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In the five years between I’m a Mountain (2005) and Oh Little Fire (2010), acclaimed Canadian songstress Sarah Harmer has kept busy with a combination of environmental activism and guest appearances on albums from the likes of Blue Rodeo, the Weakerthans, Bruce Cockburn, Great Big Sea, and Neko Case, the latter of whom returns the favor on Oh Little Fire. Harmer's winning blend of country, folk, and indie pop is propelled, in part, by her even, expressive tenor, which comes off as a well-maintained bridge between Suzanne Vega and Leslie Feist. Likable and accessible, it would be easy to write her off as just another capable singer/songwriter in an industry stuffed to the rafters with capable singer/songwriters, were it not for her ability to take a simple melody and turn it into something special. Oh Little Fire is filled with those moments, whether it’s the delayed “t” at the end of the word light on the driving single “Captive,” the damp, dirt-road pacing of “Washington,” or the way she and Case wrap their voices around “Silverado” like two sisters on the back of covered wagon. It’s a subtle record to be sure, but one that rewards those who are willing to take the time to let it enter the bloodstream.
© James Christopher Monger /TiVo
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Gavin Brown, Engineer, Organ, AssociatedPerformer, StudioPersonnel - Jimmy Shaw, Guitar, AssociatedPerformer - Sarah Harmer, Drums, Guitar, Vocals, MainArtist, AssociatedPerformer, ComposerLyricist - Marc Rogers, AssociatedPerformer, Bass (Vocal) - Dean Drouillard, Guitar, AssociatedPerformer - Lenny De Rose, Mixer, Engineer, StudioPersonnel - Julie Fader, Background Vocalist, AssociatedPerformer - Dave Mohacsi, Engineer, StudioPersonnel
℗ 2010 Rounder Records Manufactured and distributed by Concord Music Group
Kevin Fox, Cello, AssociatedPerformer - Gavin Brown, Producer, Engineer, Guitar, Organ, Tambourine, AssociatedPerformer, StudioPersonnel - Sarah Harmer, Producer, Drums, Guitar, Organ, Vocals, MainArtist, AssociatedPerformer, ComposerLyricist - Marc Rogers, AssociatedPerformer, Bass (Vocal) - Lenny De Rose, Mixer, Engineer, StudioPersonnel - Kieran Adams, Drums, AssociatedPerformer - Dave Mohasci, Engineer, StudioPersonnel
℗ 2010 Rounder Records Manufactured and distributed by Concord Music Group
Chris Brown, Organ, AssociatedPerformer - Gavin Brown, Engineer, StudioPersonnel - Spencer Evans, Clarinet, AssociatedPerformer - Sarah Harmer, Guitar, Vocals, Mellotron, MainArtist, AssociatedPerformer, ComposerLyricist - Marc Rogers, Double Bass, AssociatedPerformer - Trevor Henderson, Steel Guitar, AssociatedPerformer - Lenny De Rose, Mixer, Engineer, StudioPersonnel - Kieran Adams, Percussion, AssociatedPerformer - Dave Mohacsi, Engineer, StudioPersonnel
℗ 2010 Rounder Records Manufactured and distributed by Concord Music Group
Kevin Fox, Cello, AssociatedPerformer - Gavin Brown, Engineer, Organ, Tambourine, AssociatedPerformer, StudioPersonnel - Sarah Harmer, Guitar, Keyboards, Vocals, MainArtist, AssociatedPerformer, ComposerLyricist - Lenny De Rose, Mixer, Engineer, StudioPersonnel - Kieran Adams, Drums, AssociatedPerformer - Dave Mohacsi, Engineer, StudioPersonnel
℗ 2010 Rounder Records Manufactured and distributed by Concord Music Group
Chris Brown, Organ, AssociatedPerformer - Gavin Brown, Drums, Engineer, Guitar, Tambourine, Mellotron, AssociatedPerformer, StudioPersonnel - Sarah Harmer, Guitar, Vocals, MainArtist, AssociatedPerformer, ComposerLyricist - Marc Rogers, AssociatedPerformer, Bass (Vocal) - Dean Drouillard, Guitar, AssociatedPerformer - Lenny De Rose, Mixer, Engineer, StudioPersonnel - Dave Mohacsi, Engineer, StudioPersonnel
℗ 2010 Rounder Records Manufactured and distributed by Concord Music Group
Chris Brown, Organ, AssociatedPerformer - Gavin Brown, Drums, Engineer, AssociatedPerformer, StudioPersonnel - Sarah Harmer, Guitar, Vocals, MainArtist, AssociatedPerformer, ComposerLyricist - Marc Rogers, AssociatedPerformer, Bass (Vocal) - Dean Drouillard, Guitar, AssociatedPerformer - Lenny De Rose, Mixer, Engineer, StudioPersonnel - Dave Mohacsi, Engineer, StudioPersonnel - Burke Carroll, Pedal Steel, AssociatedPerformer
