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Appearing less than a year after his debut, Work of Art is the sophomore LP from Nigerian Afrobeats star Asake. Relaxed and confident, Asake returns to the mixture of Amapiano, Fújì, and buoyant street-pop that made 2022's Mr. Money with the Vibe such a breakout success. That he was able to return so quickly with a second 14-song effort is one thing, but Work of Art is another musically robust production that relies on a wide cast of contributors including choirs, horns, string sections, and ample layers of percussion, all interacting with the underlying thrum of deep house synths. More than that, the songs are warm and inviting, with the gently insistent melodies that are becoming the young artist's hallmark. Bouncing back and forth between Yoruba and English, Asake sounds effortlessly assertive, steering the album through a humid array of moods and tones largely on his own steam. The only collaborative feature on Work of Art is mentor and YBNL Nation label boss Olamide on the nimble standout "Amapiano." Where Mr. Money with the Vibe charted his rise, Work of Art firmly cements Asake's place as a Nigerian star with global appeal.
© Timothy Monger /TiVo
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Magicsticks, Producer - Asake, MainArtist - Ololade Ahmed, ComposerLyricist
2023 YBNL Nation / EMPIRE 2023 YBNL Nation / EMPIRE
Olamide Adedeji, ComposerLyricist - Magicsticks, Producer - Asake, MainArtist - Ololade Ahmed, ComposerLyricist
2023 YBNL Nation / EMPIRE 2023 YBNL Nation / EMPIRE
Olamide Adedeji, ComposerLyricist - Blaisebeatz, Producer - Asake, MainArtist - Ololade Ahmed, ComposerLyricist
2023 YBNL Nation / EMPIRE 2023 YBNL Nation / EMPIRE
Paul Tucker, ComposerLyricist - Olamide Adedeji, ComposerLyricist - Blaisebeatz, Producer - Asake, MainArtist - Ololade Ahmed, ComposerLyricist
2023 YBNL Nation / EMPIRE 2023 YBNL Nation / EMPIRE
Olamide Adedeji, ComposerLyricist - Magicsticks, Producer - Asake, MainArtist - Ololade Ahmed, ComposerLyricist
2023 YBNL Nation / EMPIRE 2023 YBNL Nation / EMPIRE
Olamide Adedeji, ComposerLyricist - Magicsticks, Producer - Asake, MainArtist - Ololade Ahmed, ComposerLyricist
2023 YBNL Nation / EMPIRE 2023 YBNL Nation / EMPIRE
Olamide, MainArtist - Olamide Adedeji, ComposerLyricist - Magicsticks, Producer - Asake, MainArtist - Ololade Ahmed, ComposerLyricist
2023 YBNL Nation / EMPIRE 2023 YBNL Nation / EMPIRE
Olamide Adedeji, ComposerLyricist - Magicsticks, Producer - Asake, MainArtist - Ololade Ahmed, ComposerLyricist
2023 YBNL Nation / EMPIRE 2023 YBNL Nation / EMPIRE
Olamide Adedeji, ComposerLyricist - Magicsticks, Producer - Asake, MainArtist - Ololade Ahmed, ComposerLyricist
2023 YBNL Nation / EMPIRE 2023 YBNL Nation / EMPIRE
Magicsticks, Producer - Asake, MainArtist - Anoop D'Souza, Producer - P. Priime, Producer - Ololade Ahmed, ComposerLyricist
2023 YBNL Nation / EMPIRE 2023 YBNL Nation / EMPIRE
Olamide Adedeji, ComposerLyricist - Magicsticks, Producer - Asake, MainArtist - Ololade Ahmed, ComposerLyricist
2023 YBNL Nation / EMPIRE 2023 YBNL Nation / EMPIRE
Olamide Adedeji, ComposerLyricist - Blaisebeatz, Producer - Asake, MainArtist - Ololade Ahmed, ComposerLyricist
2023 YBNL Nation / EMPIRE 2023 YBNL Nation / EMPIRE
Magicsticks, Producer - Asake, MainArtist - Ololade Ahmed, ComposerLyricist
2023 YBNL Nation / EMPIRE 2023 YBNL Nation / EMPIRE
Magicsticks, Producer - Asake, MainArtist - Ololade Ahmed, ComposerLyricist
2023 YBNL Nation / EMPIRE 2023 YBNL Nation / EMPIRE
Appearing less than a year after his debut, Work of Art is the sophomore LP from Nigerian Afrobeats star Asake. Relaxed and confident, Asake returns to the mixture of Amapiano, Fújì, and buoyant street-pop that made 2022's Mr. Money with the Vibe such a breakout success. That he was able to return so quickly with a second 14-song effort is one thing, but Work of Art is another musically robust production that relies on a wide cast of contributors including choirs, horns, string sections, and ample layers of percussion, all interacting with the underlying thrum of deep house synths. More than that, the songs are warm and inviting, with the gently insistent melodies that are becoming the young artist's hallmark. Bouncing back and forth between Yoruba and English, Asake sounds effortlessly assertive, steering the album through a humid array of moods and tones largely on his own steam. The only collaborative feature on Work of Art is mentor and YBNL Nation label boss Olamide on the nimble standout "Amapiano." Where Mr. Money with the Vibe charted his rise, Work of Art firmly cements Asake's place as a Nigerian star with global appeal.
© Timothy Monger /TiVo
Informationen zu dem Album
- 1 Disc(s) - 14 Track(s)
- Gesamte Laufzeit: 00:36:45
- Künstler: Asake
- Komponist: Various Composers
- Label: YBNL Nation - EMPIRE
- Genre: World Music Afrika
2023 YBNL Nation / EMPIRE 2023 YBNL Nation / EMPIRE
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