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Phish's strength has always been its live shows, and A Live One shows why. Given the opportunity, the band takes its songs in every direction, winding through several different sounds within the course of a song. A Live One also features seven previously unreleased songs, making it worthwhile listening for even casual fans. Then again, most fans of Phish will want to hear everything the group has ever played.
© Stephen Thomas Erlewine /TiVo
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James Harvey, Trombone - Stephen Marcussen, Masterer - Dave Grippo, Alto Saxophone - Trey Anastasio, Producer, Guitar, Vocals, Writer - Michael Ray, Trumpet - Ed Thacker, Mixer - Phish, MainArtist - Chris Laidlaw, AssistantEngineer - Jon Fishman, Producer, Drums - Page McConnell, Producer, Keyboards, Vocals - Paul Languedoc, Engineer - Peter Apfelbaum, Tenor Saxophone - Steve Colby, Engineer - Tom Marshall, Writer - Mike Gordon, Producer, Bass Guitar, Vocals - Todd Vos, AssistantEngineer
© 1995 Elektra Entertainment Group Inc. ℗ 1990 Elektra Entertainment, A Division of Warner Communications Inc.
James Harvey, Trombone - Stephen Marcussen, Masterer - Dave Grippo, Alto Saxophone - Trey Anastasio, Producer, Guitar, Vocals, Writer - Michael Ray, Trumpet - Ed Thacker, Mixer - Phish, MainArtist - Chris Laidlaw, AssistantEngineer - Jon Fishman, Producer, Drums - Page McConnell, Producer, Keyboards, Vocals - Paul Languedoc, Engineer - Peter Apfelbaum, Tenor Saxophone - Steve Colby, Engineer - Tom Marshall, Writer - Mike Gordon, Producer, Bass Guitar, Vocals - Todd Vos, AssistantEngineer
© 1995 Elektra Entertainment Group Inc. ℗ 1990 Elektra Entertainment, A Division of Warner Communications Inc.
James Harvey, Trombone - Stephen Marcussen, Masterer - Dave Grippo, Alto Saxophone - Trey Anastasio, Producer, Guitar, Vocals, Writer - Michael Ray, Trumpet - Ed Thacker, Mixer - Phish, MainArtist - Chris Laidlaw, AssistantEngineer - Jon Fishman, Producer, Drums, Writer - Page McConnell, Producer, Keyboards, Vocals - Paul Languedoc, Engineer - Peter Apfelbaum, Tenor Saxophone - Steve Colby, Engineer - The Giant Horns, Horn - Mike Gordon, Producer, Bass Guitar, Vocals - Todd Vos, AssistantEngineer
© 1995 Elektra Entertainment Group Inc. ℗ 1990 Elektra Entertainment, A Division of Warner Communications Inc.
James Harvey, Trombone - Stephen Marcussen, Masterer - Dave Grippo, Alto Saxophone - Trey Anastasio, Producer, Guitar, Vocals, Writer - Michael Ray, Trumpet - Ed Thacker, Mixer - Phish, MainArtist - Chris Laidlaw, AssistantEngineer - Jon Fishman, Producer, Drums, Writer - Page McConnell, Producer, Keyboards, Vocals, Writer - Paul Languedoc, Engineer - Peter Apfelbaum, Tenor Saxophone - Steve Colby, Engineer - Tom Marshall, Writer - Mike Gordon, Producer, Bass Guitar, Vocals - Todd Vos, AssistantEngineer
© 1995 Elektra Entertainment Group Inc. ℗ 1990 Elektra Entertainment, A Division of Warner Communications Inc.
James Harvey, Trombone - Stephen Marcussen, Masterer - Dave Grippo, Alto Saxophone - Trey Anastasio, Producer, Guitar, Vocals, Writer - Michael Ray, Trumpet - Ed Thacker, Mixer - Phish, Composer, MainArtist - Chris Laidlaw, AssistantEngineer - Jon Fishman, Producer, Drums - Page McConnell, Producer, Keyboards, Vocals - Paul Languedoc, Engineer - Peter Apfelbaum, Tenor Saxophone - Steve Colby, Engineer - Mike Gordon, Producer, Bass Guitar, Vocals - Todd Vos, AssistantEngineer
© 1995 Elektra Entertainment Group Inc. ℗ 1990 Elektra Entertainment, A Division of Warner Communications Inc.
James Harvey, Trombone - Stephen Marcussen, Masterer - Dave Grippo, Alto Saxophone - Trey Anastasio, Guitar, Vocals, Writer - Michael Ray, Trumpet - Ed Thacker, Mixer - Phish, MainArtist - Chris Laidlaw, AssistantEngineer - Jon Fishman, Drums - Page McConnell, Keyboards, Vocals - Paul Languedoc, Engineer - Peter Apfelbaum, Tenor Saxophone - Steve Colby, Engineer - Tom Marshall, Writer - Mike Gordon, Bass Guitar, Vocals - Todd Vos, AssistantEngineer
© 1995 Elektra Entertainment Group Inc. ℗ 1990 Elektra Entertainment, A Division of Warner Communications Inc.
