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The fourth full-length outing from Arizona’s Eyes Set to Kill dials back the screamo in favor of some good old-fashioned goth-tinged melodic alt-metal. Opening track (and first single) “The Secrets Between” eases listeners into the more commercial transition on a foundation of traditional scream/clean dynamics, before essentially handing the reins over to Alexia Rodriguez, who possesses one of the more powerful voices in the genre, even amongst her male counterparts. Elsewhere, the brief “Stuck Underneath” impresses with its sneaky melody and austere setting, while the fiery second single, “Harsh,” appears in both electric and acoustic form.
© James Christopher Monger /TiVo
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Eyes Set To Kill, Composer, Writer, MainArtist
Eyes Set To Kill, Composer, Writer, MainArtist
Eyes Set To Kill, Composer, Writer, MainArtist
Eyes Set To Kill, Composer, Writer, MainArtist
Eyes Set To Kill, Composer, Writer, MainArtist
Eyes Set To Kill, Composer, Writer, MainArtist
Eyes Set To Kill, Composer, Writer, MainArtist
Eyes Set To Kill, Composer, Writer, MainArtist
Eyes Set To Kill, Composer, Writer, MainArtist
Eyes Set To Kill, Composer, Writer, MainArtist
The fourth full-length outing from Arizona’s Eyes Set to Kill dials back the screamo in favor of some good old-fashioned goth-tinged melodic alt-metal. Opening track (and first single) “The Secrets Between” eases listeners into the more commercial transition on a foundation of traditional scream/clean dynamics, before essentially handing the reins over to Alexia Rodriguez, who possesses one of the more powerful voices in the genre, even amongst her male counterparts. Elsewhere, the brief “Stuck Underneath” impresses with its sneaky melody and austere setting, while the fiery second single, “Harsh,” appears in both electric and acoustic form.
© James Christopher Monger /TiVo
Informationen zu dem Album
- 1 Disc(s) - 10 Track(s)
- Gesamte Laufzeit: 00:31:57
- Künstler: Eyes Set To Kill
- Komponist: Eyes Set To Kill
- Label: Maphia
- Genre: Metal
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