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Country is more a music of songs than albums, as its practitioners scour Nashville publishers for ten good compositions in the established style, then hope one or two of them will connect with fans. Joe Diffie has put together a decade-plus career in country largely on his ability to succeed in this quest. An adequate but undistinguished singer, he has proven versatile enough to score with a variety of material, and if he has never ascended to superstar status, that he is still going after ten years is a considerable accomplishment. His albums as albums tend to suffer from the typical country flaw: They sound like ten separate songs instead of coherent collections. That's true of In Another World, too, but, as usual, there seem to be enough potential singles to keep him going. The title song, which, typical of the current market, was on country radio for months prior to the album's release, isn't really one of the stronger tracks; it's a wistful reflection on lost love, but a bit sketchy. Far better is the second track, the raucous kiss-off song "My Give a Damn's Busted." Diffie has made a small specialty of such novelties, and he gives a letter-perfect reading to this one, which sounds like a hit waiting to happen if country fans don't find it a tad too sarcastic. Typically, though, it's a one-off; nothing else on the record sounds remotely like it. "If I Lost Her" is the best ballad, while "This Pretender" sounds like something the Eagles could have done. The rest of the tracks are sturdy formula country with their twisted clichés, sentimental messages, and instrumentation. The producers have achieved a remarkably high-tech sound for a country disc, even if the result comes off as freeze-dried on occasion, especially in the harmony vocals.
© William Ruhlmann /TiVo
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Glenn Worf, Bass - James Yeary, Composer - James Yeary, Lyricist - Tom Shapiro, Composer - Tom Shapiro, Lyricist - Mark Capps, Engineer - Dallas Wilson, 2nd Engineer - Joe Diffie, Vocal - Joe Diffie, Performer - Paul Franklin, Steel Guitar - Paul Franklin, Dobro - Wally Wilson, Composer - Wally Wilson, Lyricist - Zack Turner, Banjo - Zack Turner, Harp - Michael Hiatt, A&R Coordinator - Emil Shapach, 2nd Engineer - Mike Brignardello, Bass - B. James Lowry, Electric Guitar - B. James Lowry, Acoustic Baritone Guitar - B. James Lowry, Slide Guitar - Don Cook, Producer - John Barlow Jarvis, Keyboards - John Barlow Jarvis, Piano - Tommy White, Dobro - Alex Torrez, A&R Director - Aubrey Haynie, Mandolin - Aubrey Haynie, Fiddle - Stuart Duncan, Fiddle - Kay Smith, A&R Coordinator - Scott Johnson, Assistant Producer - Mark Casstevens, Acoustic Baritone Guitar - Hank Williams, Mastering Engineer - Steve Nathan, Piano - Brent Mason, Guitar - Brent Mason, Acoustic Baritone Guitar - Brent Mason, Electric Guitar - David Hungate, Bass - Dan Dugmore, Dobro - Mike Bradley, Recording Engineer - Laura Putty, A&R Director - Lonnie Wilson, Producer - Lonnie Wilson, Background Vocal - Lonnie Wilson, Guitar - Lonnie Wilson, Recording Engineer - Lonnie Wilson, Percussion - Lonnie Wilson, Drums
