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Over and Out is the debut album from Status Quo's vocalist and rhythm guitarist Rick Parfitt, and comes a year after his death in December 2016. Originally recorded while Parfitt was recovering from his fourth heart attack, the album was never finished, but members of Queen, Muse, and Status Quo fleshed out the tracks in tribute to the late musician.
© Rich Wilson /TiVo
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Copyright Control, MusicPublisher - Rick Parfitt, Composer, Lyricist, Artist, MainArtist - Jo Webb, Composer, Lyricist
2020 Edel Germany GmbH. earMUSIC is a project of Edel. 2020 Edel Germany GmbH. earMUSIC is a project of Edel.
Copyright Control, MusicPublisher - Rick Parfitt, Composer, Lyricist, Artist, MainArtist - Jo Webb, Composer, Lyricist
2020 Edel Germany GmbH. earMUSIC is a project of Edel. 2020 Edel Germany GmbH. earMUSIC is a project of Edel.
Copyright Control, MusicPublisher - Rick Parfitt, Composer, Lyricist, Artist, MainArtist - Jo Webb, Composer, Lyricist
2020 Edel Germany GmbH. earMUSIC is a project of Edel. 2020 Edel Germany GmbH. earMUSIC is a project of Edel.
Copyright Control, MusicPublisher - Rick Parfitt, Composer, Lyricist, Artist, MainArtist - Jo Webb, Composer, Lyricist
2020 Edel Germany GmbH. earMUSIC is a project of Edel. 2020 Edel Germany GmbH. earMUSIC is a project of Edel.
Copyright Control, MusicPublisher - Rick Parfitt, Composer, Lyricist, Artist, MainArtist - Jo Webb, Composer, Lyricist
2020 Edel Germany GmbH. earMUSIC is a project of Edel. 2020 Edel Germany GmbH. earMUSIC is a project of Edel.
Copyright Control, MusicPublisher - Rick Parfitt, Composer, Lyricist, Artist, MainArtist
2020 Edel Germany GmbH. earMUSIC is a project of Edel. 2020 Edel Germany GmbH. earMUSIC is a project of Edel.
Copyright Control, MusicPublisher - John David, Composer, Lyricist - Rick Parfitt, Artist, MainArtist
2020 Edel Germany GmbH. earMUSIC is a project of Edel. 2020 Edel Germany GmbH. earMUSIC is a project of Edel.
Copyright Control, MusicPublisher - John David, Composer, Lyricist - Rick Parfitt, Artist, MainArtist
2020 Edel Germany GmbH. earMUSIC is a project of Edel. 2020 Edel Germany GmbH. earMUSIC is a project of Edel.
Copyright Control, MusicPublisher - Rick Parfitt, Composer, Lyricist, Artist, MainArtist - Jo Webb, Composer, Lyricist
2020 Edel Germany GmbH. earMUSIC is a project of Edel. 2020 Edel Germany GmbH. earMUSIC is a project of Edel.
Copyright Control, MusicPublisher - Rick Parfitt, Composer, Lyricist, Artist, MainArtist
2020 Edel Germany GmbH. earMUSIC is a project of Edel. 2018 Edel Germany GmbH. earMUSIC is a project of Edel.
Presentación del Álbum
Over and Out is the debut album from Status Quo's vocalist and rhythm guitarist Rick Parfitt, and comes a year after his death in December 2016. Originally recorded while Parfitt was recovering from his fourth heart attack, the album was never finished, but members of Queen, Muse, and Status Quo fleshed out the tracks in tribute to the late musician.
© Rich Wilson /TiVo
Acerca del álbum
- 1 disco(s) - 10 pista(s)
- Duración total: 00:35:57
- Artistas principales: Rick Parfitt
- Compositor: Various Composers
- Sello: earMUSIC
- Género Pop/Rock Rock
2020 Edel Germany GmbH. earMUSIC is a project of Edel. 2020 Edel Germany GmbH. earMUSIC is a project of Edel.
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