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Josh Thompson, Writer - Troy Lancaster, Electric Guitar - Blake Shelton, Lead Vocals, MainArtist - Jimmie Lee Sloas, Bass - Paul Franklin, Pedal Steel Guitar - Andrew Mendelson, Masterer - Tom Bukovac, Electric Guitar - JUstin Niebank, Mixer, RecordingEngineer - Scott Johnson, ProductionAssistant - Drew Bollman, Additional Mixer - SCOTT HENDRICKS, Producer, Digital Editor, AdditionalEngineer - Gordon Mote, Synthesizer, Acoustic Piano, Hammond B3 Organ - Perry Coleman, Background Vocals - Nir Z, Drums, Programming - Brian David Willis, Digital Editor - Justin Neibank, Programming - Ilya Toshinskiy, Acoustic Guitar - Sean Badum, RecordingEngineer - Jordan Schmidt, Writer - Michael Hardy, Writer - Sam Bergeson, Guitar, Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitar, Mandolin, Synthesizer, Lap Steel Guitar, Programming, AdditionalEngineer
© 2021 Ten Point Productions, Inc. under exclusive license to Warner Records Inc. ℗ 2021 Ten Point Productions, Inc. under exclusive license to Warner Records Inc. for the U.S. and WEA International Inc. for the world outside the U.S.
Troy Lancaster, Electric Guitar - Blake Shelton, Lead Vocals, MainArtist - Jimmie Lee Sloas, Bass - Hardy, Lead Vocals, Background Vocals, FeaturedArtist - Paul Franklin, Pedal Steel Guitar - Andrew Mendelson, Masterer - Tom Bukovac, Electric Guitar - JUstin Niebank, Mixer, Programming, RecordingEngineer - Scott Johnson, ProductionManager - Drew Bollman, Additional Mixer - SCOTT HENDRICKS, Producer, Digital Editor, AdditionalEngineer - Gordon Mote, Acoustic Piano, Hammond B3 Organ, Bass Synthesizer - Perry Coleman, Background Vocals - Nir Z, Drums, Percussion, Programming - Brian David Willis, Digital Editor - Brian Kelley, Writer - Blaine Johnson, Background Vocals - Bart Butler, Writer - Ilya Toshinskiy, Banjo, Dobro - Sean Badum, RecordingEngineer - Jordan Schmidt, Writer - Michael Hardy, Writer - Sam Bergeson, Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitar, Slide Guitar, Mandolin, Background Vocals, Synthesizer, Acoustic Piano, Programming, Bass Synthesizer, AdditionalEngineer - Derrick Casteel, Background Vocals
© 2021 Ten Point Productions, Inc. under exclusive license to Warner Records Inc. ℗ 2021 Ten Point Productions, Inc. under exclusive license to Warner Records Inc.
Troy Lancaster, Electric Guitar - Blake Shelton, Lead Vocals, MainArtist - Jimmie Lee Sloas, Bass - Andrew Mendelson, MasteringEngineer - Bryan Sutton, Acoustic Guitar - Tom Bukovac, Electric Guitar - JUstin Niebank, Programmer, Audio Recording Engineer, MixingEngineer - Scott Johnson, ProductionAssistant - Drew Bollman, AssistantEngineer - SCOTT HENDRICKS, Producer, Digital Editor, AdditionalEngineer - Gordon Mote, Acoustic Piano, Hammond B3 Organ - Russ Pahl, Pedal Steel Guitar - Jesse Frasure, Writer - Brian David Willis, Digital Editor - Corey Crowder, Writer - Nicolle Galyon, Writer - Kara Britz, Backing Vocals - Blake Bollinger, Programmer, Synthesizer - Josh Ditty, AssistantEngineer - Nir Z., Drums, Programmer
© 2021 Ten Point Productions, Inc. under exclusive license to Warner Records Inc. ℗ 2021 Ten Point Productions, Inc. under exclusive license to Warner Records Inc. for the U.S. and WEA International Inc. for the world outside the U.S.