Glenn Worf, Bass - Tom Shapiro, Composer - Tom Shapiro, Lyricist - Mark Capps, Engineer - Dallas Wilson, 2nd Engineer - Joe Diffie, Vocal - Joe Diffie, Composer - Joe Diffie, Lyricist - Joe Diffie, Performer - Tony Martin, Composer - Tony Martin, Lyricist - Paul Franklin, Steel Guitar - Paul Franklin, Dobro - Zack Turner, Banjo - Zack Turner, Harp - Michael Hiatt, A&R Coordinator - B. James Lowry, Acoustic Baritone Guitar - B. James Lowry, Electric Guitar - B. James Lowry, Slide Guitar - Emil Shapach, 2nd Engineer - Mike Brignardello, Bass - Don Cook, Producer - John Barlow Jarvis, Keyboards - John Barlow Jarvis, Piano - Tommy White, Dobro - Alex Torrez, A&R Director - Aubrey Haynie, Mandolin - Aubrey Haynie, Fiddle - Stuart Duncan, Fiddle - Kay Smith, A&R Coordinator - Scott Johnson, Assistant Producer - Mark Casstevens, Acoustic Baritone Guitar - Hank Williams, Mastering Engineer - Steve Nathan, Piano - Brent Mason, Acoustic Baritone Guitar - Brent Mason, Electric Guitar - Brent Mason, Guitar - David Hungate, Bass - Dan Dugmore, Dobro - Mike Bradley, Recording Engineer - Laura Putty, A&R Director - Lonnie Wilson, Producer - Lonnie Wilson, Background Vocal - Lonnie Wilson, Guitar - Lonnie Wilson, Recording Engineer - Lonnie Wilson, Percussion - Lonnie Wilson, Drums
Glenn Worf, Bass - James Yeary, Composer - James Yeary, Lyricist - Mark Capps, Engineer - Dallas Wilson, 2nd Engineer - Joe Diffie, Vocal - Joe Diffie, Performer - Kenny Beard, Composer - Kenny Beard, Lyricist - Paul Franklin, Steel Guitar - Paul Franklin, Dobro - Buddy Brock, Composer - Buddy Brock, Lyricist - Zack Turner, Banjo - Zack Turner, Harp - Michael Hiatt, A&R Coordinator - Emil Shapach, 2nd Engineer - Mike Brignardello, Bass - B. James Lowry, Electric Guitar - B. James Lowry, Acoustic Baritone Guitar - B. James Lowry, Slide Guitar - Don Cook, Producer - John Barlow Jarvis, Keyboards - John Barlow Jarvis, Piano - Tommy White, Dobro - Alex Torrez, A&R Director - Aubrey Haynie, Mandolin - Aubrey Haynie, Fiddle - Stuart Duncan, Fiddle - Kay Smith, A&R Coordinator - Scott Johnson, Assistant Producer - Mark Casstevens, Acoustic Baritone Guitar - Hank Williams, Mastering Engineer - Steve Nathan, Piano - Brent Mason, Acoustic Baritone Guitar - Brent Mason, Electric Guitar - Brent Mason, Guitar - David Hungate, Bass - Dan Dugmore, Dobro - Mike Bradley, Recording Engineer - Laura Putty, A&R Director - Lonnie Wilson, Producer - Lonnie Wilson, Background Vocal - Lonnie Wilson, Guitar - Lonnie Wilson, Recording Engineer - Lonnie Wilson, Percussion - Lonnie Wilson, Drums
Glenn Worf, Bass - Mark Capps, Engineer - Mark Capps, Recording Engineer - Dallas Wilson, 2nd Engineer - Joe Diffie, Vocal - Joe Diffie, Performer - Paul Franklin, Steel Guitar - Paul Franklin, Dobro - Zack Turner, Composer - Zack Turner, Lyricist - Zack Turner, Banjo - Zack Turner, Harp - Michael Hiatt, A&R Coordinator - Emil Shapach, 2nd Engineer - Mike Brignardello, Bass - B. James Lowry, Electric Guitar - B. James Lowry, Acoustic Baritone Guitar - B. James Lowry, Slide Guitar - Don Cook, Producer - John Barlow Jarvis, Keyboards - John Barlow Jarvis, Piano - Andy Griggs, Composer - Andy Griggs, Lyricist - Tommy White, Dobro - Alex Torrez, A&R Director - Aubrey Haynie, Mandolin - Aubrey Haynie, Fiddle - Stuart Duncan, Fiddle - Kay Smith, A&R Coordinator - Scott Johnson, Assistant Producer - Mark Casstevens, Acoustic Baritone Guitar - Hank Williams, Mastering Engineer - Steve Nathan, Piano - Brent Mason, Guitar - Brent Mason, Acoustic Baritone Guitar - Brent Mason, Electric Guitar - David Hungate, Bass - Dan Dugmore, Dobro - Mike Bradley, Mixing Engineer - Laura Putty, A&R Director - Lonnie Wilson, Producer - Lonnie Wilson, Background Vocal - Lonnie Wilson, Composer - Lonnie Wilson, Guitar - Lonnie Wilson, Lyricist - Lonnie Wilson, Recording Engineer - Lonnie Wilson, Percussion - Lonnie Wilson, Drums
