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Busy making music under his other alias Daphni (like 2017’s Joli Mai), UK/Canadian producer Dan Snaith returns to his Caribou moniker to deliver a much awaited follow up to Our Love, released six years ago but whose single Can’t Do Without You no one can forget (much like its remix by Tale Of Us). While Caribou is often recognised for his talent as a producer of impeccable sound, it can be easy to forget that he is also an excellent songwriter. This is a side to the artist that is really highlighted with this album: from the opening ballad Sister, his stripped back voice preludes an extremely personal opus on which he tries to deal with a difficult time he has experienced with his family. “I hope people enjoy listening to them, but these tracks were made for me. It was therapeutic.” Thus Dan Snaith lets everything free on this poignant album. Revealing that he had turned down an offer to work with Rihanna (and regretting it ever since), he dips his toe into hip-hop on Sunny’s Time and Home, future R&B on New Jade and even synthpop on You and I. Caribou strikes gold with Never Come Back, a perfect blend of electro-pop with house-y keyboards, pushy beats, catchy melodies and his signature falsetto. © Smaël Bouaici/Qobuz
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Caribou, MainArtist - Dan Snaith, Composer, Producer
2020 City Slang 2020 City Slang
Caribou, MainArtist - Dan Snaith, Composer, Producer
2020 City Slang 2020 City Slang
Caribou, MainArtist - Dan Snaith, Composer, Producer
2020 City Slang 2020 City Slang
Caribou, MainArtist - Dan Snaith, Composer, Producer
2020 City Slang 2020 City Slang
Bobby Dixon, Composer - Kieran Hebden, Arranger - Caribou, MainArtist - Dan Snaith, Composer, Producer, Arranger
2020 City Slang 2020 City Slang
Caribou, MainArtist - Dan Snaith, Composer, Producer - Tempesti, Composer - Pelon, Composer - Achoun, Composer
2020 City Slang 2020 City Slang
Caribou, MainArtist - Dan Snaith, Composer, Producer
2020 City Slang 2020 City Slang
Caribou, MainArtist - Dan Snaith, Composer, Producer
2020 City Slang 2020 City Slang
Caribou, MainArtist - Dan Snaith, Composer, Producer
2020 City Slang 2020 City Slang
Caribou, MainArtist - Dan Snaith, Composer, Producer
2020 City Slang 2020 City Slang
Caribou, MainArtist - Dan Snaith, Composer, Producer
2020 City Slang 2020 City Slang
Caribou, MainArtist - Dan Snaith, Composer, Producer
2020 City Slang 2020 City Slang
Busy making music under his other alias Daphni (like 2017’s Joli Mai), UK/Canadian producer Dan Snaith returns to his Caribou moniker to deliver a much awaited follow up to Our Love, released six years ago but whose single Can’t Do Without You no one can forget (much like its remix by Tale Of Us). While Caribou is often recognised for his talent as a producer of impeccable sound, it can be easy to forget that he is also an excellent songwriter. This is a side to the artist that is really highlighted with this album: from the opening ballad Sister, his stripped back voice preludes an extremely personal opus on which he tries to deal with a difficult time he has experienced with his family. “I hope people enjoy listening to them, but these tracks were made for me. It was therapeutic.” Thus Dan Snaith lets everything free on this poignant album. Revealing that he had turned down an offer to work with Rihanna (and regretting it ever since), he dips his toe into hip-hop on Sunny’s Time and Home, future R&B on New Jade and even synthpop on You and I. Caribou strikes gold with Never Come Back, a perfect blend of electro-pop with house-y keyboards, pushy beats, catchy melodies and his signature falsetto. © Smaël Bouaici/Qobuz
Informationen zu dem Album
- 1 Disc(s) - 12 Track(s)
- Gesamte Laufzeit: 00:43:28
- Künstler: Caribou
- Komponist: Various Composers
- Label: City Slang
- Genre: Electronic House
2020 City Slang 2020 City Slang
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