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With Some Echoes, Aloha craft an imaginative amalgam of all of their favorite musical fruit. Fusing prog rock and indie pop, the disc builds ambitiously on the acclaimed Here Comes Everyone, as evidenced by the lush, stunning ballad "If I Lie Down" and the psychedelic rock redux opener, "Brace Your Face," which puts the group with Cleveland origins in the company of classic bands from the turn of the '70s. Vocalist Tony Cavallario's voice is as lucidly charming and necessary as the band's prog leanings, a notion affirmed by the swooning joy of "Align Your Eyes" and the guitar-driven "Weekend." Still, the united talents of this group are unmistakable throughout Some Echoes, from the percussive attack of "Mountain" to the noodling expanse of "Ice Storming."
© John D. Luerssen /TiVo
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Aloha, interprète
Aloha, interprète
Aloha, interprète
Aloha, interprète
Aloha, interprète
Aloha, interprète
Aloha, interprète
Aloha, interprète
Aloha, interprète
Aloha, interprète
Presentación del Álbum
With Some Echoes, Aloha craft an imaginative amalgam of all of their favorite musical fruit. Fusing prog rock and indie pop, the disc builds ambitiously on the acclaimed Here Comes Everyone, as evidenced by the lush, stunning ballad "If I Lie Down" and the psychedelic rock redux opener, "Brace Your Face," which puts the group with Cleveland origins in the company of classic bands from the turn of the '70s. Vocalist Tony Cavallario's voice is as lucidly charming and necessary as the band's prog leanings, a notion affirmed by the swooning joy of "Align Your Eyes" and the guitar-driven "Weekend." Still, the united talents of this group are unmistakable throughout Some Echoes, from the percussive attack of "Mountain" to the noodling expanse of "Ice Storming."
© John D. Luerssen /TiVo
Acerca del álbum
- 1 disco(s) - 10 pista(s)
- Duración total: 00:38:49
- Artista principal: Aloha
- Sello: Polyvinyl Records
- Género Pop/Rock
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