Glenn Worf, Bass - Mark Capps, Engineer - Dallas Wilson, 2nd Engineer - Joe Diffie, Vocal - Joe Diffie, Performer - Paul Franklin, Steel Guitar - Paul Franklin, Dobro - Zack Turner, Banjo - Zack Turner, Harp - Michael Hiatt, A&R Coordinator - Shawn Camp, Composer - Shawn Camp, Lyricist - Emil Shapach, 2nd Engineer - Mike Brignardello, Bass - B. James Lowry, Electric Guitar - B. James Lowry, Acoustic Baritone Guitar - B. James Lowry, Slide Guitar - Don Cook, Producer - John Barlow Jarvis, Keyboards - John Barlow Jarvis, Piano - Tommy White, Dobro - Alex Torrez, A&R Director - Aubrey Haynie, Mandolin - Aubrey Haynie, Fiddle - Stuart Duncan, Fiddle - Kay Smith, A&R Coordinator - Scott Johnson, Assistant Producer - Mark Casstevens, Acoustic Baritone Guitar - Hank Williams, Mastering Engineer - Steve Nathan, Piano - Brent Mason, Guitar - Brent Mason, Acoustic Baritone Guitar - Brent Mason, Electric Guitar - David Hungate, Bass - Dan Dugmore, Dobro - John Scott Sherrill, Composer - John Scott Sherrill, Lyricist - Mike Bradley, Recording Engineer - Laura Putty, A&R Director - Lonnie Wilson, Producer - Lonnie Wilson, Background Vocal - Lonnie Wilson, Guitar - Lonnie Wilson, Recording Engineer - Lonnie Wilson, Percussion - Lonnie Wilson, Drums
Glenn Worf, Bass - Mark Capps, Engineer - Dallas Wilson, 2nd Engineer - Joe Diffie, Vocal - Joe Diffie, Performer - Paul Franklin, Steel Guitar - Paul Franklin, Dobro - Zack Turner, Composer - Zack Turner, Lyricist - Zack Turner, Banjo - Zack Turner, Harp - Michael Hiatt, A&R Coordinator - Emil Shapach, 2nd Engineer - Mike Brignardello, Bass - B. James Lowry, Electric Guitar - B. James Lowry, Acoustic Baritone Guitar - B. James Lowry, Slide Guitar - Don Cook, Producer - John Barlow Jarvis, Keyboards - John Barlow Jarvis, Piano - Tommy White, Dobro - Alex Torrez, A&R Director - Aubrey Haynie, Mandolin - Aubrey Haynie, Fiddle - Stuart Duncan, Fiddle - Kay Smith, A&R Coordinator - Scott Johnson, Assistant Producer - Mark Casstevens, Acoustic Baritone Guitar - Hank Williams, Mastering Engineer - Steve Nathan, Piano - Brent Mason, Guitar - Brent Mason, Acoustic Baritone Guitar - Brent Mason, Electric Guitar - David Hungate, Bass - Dan Dugmore, Dobro - Gary Levox, Composer - Gary Levox, Lyricist - Mike Bradley, Recording Engineer - Laura Putty, A&R Director - Lonnie Wilson, Producer - Lonnie Wilson, Background Vocal - Lonnie Wilson, Composer - Lonnie Wilson, Guitar - Lonnie Wilson, Lyricist - Lonnie Wilson, Recording Engineer - Lonnie Wilson, Percussion - Lonnie Wilson, Drums