James Harvey, Trombone - Stephen Marcussen, Masterer - Dave Grippo, Alto Saxophone - Trey Anastasio, Producer, Guitar, Vocals, Writer - Michael Ray, Trumpet - Ed Thacker, Mixer - Phish, Composer, MainArtist - Chris Laidlaw, AssistantEngineer - Jon Fishman, Producer, Drums - Page McConnell, Producer, Keyboards, Vocals - Paul Languedoc, Engineer - Peter Apfelbaum, Tenor Saxophone - Steve Colby, Engineer - Mike Gordon, Producer, Bass Guitar, Vocals - Todd Vos, AssistantEngineer - Dave Abrahams, Writer
© 1995 Elektra Entertainment Group Inc. ℗ 1990 Elektra Entertainment, A Division of Warner Communications Inc.
James Harvey, Trombone - Stephen Marcussen, Masterer - Dave Grippo, Alto Saxophone - Trey Anastasio, Producer, Guitar, Vocals, Writer - Michael Ray, Trumpet - Ed Thacker, Mixer - Phish, MainArtist - Chris Laidlaw, AssistantEngineer - Jon Fishman, Producer, Drums - Page McConnell, Producer, Keyboards, Vocals - Paul Languedoc, Engineer - Peter Apfelbaum, Tenor Saxophone - Steve Colby, Engineer - Tom Marshall, Writer - Mike Gordon, Producer, Bass Guitar, Vocals - Todd Vos, AssistantEngineer - Errand Woolf, Writer
© 1995 Elektra Entertainment Group Inc. ℗ 1990 Elektra Entertainment, A Division of Warner Communications Inc.
James Harvey, Trombone - Stephen Marcussen, Masterer - Dave Grippo, Alto Saxophone - Trey Anastasio, Guitar, Vocals, Writer - Michael Ray, Trumpet - Ed Thacker, Mixer - Phish, MainArtist - Chris Laidlaw, AssistantEngineer - Jon Fishman, Drums, Writer - Page McConnell, Keyboards, Vocals, Writer - Paul Languedoc, Engineer - Peter Apfelbaum, Tenor Saxophone - Steve Colby, Engineer - Mike Gordon, Bass Guitar, Vocals, Writer - Todd Vos, AssistantEngineer
© 1995 Elektra Entertainment Group Inc. ℗ 1990 Elektra Entertainment, A Division of Warner Communications Inc.
James Harvey, Trombone - Stephen Marcussen, Masterer - Dave Grippo, Alto Saxophone - Trey Anastasio, Producer, Guitar, Vocals - Michael Ray, Trumpet - Ed Thacker, Mixer - Phish, MainArtist - Chris Laidlaw, AssistantEngineer - Jon Fishman, Producer, Drums - Page McConnell, Producer, Keyboards, Vocals - Paul Languedoc, Engineer - Peter Apfelbaum, Tenor Saxophone - Steve Colby, Engineer - Mike Gordon, Producer, Bass Guitar, Vocals, Writer - Todd Vos, AssistantEngineer
© 1995 Elektra Entertainment Group Inc. ℗ 1990 Elektra Entertainment, A Division of Warner Communications Inc.
James Harvey, Trombone - Stephen Marcussen, Masterer - Dave Grippo, Alto Saxophone - Trey Anastasio, Producer, Guitar, Vocals, Writer - Michael Ray, Trumpet - Ed Thacker, Mixer - Phish, MainArtist - Chris Laidlaw, AssistantEngineer - Jon Fishman, Producer, Drums, Writer - Page McConnell, Producer, Keyboards, Vocals, Writer - Paul Languedoc, Engineer - Peter Apfelbaum, Tenor Saxophone - Steve Colby, Engineer - Tom Marshall, Writer - Mike Gordon, Producer, Bass Guitar, Vocals, Writer - Brian Long, Writer - Todd Vos, AssistantEngineer
© 1995 Elektra Entertainment Group Inc. ℗ 1990 Elektra Entertainment, A Division of Warner Communications Inc.
James Harvey, Trombone - Stephen Marcussen, Masterer - Dave Grippo, Alto Saxophone - Trey Anastasio, Producer, Guitar, Vocals, Writer - Michael Ray, Trumpet - Ed Thacker, Mixer - Phish, Composer, MainArtist - Chris Laidlaw, AssistantEngineer - Jon Fishman, Producer, Drums - Page McConnell, Producer, Keyboards, Vocals - Paul Languedoc, Engineer - Peter Apfelbaum, Tenor Saxophone - Steve Colby, Engineer - Tom Marshall, Writer - Mike Gordon, Producer, Bass Guitar, Vocals - Todd Vos, AssistantEngineer
© 1995 Elektra Entertainment Group Inc. ℗ 1990 Elektra Entertainment, A Division of Warner Communications Inc. for the United States and WEA International Inc. for the world outside of the United States.
Phish's strength has always been its live shows, and A Live One shows why. Given the opportunity, the band takes its songs in every direction, winding through several different sounds within the course of a song. A Live One also features seven previously unreleased songs, making it worthwhile listening for even casual fans. Then again, most fans of Phish will want to hear everything the group has ever played.
© Stephen Thomas Erlewine /TiVo
À propos
- 2 disque(s) - 12 piste(s)
- Durée totale : 02:11:04
- Artistes principaux : Phish
- Compositeur : Phish
- Label : Rhino - Elektra
- Genre : Pop/Rock Pop
© 1995 Elektra Entertainment Group Inc. ℗ 1995 Elektra Entertainment Group Inc.
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