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John Williams, ComposerLyricist - RJ, Vocalist - Antonio Fernandez, Vocalist - Deke Sharon, Producer, RecordingArranger - Ed Boyer, MixingEngineer, RecordingEngineer - Orlando Dixon, Vocalist - Disney, MainArtist - Ted Trembinski, RecordingEngineer - DCappella, MainArtist - Morgan Keene, Vocalist - Joe Santoni, Vocalist - Kalen Kelly, Vocalist - Kelly Denice Taylor, Vocalist
℗ 2021 Walt Disney Records
Robert B. Sherman, ComposerLyricist - RJ, Vocalist - Antonio Fernandez, Vocalist - Deke Sharon, Producer, RecordingArranger - Richard M. Sherman, ComposerLyricist - Ed Boyer, MixingEngineer, RecordingEngineer - Orlando Dixon, Vocalist - Disney, MainArtist - Ted Trembinski, RecordingEngineer - DCappella, MainArtist - Morgan Keene, Vocalist - Joe Santoni, Vocalist - Kalen Kelly, Vocalist - Kelly Denice Taylor, Vocalist
℗ 2022 Walt Disney Records
RJ, Vocalist - Antonio Fernandez, Vocalist - Deke Sharon, Producer, RecordingArranger - Ed Boyer, MixingEngineer, RecordingEngineer - Orlando Dixon, Vocalist - Disney, MainArtist - Billie Eilish, ComposerLyricist - Finneas O'Connell, ComposerLyricist - Ted Trembinski, RecordingEngineer - DCappella, MainArtist - Morgan Keene, Vocalist - Joe Santoni, Vocalist - Kalen Kelly, Vocalist
℗ 2022 Walt Disney Records
RJ, Vocalist - Antonio Fernandez, Vocalist - Deke Sharon, Producer, RecordingArranger - Ed Boyer, MixingEngineer, RecordingEngineer - Lin-Manuel Miranda, ComposerLyricist - Orlando Dixon, Vocalist - Disney, MainArtist - Ted Trembinski, RecordingEngineer - DCappella, MainArtist - Morgan Keene, Vocalist - Joe Santoni, Vocalist - Kalen Kelly, Vocalist - Kelly Denice Taylor, Vocalist
℗ 2021 Walt Disney Records
Adam Watts, ComposerLyricist - Andy Dodd, ComposerLyricist - RJ, Vocalist - Antonio Fernandez, Vocalist - Ed Boyer, MixingEngineer, RecordingEngineer - Orlando Dixon, Vocalist - Disney, MainArtist - Ben Bram, Producer, RecordingArranger - Ted Trembinski, RecordingEngineer - DCappella, MainArtist - Morgan Keene, Vocalist - Joe Santoni, Vocalist - Kalen Kelly, Vocalist - Kelly Denice Taylor, Vocalist
℗ 2022 Walt Disney Records
Al Hoffman, ComposerLyricist - Mack David, Composer - Jerry Livingston, Lyricist - RJ, Vocalist - Antonio Fernandez, Vocalist - Deke Sharon, Producer, RecordingArranger - Ed Boyer, MixingEngineer, RecordingEngineer - Orlando Dixon, Vocalist - Disney, MainArtist - Ted Trembinski, RecordingEngineer - DCappella, MainArtist - Morgan Keene, Vocalist - Joe Santoni, Vocalist - Kalen Kelly, Vocalist - Kelly Denice Taylor, Vocalist
℗ 2022 Walt Disney Records
Larry Morey, ComposerLyricist - RJ, Vocalist - Frank Churchill, ComposerLyricist - Antonio Fernandez, Vocalist - Deke Sharon, Producer, RecordingArranger - Ed Boyer, MixingEngineer, RecordingEngineer - Orlando Dixon, Vocalist - Disney, MainArtist - Ted Trembinski, RecordingEngineer - DCappella, MainArtist - Morgan Keene, Vocalist - Joe Santoni, Vocalist - Kalen Kelly, Vocalist - Kelly Denice Taylor, Vocalist
℗ 2022 Walt Disney Records
RJ, Vocalist - Antonio Fernandez, Vocalist - Deke Sharon, Producer, RecordingArranger - Ed Boyer, MixingEngineer, RecordingEngineer - Loren Hoskins, ComposerLyricist - Orlando Dixon, Vocalist - Disney, MainArtist - Beau Black, ComposerLyricist - Ted Trembinski, RecordingEngineer - DCappella, MainArtist - Morgan Keene, Vocalist - Joe Santoni, Vocalist - Kalen Kelly, Vocalist - Kelly Denice Taylor, Vocalist