℗ 2010 Rounder Records Manufactured and distributed by Concord Music Group
Chris Brown, Organ, AssociatedPerformer - Gavin Brown, Drums, Engineer, Guitar, Tambourine, AssociatedPerformer, StudioPersonnel - Jimmy Shaw, Guitar, AssociatedPerformer - Sarah Harmer, Guitar, Vocals, MainArtist, AssociatedPerformer, ComposerLyricist - Marc Rogers, AssociatedPerformer, Bass (Vocal) - Dean Drouillard, Guitar, AssociatedPerformer - Lenny De Rose, Mixer, Engineer, StudioPersonnel - Dave Mohacsi, Engineer, StudioPersonnel
℗ 2010 Rounder Records Manufactured and distributed by Concord Music Group
Gavin Brown, Drums, Engineer, AssociatedPerformer, StudioPersonnel - Jimmy Shaw, Background Vocalist, AssociatedPerformer - Sarah Harmer, Guitar, Keyboards, Organ, Vocals, MainArtist, AssociatedPerformer, ComposerLyricist - Marc Rogers, AssociatedPerformer, Bass (Vocal) - Lenny De Rose, Mixer, Engineer, StudioPersonnel - Dave Mohacsi, Engineer, StudioPersonnel
℗ 2010 Rounder Records Manufactured and distributed by Concord Music Group
Gavin Brown, Engineer, StudioPersonnel - Neko Case, Vocals, AssociatedPerformer - Sarah Harmer, Guitar, Vocals, MainArtist, AssociatedPerformer, ComposerLyricist - Bryden Baird, Trumpet, AssociatedPerformer - Lenny De Rose, Mixer, Engineer, StudioPersonnel - Steve Donald, Trombone, AssociatedPerformer - Perry White, Bass Clarinet, AssociatedPerformer - Paul Mathew, Double Bass, AssociatedPerformer - Kieran Adams, Percussion, AssociatedPerformer - Dave Mohacsi, Engineer, StudioPersonnel - Burke Carroll, Pedal Steel, AssociatedPerformer
℗ 2010 Rounder Records Manufactured and distributed by Concord Music Group
Chris Brown, Keyboards, AssociatedPerformer - Gavin Brown, Engineer, Guitar, Mellotron, AssociatedPerformer, StudioPersonnel - Sarah Harmer, Drums, Keyboards, Vocals, MainArtist, AssociatedPerformer, ComposerLyricist - Marc Rogers, AssociatedPerformer, Bass (Vocal) - Lenny De Rose, Mixer, Engineer, StudioPersonnel - Dave Mohacsi, Engineer, StudioPersonnel
℗ 2010 Rounder Records Manufactured and distributed by Concord Music Group
Gavin Brown, Engineer, Piano, AssociatedPerformer, StudioPersonnel - Sarah Harmer, Guitar, Vocals, MainArtist, AssociatedPerformer, ComposerLyricist - Bryden Baird, Trumpet, AssociatedPerformer - Lenny De Rose, Mixer, Engineer, StudioPersonnel - Steve Donald, Trombone, AssociatedPerformer - Perry White, Bass Clarinet, AssociatedPerformer - Julie Fader, Background Vocalist, AssociatedPerformer - Dave Mohacsi, Engineer, StudioPersonnel
℗ 2010 Rounder Records Manufactured and distributed by Concord Music Group
In the five years between I’m a Mountain (2005) and Oh Little Fire (2010), acclaimed Canadian songstress Sarah Harmer has kept busy with a combination of environmental activism and guest appearances on albums from the likes of Blue Rodeo, the Weakerthans, Bruce Cockburn, Great Big Sea, and Neko Case, the latter of whom returns the favor on Oh Little Fire. Harmer's winning blend of country, folk, and indie pop is propelled, in part, by her even, expressive tenor, which comes off as a well-maintained bridge between Suzanne Vega and Leslie Feist. Likable and accessible, it would be easy to write her off as just another capable singer/songwriter in an industry stuffed to the rafters with capable singer/songwriters, were it not for her ability to take a simple melody and turn it into something special. Oh Little Fire is filled with those moments, whether it’s the delayed “t” at the end of the word light on the driving single “Captive,” the damp, dirt-road pacing of “Washington,” or the way she and Case wrap their voices around “Silverado” like two sisters on the back of covered wagon. It’s a subtle record to be sure, but one that rewards those who are willing to take the time to let it enter the bloodstream.
© James Christopher Monger /TiVo
Informationen zu dem Album
- 1 Disc(s) - 11 Track(s)
- Gesamte Laufzeit: 00:34:07
- Künstler: Sarah Harmer
- Komponist: Sarah Harmer
- Label: Arts & Crafts Productions Inc.
- Genre: Pop/Rock Pop
© 2010 Cold Snap Music Inc. under exclusive license to Arts & Crafts Productions Inc. ℗ 2010 Cold Snap Music Inc. under exclusive license to Arts & Crafts Productions Inc.
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