Troy Lancaster, Electric Guitar - Blake Shelton, Lead Vocals, MainArtist - Jimmie Lee Sloas, Bass - Andrew Mendelson, MasteringEngineer - Bryan Sutton, Acoustic Guitar - Tom Bukovac, Electric Guitar - JUstin Niebank, Programmer, Audio Recording Engineer, MixingEngineer - Scott Johnson, ProductionAssistant - Drew Bollman, AssistantEngineer - SCOTT HENDRICKS, Producer, Digital Editor, AdditionalEngineer - Perry Coleman, Backing Vocals - Russ Pahl, Pedal Steel Guitar - Brian David Willis, Digital Editor - Matt McGinn, Writer - Blake Bollinger, Programmer, Synthesizer - The Swon Brothers, Background Vocals, FeaturedArtist - Colton Swon, Backing Vocals, Writer - Zach Swon, Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitar, Keyboards, Backing Vocals, Writer - Josh Ditty, AssistantEngineer - Ryan Beaver, Writer - Nir Z., Drums, Percussion, Programmer - Nicholas "Blaze" Baum, Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitar
© 2021 Ten Point Productions, Inc. under exclusive license to Warner Records Inc. ℗ 2021 Blake Shelton under exclusive license to Warner Records, Inc.
Troy Lancaster, Electric Guitar - Blake Shelton, Lead Vocals, MainArtist - Ross Copperman, Writer - Jimmie Lee Sloas, Bass - Ilya Toshinsky, Acoustic Guitar - Andrew Mendelson, MasteringEngineer - Tom Bukovac, Electric Guitar - JUstin Niebank, Audio Recording Engineer, Programming - Scott Johnson, ProductionAssistant - Drew Bollman, Assistant Mixer - SCOTT HENDRICKS, Producer, Digital Editor, AdditionalEngineer - Gordon Mote, Hammond B3 Organ - Nir Z, Programming - Russ Pahl, Pedal Steel Guitar - Brian David Willis, Digital Editor - GWEN STEFANI, Featured Vocals, FeaturedArtist - Josh Osborne, Writer - Matt Jenkins, Writer - Justin Neibank, Mixer - Ilya Toshinskiy, Banjo - Kam Luchterhand, AssistantEngineer - Josh Ditty, Recording Assistant - Tate McDowell, AssistantEngineer - Charlie Marshall, AssistantEngineer - Nir Z., Drums, Percussion
© 2021 Ten Point Productions, Inc. under exclusive license to Warner Records Inc. ℗ 2020 Ten Point Productions, Inc. under exclusive license to Warner Music Nashville LLC
Troy Lancaster, Electric Guitar - Blake Shelton, Lead Vocals, MainArtist - Jimmie Lee Sloas, Bass - Andrew Mendelson, MasteringEngineer - Bryan Sutton, Acoustic Guitar - Tom Bukovac, Electric Guitar - JUstin Niebank, Programmer, Audio Recording Engineer, MixingEngineer - Scott Johnson, ProductionAssistant - Drew Bollman, AssistantEngineer - Jessi Alexander, Writer - SCOTT HENDRICKS, Producer, Digital Editor, AdditionalEngineer - Gordon Mote, Piano - Perry Coleman, Backing Vocals - Russ Pahl, Pedal Steel Guitar - Brian David Willis, Digital Editor - Blake Bollinger, Programmer, Synthesizer - Josh Ditty, AssistantEngineer - Michael Hardy, Writer - Alysa Vanderheym, Writer - Nir Z., Drums, Percussion, Programmer
© 2021 Ten Point Productions, Inc. under exclusive license to Warner Records Inc. ℗ 2021 Ten Point Productions, Inc. under exclusive license to Warner Records Inc.
