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With Grace, his first full-length statement as a bandleader, songwriter/guitarist Jeff Buckley sets out upon a road less traveled, avoiding the safe and predictable in favor of the ecstatic and the personal. Not that such obvious influences as the Beatles and Led Zeppelin have disappeared from this young talent's music. Buckley's voice is an exquisitely malleable instrument, and from his daring vaults into the upper registers to his long, enraptured middle-register ornaments and moans, he suggests the breakthroughs of a young Robert Plant or Van Morrison. Songs like "The Last Goodbye" (with its coy slide intro and raga-ish string backgrounds) and "Lover, You Should've Come Over" (with its late Beatles harmonies and Edith Piaf vocal ornaments) are powerful evocations of failing relationships ("too young to hold on, and too old to just break free and run"). "Lilac Wine" and "Hallelujah" feature his glassy, translucent guitar and poignant vocals in mystical, folkish settings, while "Dream Brother" achieves an almost Doors-like melancholy. Elsewhere, Buckley showcases his new band's power on "Mojo Pin" and "Eternal Life," which draw upon blues imagery and metaphors to create a subtle, hard-rocking atmosphere.
© TiVo
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Jeff Buckley, Associated Performer, Dulcimer, Guitar, Harmonium, Main Artist, Organ, Producer - ANDY WALLACE, Producer - J. Buckley, Composer, Lyricist - Gary Lucas, Guitar - G. Lucas, Composer, Lyricist - Steve Berkowitz, Executive Producer - Matt Johnson, Drums, Percussion - Mick Grondahl, Bass
(P) 1994 Columbia Records, a division of Sony Music Entertainment
Jeff Buckley, Associated Performer, Dulcimer, Guitar, Harmonium, Main Artist, Organ, Producer - ANDY WALLACE, Producer - G. Lucas, Composer, Lyricist - J. Buckley, Composer, Lyricist - Gary Lucas, Guitar - Steve Berkowitz, Executive Producer - Matt Johnson, Drums, Percussion - Mick Grondahl, Bass
(P) 1994 Columbia Records, a division of Sony Music Entertainment
Jeff Buckley, Associated Performer, Composer, Dulcimer, Guitar, Harmonium, Lyricist, Main Artist, Organ, Producer - ANDY WALLACE, Producer - Steve Berkowitz, Executive Producer - Matt Johnson, Drums, Percussion - Mick Grondahl, Bass
(P) 1994 Columbia Records, a division of Sony Music Entertainment
Jeff Buckley, Associated Performer, Dulcimer, Guitar, Harmonium, Main Artist, Organ, Producer - ANDY WALLACE, Producer - J. Shelton, Composer, Lyricist - Steve Berkowitz, Executive Producer - Matt Johnson, Drums, Percussion - Mick Grondahl, Bass
(P) 1994 Columbia Records, a division of Sony Music Entertainment
Jeff Buckley, Associated Performer, Dulcimer, Guitar, Harmonium, Main Artist, Organ, Producer - J. Buckley, Composer, Lyricist - M. Tighe, Composer, Lyricist - Steve Berkowitz, Executive Producer - Michael Tighe, Guitar - Matt Johnson, Drums, Percussion - Mick Grondahl, Bass
(P) 1994 Columbia Records, a division of Sony Music Entertainment
Jeff Buckley, Associated Performer, Dulcimer, Guitar, Harmonium, Main Artist, Organ, Producer - ANDY WALLACE, Producer - Leonard Cohen, Composer, Lyricist - Steve Berkowitz, Executive Producer - Matt Johnson, Drums, Percussion - Mick Grondahl, Bass
(P) 1994 Columbia Records, a division of Sony Music Entertainment
Jeff Buckley, Associated Performer, Dulcimer, Guitar, Harmonium, Main Artist, Organ, Producer - ANDY WALLACE, Producer - J. Buckley, Composer, Lyricist - Steve Berkowitz, Executive Producer - Matt Johnson, Drums, Percussion - Loris Holland, Organ - Mick Grondahl, Bass
(P) 1994 Columbia Records, a division of Sony Music Entertainment
Jeff Buckley, Associated Performer, Dulcimer, Guitar, Harmonium, Main Artist, Organ, Producer - ANDY WALLACE, Producer - Benjamin Britten, Composer, Lyricist - Steve Berkowitz, Executive Producer - Matt Johnson, Drums, Percussion - Mick Grondahl, Bass
(P) 1994 Columbia Records, a division of Sony Music Entertainment
Jeff Buckley, Associated Performer, Dulcimer, Guitar, Harmonium, Main Artist, Organ, Producer - J. Buckley, Composer, Lyricist - ANDY WALLACE, Producer - Steve Berkowitz, Executive Producer - Matt Johnson, Drums, Percussion - Mick Grondahl, Bass
(P) 1994 Columbia Records, a division of Sony Music Entertainment
Jeff Buckley, Associated Performer, Dulcimer, Guitar, Harmonium, Main Artist, Organ, Producer, Tabla - ANDY WALLACE, Producer - J. Buckley, Composer, Lyricist - M. Grondahl, Composer, Lyricist - Steve Berkowitz, Executive Producer - Matt Johnson, Drums, Percussion - M. Johnson, Composer, Lyricist - Misha Masud, Tabla - Mick Grondahl, Bass
(P) 1994 Columbia Records, a division of Sony Music Entertainment
Jeff Buckley, Associated Performer, Composer, Lyricist, Main Artist
(P) 2004 Sony Music Entertainment
With Grace, his first full-length statement as a bandleader, songwriter/guitarist Jeff Buckley sets out upon a road less traveled, avoiding the safe and predictable in favor of the ecstatic and the personal. Not that such obvious influences as the Beatles and Led Zeppelin have disappeared from this young talent's music. Buckley's voice is an exquisitely malleable instrument, and from his daring vaults into the upper registers to his long, enraptured middle-register ornaments and moans, he suggests the breakthroughs of a young Robert Plant or Van Morrison. Songs like "The Last Goodbye" (with its coy slide intro and raga-ish string backgrounds) and "Lover, You Should've Come Over" (with its late Beatles harmonies and Edith Piaf vocal ornaments) are powerful evocations of failing relationships ("too young to hold on, and too old to just break free and run"). "Lilac Wine" and "Hallelujah" feature his glassy, translucent guitar and poignant vocals in mystical, folkish settings, while "Dream Brother" achieves an almost Doors-like melancholy. Elsewhere, Buckley showcases his new band's power on "Mojo Pin" and "Eternal Life," which draw upon blues imagery and metaphors to create a subtle, hard-rocking atmosphere.
© TiVo
Informationen zu dem Album
- 1 Disc(s) - 11 Track(s)
- Gesamte Laufzeit: 00:57:03
- Künstler: Jeff Buckley
- Komponist: Various Composers
- Label: Columbia - Legacy
- Genre: Pop/Rock Rock
(P) 1994 Columbia Records, a division of Sony Music Entertainment
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