Glenn Worf, Bass - James LeBlanc, Composer - James LeBlanc, Lyricist - Walt Aldridge, Composer - Walt Aldridge, Lyricist - Mark Capps, Engineer - Dallas Wilson, 2nd Engineer - Joe Diffie, Vocal - Joe Diffie, Performer - Paul Franklin, Steel Guitar - Paul Franklin, Dobro - Zack Turner, Banjo - Zack Turner, Harp - Michael Hiatt, A&R Coordinator - Emil Shapach, 2nd Engineer - Mike Brignardello, Bass - B. James Lowry, Electric Guitar - B. James Lowry, Acoustic Baritone Guitar - B. James Lowry, Slide Guitar - Don Cook, Producer - John Barlow Jarvis, Keyboards - John Barlow Jarvis, Piano - Tommy White, Dobro - Alex Torrez, A&R Director - Aubrey Haynie, Mandolin - Aubrey Haynie, Fiddle - Stuart Duncan, Fiddle - Kay Smith, A&R Coordinator - Scott Johnson, Assistant Producer - Mark Casstevens, Acoustic Baritone Guitar - Hank Williams, Mastering Engineer - Steve Nathan, Piano - Brent Mason, Acoustic Baritone Guitar - Brent Mason, Electric Guitar - Brent Mason, Guitar - David Hungate, Bass - Dan Dugmore, Dobro - Mike Bradley, Recording Engineer - Laura Putty, A&R Director - Lonnie Wilson, Producer - Lonnie Wilson, Background Vocal - Lonnie Wilson, Guitar - Lonnie Wilson, Recording Engineer - Lonnie Wilson, Percussion - Lonnie Wilson, Drums
Glenn Worf, Bass - Tom Shapiro, Composer - Tom Shapiro, Lyricist - Mark Capps, Engineer - Dallas Wilson, 2nd Engineer - Joe Diffie, Vocal - Joe Diffie, Performer - Tony Martin, Composer - Tony Martin, Lyricist - Paul Franklin, Steel Guitar - Paul Franklin, Dobro - Zack Turner, Banjo - Zack Turner, Harp - Michael Hiatt, A&R Coordinator - B. James Lowry, Acoustic Baritone Guitar - B. James Lowry, Electric Guitar - B. James Lowry, Slide Guitar - Emil Shapach, 2nd Engineer - Mike Brignardello, Bass - Bryan White, Composer - Bryan White, Lyricist - Don Cook, Producer - John Barlow Jarvis, Keyboards - John Barlow Jarvis, Piano - Tommy White, Dobro - Alex Torrez, A&R Director - Aubrey Haynie, Mandolin - Aubrey Haynie, Fiddle - Stuart Duncan, Fiddle - Kay Smith, A&R Coordinator - Scott Johnson, Assistant Producer - Mark Casstevens, Acoustic Baritone Guitar - Hank Williams, Mastering Engineer - Steve Nathan, Piano - Brent Mason, Acoustic Baritone Guitar - Brent Mason, Electric Guitar - Brent Mason, Guitar - David Hungate, Bass - Dan Dugmore, Dobro - Mike Bradley, Recording Engineer - Laura Putty, A&R Director - Lonnie Wilson, Producer - Lonnie Wilson, Background Vocal - Lonnie Wilson, Guitar - Lonnie Wilson, Recording Engineer - Lonnie Wilson, Percussion - Lonnie Wilson, Drums
Glenn Worf, Bass - Kim Williams, Composer - Kim Williams, Lyricist - Mark Capps, Engineer - Dallas Wilson, 2nd Engineer - Joe Diffie, Vocal - Joe Diffie, Performer - Paul Franklin, Steel Guitar - Paul Franklin, Dobro - Zack Turner, Composer - Zack Turner, Lyricist - Zack Turner, Banjo - Zack Turner, Harp - Michael Hiatt, A&R Coordinator - B. James Lowry, Acoustic Baritone Guitar - B. James Lowry, Electric Guitar - B. James Lowry, Slide Guitar - Emil Shapach, 2nd Engineer - Mike Brignardello, Bass - Don Cook, Producer - John Barlow Jarvis, Keyboards - John Barlow Jarvis, Piano - Tommy White, Dobro - Alex Torrez, A&R Director - Aubrey Haynie, Mandolin - Aubrey Haynie, Fiddle - Stuart Duncan, Fiddle - Kay Smith, A&R Coordinator - Scott Johnson, Assistant Producer - Mark Casstevens, Acoustic Baritone Guitar - Hank Williams, Mastering Engineer - Steve Nathan, Piano - Brent Mason, Acoustic Baritone Guitar - Brent Mason, Electric Guitar - Brent Mason, Guitar - David Hungate, Bass - Dan Dugmore, Dobro - Mike Bradley, Recording Engineer - Laura Putty, A&R Director - Lonnie Wilson, Composer - Lonnie Wilson, Producer - Lonnie Wilson, Background Vocal - Lonnie Wilson, Guitar - Lonnie Wilson, Lyricist - Lonnie Wilson, Recording Engineer - Lonnie Wilson, Percussion - Lonnie Wilson, Drums