Josh Thompson, Writer - Troy Lancaster, Electric Guitar - Blake Shelton, Lead Vocals, MainArtist - Jimmie Lee Sloas, Bass - Andrew Mendelson, MasteringEngineer - Tom Bukovac, Electric Guitar - JUstin Niebank, Programmer, Audio Recording Engineer, MixingEngineer - Scott Johnson, ProductionAssistant - Drew Bollman, AssistantEngineer - Jessi Alexander, Writer - SCOTT HENDRICKS, Producer, Digital Editor, AdditionalEngineer - Gordon Mote, Piano - Rob McNelley, Electric Guitar - Perry Coleman, Backing Vocals - Russ Pahl, Pedal Steel Guitar - Brian David Willis, Digital Editor - Deric Ruttan, Writer - Ilya Toshinskiy, Acoustic Guitar - Josh Ditty, AssistantEngineer - Nir Z., Drums, Percussion, Programmer
© 2021 Ten Point Productions, Inc. under exclusive license to Warner Records Inc. ℗ 2021 Ten Point Productions, Inc. under exclusive license to Warner Records Inc.
Craig Wiseman, Writer - Rodney Clawson, Writer - Chris Tompkins, Writer - Troy Lancaster, Electric Guitar - Blake Shelton, Lead Vocals, MainArtist - Paul Franklin, Dobro - Andrew Mendelson, MasteringEngineer - Bryan Sutton, Banjo, Acoustic Guitar - JUstin Niebank, Audio Recording Engineer, MixingEngineer - Scott Johnson, ProductionAssistant - Drew Bollman, AssistantEngineer - Glenn Worf, Bass Guitar - SCOTT HENDRICKS, Producer, Digital Editor, AdditionalEngineer - Gordon Mote, Synthesizer, Hammond B3 Organ - Rob McNelley, Electric Guitar - Perry Coleman, Backing Vocals - Brian David Willis, Digital Editor - Jenee Fleenor, Fiddle - Matt Dragstrem, Writer - Josh Ditty, AssistantEngineer - Nir Z., Drums, Programmer
© 2021 Ten Point Productions, Inc. under exclusive license to Warner Records Inc. ℗ 2021 Blake Shelton under exclusive license to Warner Records, Inc.
Troy Lancaster, Electric Guitar - Blake Shelton, Lead Vocals, MainArtist - Jimmie Lee Sloas, Bass Guitar - Andrew Mendelson, MasteringEngineer - Tom Bukovac, Electric Guitar - JUstin Niebank, Programmer, Audio Recording Engineer, MixingEngineer - Scott Johnson, ProductionAssistant - Drew Bollman, AssistantEngineer - SCOTT HENDRICKS, Producer, Digital Editor, AdditionalEngineer - Perry Coleman, Backing Vocals - Russ Pahl, Pedal Steel Guitar - Brian David Willis, Digital Editor - Josh Osborne, Writer - Shane McAnally, Writer - Brad Tursi, Writer - Ilya Toshinskiy, Acoustic Guitar - Blake Bollinger, Programmer, Synthesizer - Josh Ditty, AssistantEngineer - Nir Z., Drums, Percussion, Programmer
© 2021 Ten Point Productions, Inc. under exclusive license to Warner Records Inc. ℗ 2021 Ten Point Productions, Inc. under exclusive license to Warner Records Inc.
Troy Lancaster, Electric Guitar - Blake Shelton, Lead Vocals, MainArtist - Jimmie Lee Sloas, Bass Guitar - Casey Beathard, Writer - Andrew Mendelson, MasteringEngineer - Bryan Sutton, Acoustic Guitar - Tom Bukovac, Electric Guitar - JUstin Niebank, Programmer, Audio Recording Engineer, MixingEngineer - Scott Johnson, ProductionAssistant - Drew Bollman, AssistantEngineer - SCOTT HENDRICKS, Producer, Digital Editor, AdditionalEngineer - Gordon Mote, Piano - Rob McNelley, Electric Guitar - Dallas Davidson, Writer - Perry Coleman, Backing Vocals - Russ Pahl, Pedal Steel Guitar - Brian David Willis, Digital Editor - Blake Bollinger, Programmer, Synthesizer - Josh Ditty, AssistantEngineer - Kyle Fishman, Writer - Nir Z., Drums, Percussion, Programmer
© 2021 Ten Point Productions, Inc. under exclusive license to Warner Records Inc. ℗ 2021 Ten Point Productions, Inc. under exclusive license to Warner Records Inc.
