engineer - Goldo, Programmer - Russ Miller, Drums - Brad Haehnel, Recording Engineer - Brad Haehnel, Mixing Engineer - Paul Goldo, Composer - Paul Goldo, Lyricist
(P) 2002 Zomba Recording LLC
Carolyn Perry, Background Vocal - Meredith Brooks, Recording Engineer - Meredith Brooks, Guitar - Meredith Brooks, Producer - Meredith Brooks, Engineer - Darlene Perry, Background Vocal - Jonathan Krupp, Engineer - Phil Kaffel, Recording Engineer - Sharon Perry, Background Vocal - Jennifer Love Hewitt, Background Vocal - Jennifer Love Hewitt, Composer - Jennifer Love Hewitt, Lyricist - Jennifer Love Hewitt, Performer - Russ Miller, Drums - Russ Miller, Programmer - Russ Miller, Strings - Brad Haehnel, Mixing Engineer - Livingstone Brown, Bass Drum
(P) 2002 Zomba Recording LLC
Meredith Brooks, Recording Engineer - Meredith Brooks, Guitar - Meredith Brooks, Composer - Meredith Brooks, Lyricist - Meredith Brooks, Producer - Meredith Brooks, Engineer - Scott Sax, Composer - Scott Sax, Lyricist - Phil Kaffel, Recording Engineer - Jennifer Love Hewitt, Background Vocal - Jennifer Love Hewitt, Composer - Jennifer Love Hewitt, Lyricist - Jennifer Love Hewitt, Performer - Windy Wagner, Background Vocal - Russ Miller, Drums - Russ Miller, Programmer - Andy Goldmark, Composer - Andy Goldmark, Lyricist - Brad Haehnel, Mixing Engineer - Livingstone Brown, Bass Drum
(P) 2002 Zomba Recording LLC
Brad Haehnel, Mixing Engineer - Meredith Brooks, Producer - Kris Kristofferson, Composer - Kris Kristofferson, Lyricist - Phil Kaffel, Recording Engineer - Jennifer Love Hewitt, Performer - Fred Foster, Composer - Fred Foster, Lyricist
(P) 2002 Zomba Recording LLC
Jennifer Love Hewitt was teen pop before teen pop was cool, but she sat out its glory years of 1999-2001, concentrating on her film career and transition from adolescence to adulthood. Her 2002 musical comeback, BareNaked, is the culmination of her journey to womanhood and, appropriately, it doggedly avoids any comparisons with teen pop. Where Pink chose Linda Perry as the collaborator, J-Love hired Meredith Brooks, who certainly does move Hewitt far away from teen pop, firmly planting her into adult alternative pop with a record that wants to sound like Michelle Branch but can't shake the fact that it sounds like Meredith Brooks. This is not a bad thing, since it's well-crafted, appealing melodic acoustic pop, not nearly as provocative as the coy cover art and title, all earnestly sung by Love. If it doesn't ring as authentically as, say, Branch or Vanessa Carlton, it's because at her core Hewitt is a show-biz kid, and she still sounds a bit like she's putting on a show. But, thanks to Brooks' sturdy craftsmanship, it's a pretty good show all the same, with plenty of good MOR tunes and a winning, warm production that is only ridiculous on the hippy-dippy voice-and-bongo interpretation of "Me and Bobby McGee." Many critics have laughed this off because it's Jennifer Love Hewitt and because it is unabashedly square mainstream pop, but it's very good in its style and is a nice new beginning for a singer/actress that seemed to be stuck in dance-pop.
© Stephen Thomas Erlewine /TiVo
Informationen zu dem Album
- 1 Disc(s) - 12 Track(s)
- Gesamte Laufzeit: 00:44:42
- Künstler: Jennifer Love Hewitt
- Komponist: Various Composers
- Label: Jive
- Genre: Pop/Rock
(P) 2002 Zomba Recording LLC
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