Glenn Worf, Bass - Mark Capps, Engineer - Mark Capps, Recording Engineer - Dallas Wilson, 2nd Engineer - Joe Diffie, Vocal - Joe Diffie, Performer - Paul Franklin, Steel Guitar - Paul Franklin, Dobro - Zack Turner, Banjo - Zack Turner, Harp - Michael Hiatt, A&R Coordinator - Shawn Camp, Composer - Shawn Camp, Lyricist - Tim Mensy, Composer - Tim Mensy, Lyricist - Emil Shapach, 2nd Engineer - Mike Brignardello, Bass - B. James Lowry, Electric Guitar - B. James Lowry, Acoustic Baritone Guitar - B. James Lowry, Slide Guitar - Don Cook, Producer - John Barlow Jarvis, Keyboards - John Barlow Jarvis, Piano - Tommy White, Dobro - Alex Torrez, A&R Director - Aubrey Haynie, Mandolin - Aubrey Haynie, Fiddle - Stuart Duncan, Fiddle - Kay Smith, A&R Coordinator - Scott Johnson, Assistant Producer - Mark Casstevens, Acoustic Baritone Guitar - Hank Williams, Mastering Engineer - Steve Nathan, Piano - Brent Mason, Guitar - Brent Mason, Acoustic Baritone Guitar - Brent Mason, Electric Guitar - David Hungate, Bass - Dan Dugmore, Dobro - Mike Bradley, Mixing Engineer - Laura Putty, A&R Director - Lonnie Wilson, Producer - Lonnie Wilson, Background Vocal - Lonnie Wilson, Guitar - Lonnie Wilson, Recording Engineer - Lonnie Wilson, Percussion - Lonnie Wilson, Drums
Album review
Country is more a music of songs than albums, as its practitioners scour Nashville publishers for ten good compositions in the established style, then hope one or two of them will connect with fans. Joe Diffie has put together a decade-plus career in country largely on his ability to succeed in this quest. An adequate but undistinguished singer, he has proven versatile enough to score with a variety of material, and if he has never ascended to superstar status, that he is still going after ten years is a considerable accomplishment. His albums as albums tend to suffer from the typical country flaw: They sound like ten separate songs instead of coherent collections. That's true of In Another World, too, but, as usual, there seem to be enough potential singles to keep him going. The title song, which, typical of the current market, was on country radio for months prior to the album's release, isn't really one of the stronger tracks; it's a wistful reflection on lost love, but a bit sketchy. Far better is the second track, the raucous kiss-off song "My Give a Damn's Busted." Diffie has made a small specialty of such novelties, and he gives a letter-perfect reading to this one, which sounds like a hit waiting to happen if country fans don't find it a tad too sarcastic. Typically, though, it's a one-off; nothing else on the record sounds remotely like it. "If I Lost Her" is the best ballad, while "This Pretender" sounds like something the Eagles could have done. The rest of the tracks are sturdy formula country with their twisted clichés, sentimental messages, and instrumentation. The producers have achieved a remarkably high-tech sound for a country disc, even if the result comes off as freeze-dried on occasion, especially in the harmony vocals.
© William Ruhlmann /TiVo
About the album
- 1 disc(s) - 10 track(s)
- Total length: 00:38:10
- Main artists: Joe Diffie
- Composer: Various Composers
- Label: Monument
- Genre: Blues/Country/Folk Country
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