Ben Hayslip, Writer - Troy Lancaster, Electric Guitar - Blake Shelton, Lead Vocals, MainArtist - Jimmie Lee Sloas, Bass Guitar - Andrew Mendelson, MasteringEngineer - Tom Bukovac, Electric Guitar - JUstin Niebank, Programmer, Audio Recording Engineer, MixingEngineer - Scott Johnson, ProductionAssistant - Drew Bollman, AssistantEngineer - SCOTT HENDRICKS, Producer, Digital Editor, AdditionalEngineer - Gordon Mote, Piano - Rob McNelley, Electric Guitar - Perry Coleman, Backing Vocals - Russ Pahl, Pedal Steel Guitar - Brian David Willis, Digital Editor - Mark Holman, Writer - Josh Osborne, Writer - Ilya Toshinskiy, Acoustic Guitar - Blake Bollinger, Synthesizer - Josh Ditty, AssistantEngineer - Nir Z., Drums, Percussion, Programmer
© 2021 Ten Point Productions, Inc. under exclusive license to Warner Records Inc. ℗ 2021 Ten Point Productions, Inc. under exclusive license to Warner Records Inc.
Troy Lancaster, Electric Guitar - Blake Shelton, Lead Vocals, MainArtist - Ross Copperman, Writer - Paul Franklin, Pedal Steel Guitar - Andrew Mendelson, MasteringEngineer - Bryan Sutton, Banjo, Acoustic Guitar, Ukulele - JUstin Niebank, Programmer, Audio Recording Engineer, MixingEngineer - Scott Johnson, ProductionAssistant - Drew Bollman, AssistantEngineer - Glenn Worf, Bass Guitar - SCOTT HENDRICKS, Producer, Digital Editor, AdditionalEngineer - Gordon Mote, Synthesizer, Hammond B3 Organ - Rob McNelley, Electric Guitar - Perry Coleman, Backing Vocals - Brian David Willis, Digital Editor - Josh Osborne, Writer - Shane McAnally, Writer - Jenee Fleenor, Fiddle - Josh Ditty, AssistantEngineer - Nir Z., Drums, Programmer
© 2021 Ten Point Productions, Inc. under exclusive license to Warner Records Inc. ℗ 2021 Ten Point Productions, Inc. under exclusive license to Warner Records Inc.
Michael Tyler, Writer - Troy Lancaster, Electric Guitar - Blake Shelton, Lead Vocals, MainArtist - Jimmie Lee Sloas, Bass - Andrew Mendelson, MasteringEngineer - Tom Bukovac, Electric Guitar - JUstin Niebank, Programmer, Audio Recording Engineer, MixingEngineer - Scott Johnson, ProductionAssistant - Drew Bollman, AssistantEngineer - SCOTT HENDRICKS, Producer, Digital Editor, AdditionalEngineer - Gordon Mote, Piano - Rob McNelley, Electric Guitar - Perry Coleman, Backing Vocals - Russ Pahl, Pedal Steel Guitar - Brian David Willis, Digital Editor - Ben West, Writer - Jaron Boyer, Writer - Ilya Toshinskiy, Acoustic Guitar - Josh Ditty, AssistantEngineer - Nir Z., Drums, Percussion, Programmer
© 2021 Ten Point Productions, Inc. under exclusive license to Warner Records Inc. ℗ 2021 Ten Point Productions, Inc. under exclusive license to Warner Records Inc.