℗ 2022 Walt Disney Records
David Zippel, ComposerLyricist - Matthew Wilder, ComposerLyricist - RJ, Vocalist - Antonio Fernandez, Vocalist - Deke Sharon, Producer, RecordingArranger - Ed Boyer, MixingEngineer, RecordingEngineer - Orlando Dixon, Vocalist - Ted Trembinski, RecordingEngineer - DCappella, MainArtist - Morgan Keene, Vocalist - Joe Santoni, Vocalist - Kalen Kelly, Vocalist - Kelly Denice Taylor, Vocalist
℗ 2020 Walt Disney Records
Randy Newman, ComposerLyricist - RJ, Vocalist - Robert Lopez, ComposerLyricist - Antonio Fernandez, Vocalist - Deke Sharon, Producer, RecordingArranger - Kristen Anderson-Lopez, ComposerLyricist - Ed Boyer, MixingEngineer, RecordingEngineer - Lin-Manuel Miranda, ComposerLyricist - Orlando Dixon, Vocalist - Jason Mater, ComposerLyricist - Jordan Adelberger, ComposerLyricist - Ted Trembinski, RecordingEngineer - DCappella, MainArtist - Morgan Keene, Vocalist - Joe Santoni, Vocalist - Kalen Kelly, Vocalist - Kelly Denice Taylor, Vocalist - Darren Everett Criss, ComposerLyricist
℗ 2021 Walt Disney Records
RJ, Vocalist - Robert Lopez, ComposerLyricist - Antonio Fernandez, Vocalist - Deke Sharon, Producer, RecordingArranger - Kristen Anderson-Lopez, ComposerLyricist - Ed Boyer, MixingEngineer, RecordingEngineer - Orlando Dixon, Vocalist - Dave Metzger, Orchestrator - Ted Trembinski, RecordingEngineer - DCappella, MainArtist - Morgan Keene, Vocalist - Joe Santoni, Vocalist - Kalen Kelly, Vocalist - Kelly Denice Taylor, Vocalist
℗ 2022 Walt Disney Records
Jonathan Tunick, Orchestrator - Alan Menken, Composer - Howard Ashman, Lyricist - Michael Starobin, Orchestrator - Danny Troob, Orchestrator - Antonio Fernandez, Vocalist - Deke Sharon, Producer - Orlando Dixon, Vocalist - JEFF MIYAHARA, CoProducer - Doug Besterman, Orchestrator - Shelley Regner, Vocalist - DCappella, MainArtist - Morgan Keene, Vocalist - Sojourner Brown, Vocalist - Joe Santoni, Vocalist - RJ Woessner, Vocalist
℗ 2019 Walt Disney Records
Robert Lopez, ComposerLyricist - Deke Sharon, Producer, RecordingArranger - Kristen Anderson-Lopez, ComposerLyricist - Ed Boyer, MixingEngineer, RecordingEngineer - Dave Metzger, Orchestrator - Tracy Robertson, Vocalist - Bill Hare, Other - Shelley Regner, Vocalist - DCappella, MainArtist - Morgan Keene, Vocalist - Kyana Fanene, Vocalist - J.None, Vocalist - Jojo Otseidu, Vocalist - Connor Smith, Vocalist
℗ 2018 Walt Disney Records
Tim Rice, Lyricist - Alan Menken, Composer, ComposerLyricist - Howard Ashman, ComposerLyricist - Thomas Pasatieri, Orchestrator - Antonio Fernandez, Vocalist - Deke Sharon, Producer, RecordingArranger - Ed Boyer, MixingEngineer, RecordingEngineer - Orlando Dixon, Vocalist - Bill Hare, Other - DCappella, MainArtist - Morgan Keene, Vocalist - Sojourner Brown, Vocalist - Joe Santoni, Vocalist - Kalen Kelly, Vocalist - Connor Smith, Vocalist
℗ 2018 Walt Disney Records
Robert Lopez, ComposerLyricist - Antonio Fernandez, Vocalist - Deke Sharon, Producer, RecordingArranger - Kristen Anderson-Lopez, ComposerLyricist - Ed Boyer, MixingEngineer, RecordingEngineer - Patricia Sullivan, Other - Orlando Dixon, Vocalist - Ted Trembinski, RecordingEngineer - DCappella, MainArtist - Morgan Keene, Vocalist - Joe Santoni, Vocalist - Kalen Kelly, Vocalist - RJ Woessner, Vocalist - Kelly Denice Taylor, Vocalist
℗ 2020 Walt Disney Records