Troy Lancaster, Electric Guitar - Blake Shelton, Lead Vocals, MainArtist - Paul Franklin, Pedal Steel Guitar - Andrew Mendelson, MasteringEngineer - Bryan Sutton, Acoustic Guitar - JUstin Niebank, Audio Recording Engineer, MixingEngineer - Scott Johnson, ProductionAssistant - Drew Bollman, AssistantEngineer - Glenn Worf, Bass Guitar - SCOTT HENDRICKS, Producer, Digital Editor, AdditionalEngineer - Gordon Mote, Piano, Synthesizer - Rob McNelley, Electric Guitar - Perry Coleman, Backing Vocals - Brian David Willis, Digital Editor - Joe Fox, Writer - Josh Ditty, AssistantEngineer - Andrew Peebles, Writer - Brett Sheroky, Writer - Nir Z., Percussion, Programmer
© 2021 Ten Point Productions, Inc. under exclusive license to Warner Records Inc. ℗ 2021 Ten Point Productions, Inc. under exclusive license to Warner Records Inc.
Brooks & Dunn, Vocals, FeaturedArtist - Bobby Pinson, Writer - Rhett Akins, Writer - Ben Hayslip, Writer - Troy Lancaster, Electric Guitar - Blake Shelton, Lead Vocals, MainArtist - Jimmie Lee Sloas, Bass - Kenny Greenberg, Electric Guitar - Brent Mason, Electric Guitar, Baritone Guitar - Andrew Mendelson, Masterer - JUstin Niebank, Mixer, RecordingEngineer - Scott Johnson, ProductionAssistant - Drew Bollman, Additional Mixer, RecordingEngineer - SCOTT HENDRICKS, Producer, Digital Editor, RecordingEngineer - Clarke Schleicher, RecordingEngineer - Gordon Mote, Hammond B3 Organ - Perry Coleman, Background Vocals - Nir Z, Drums, Percussion, Digital Editor, Programming - Russ Pahl, Pedal Steel Guitar - Brian David Willis, Digital Editor - Ilya Toshinskiy, Acoustic Guitar - Kam Luchterhand, Recording Assistant - Nich Jones, Recording Assistant
© 2021 Ten Point Productions, Inc. under exclusive license to Warner Records Inc. ℗ 2021 Ten Point Productions, Inc. under exclusive license to Warner Records Inc.
Craig Wiseman, Writer - Troy Lancaster, Electric Guitar - Blake Shelton, Lead Vocals, Writer, MainArtist - Jimmie Lee Sloas, Bass - Paul Franklin, Pedal Steel Guitar - Aubrey Haynie, Fiddle - Andrew Mendelson, Masterer - Bryan Sutton, Acoustic Guitar, Mandolin - Tom Bukovac, Electric Guitar - JUstin Niebank, Mixer, Programming, RecordingEngineer - Scott Johnson, ProductionManager - Drew Bollman, Additional Mixer - SCOTT HENDRICKS, Producer, Digital Editor, AdditionalEngineer - Gordon Mote, Acoustic Piano, Bass Synthesizer - Perry Coleman, Background Vocals - Nir Z, Drums, Programming - Brian David Willis, Digital Editor - Ilya Toshinskiy, Acoustic Guitar - Sean Badum, RecordingEngineer
© 2021 Ten Point Productions, Inc. under exclusive license to Warner Records Inc. ℗ 2021 Ten Point Productions, Inc. under exclusive license to Warner Records Inc.
À propos
- 1 disque(s) - 16 piste(s)
- Durée totale : 00:51:56
- Artistes principaux : Blake Shelton
- Label : Warner Music Nashville
- Genre : Blues/Country/Folk Country
© 2021 Ten Point Productions, Inc. under exclusive license to Warner Records Inc. ℗ 2021 Ten Point Productions, Inc. under exclusive license to Warner Records Inc.
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