Deke Sharon, Producer, RecordingArranger - Ed Boyer, MixingEngineer, RecordingEngineer - Lin-Manuel Miranda, ComposerLyricist - Dave Metzger, Orchestrator - Tracy Robertson, Vocalist - Bill Hare, Other - DCappella, MainArtist - Morgan Keene, Vocalist - Kalen Kelly, Vocalist - Kyana Fanene, Vocalist - J.None, Vocalist - Jojo Otseidu, Vocalist - RJ Woessner, Vocalist
℗ 2018 Walt Disney Records
Alan Menken, ComposerLyricist - Antonio Fernandez, Vocalist - Deke Sharon, Producer, RecordingArranger - Ed Boyer, MixingEngineer, RecordingEngineer - Glenn Slater, ComposerLyricist - Patricia Sullivan, Other - Orlando Dixon, Vocalist - Ted Trembinski, RecordingEngineer - DCappella, MainArtist - Morgan Keene, Vocalist - Sojourner Brown, Vocalist - Joe Santoni, Vocalist - Kalen Kelly, Vocalist - RJ Woessner, Vocalist
℗ 2019 Walt Disney Records
Antonio Fernandez, Vocalist - Deke Sharon, Producer, RecordingArranger - Ed Boyer, MixingEngineer, RecordingEngineer - Patricia Sullivan, Other - Lin-Manuel Miranda, ComposerLyricist - Orlando Dixon, Vocalist - Dave Metzger, Orchestrator - Ted Trembinski, RecordingEngineer - DCappella, MainArtist - Morgan Keene, Vocalist - Joe Santoni, Vocalist - Kalen Kelly, Vocalist - RJ Woessner, Vocalist - Kelly Denice Taylor, Vocalist
℗ 2020 Walt Disney Records
Pete Wentz, ComposerLyricist - Patrick Stump, ComposerLyricist - Deke Sharon, Producer - Andrew Hurley, ComposerLyricist - Joseph Trohman, ComposerLyricist - Ed Boyer, MixingEngineer, RecordingEngineer - Bill Hare, Other - DCappella, MainArtist
℗ 2018 Walt Disney Records
Alan Menken, ComposerLyricist - Howard Ashman, ComposerLyricist - RJ, Vocalist - Antonio Fernandez, Vocalist - Deke Sharon, Producer, RecordingArranger - Ed Boyer, MixingEngineer, RecordingEngineer - Orlando Dixon, Vocalist - Disney, MainArtist - Ted Trembinski, RecordingEngineer - DCappella, MainArtist - Morgan Keene, Vocalist - Joe Santoni, Vocalist - Kalen Kelly, Vocalist - Kelly Denice Taylor, Vocalist
℗ 2022 Walt Disney Records
Robert B. Sherman, ComposerLyricist - RJ, Vocalist - Antonio Fernandez, Vocalist - Deke Sharon, Producer, RecordingArranger - Richard M. Sherman, ComposerLyricist - Ed Boyer, MixingEngineer, RecordingEngineer - Bruce Broughton, ComposerLyricist - Orlando Dixon, Vocalist - Disney, MainArtist - George Wilkins, ComposerLyricist - Robert Moline, ComposerLyricist - Ted Trembinski, RecordingEngineer - DCappella, MainArtist - Morgan Keene, Vocalist - Joe Santoni, Vocalist - Kalen Kelly, Vocalist - Ron Ovadia, ComposerLyricist - Peter Stougaard, ComposerLyricist - Kelly Denice Taylor, Vocalist
℗ 2021 Walt Disney Records
Jack Feldman, Lyricist - Elton John, Composer - Tim Rice, Lyricist - Alan Menken, Composer - RJ, Vocalist - Robert Lopez, ComposerLyricist - Antonio Fernandez, Vocalist - Deke Sharon, Producer, RecordingArranger - Kristen Anderson-Lopez, ComposerLyricist - Ed Boyer, MixingEngineer, RecordingEngineer - Orlando Dixon, Vocalist - Ted Trembinski, RecordingEngineer - DCappella, MainArtist - Morgan Keene, Vocalist - Joe Santoni, Vocalist - Kalen Kelly, Vocalist - Kelly Denice Taylor, Vocalist
℗ 2021 Walt Disney Records
Shelly Peiken, ComposerLyricist - Antonina Armato, ComposerLyricist - Joacim Persson, ComposerLyricist - Tim James, ComposerLyricist - Johan Alkenäs, ComposerLyricist - RJ, Vocalist - Antonio Fernandez, Vocalist - Deke Sharon, Producer, RecordingArranger - Adam Schmalholz, ComposerLyricist - Ed Boyer, MixingEngineer, RecordingEngineer - Thomas Sturges, ComposerLyricist - Orlando Dixon, Vocalist - Ted Trembinski, RecordingEngineer - DCappella, MainArtist - Morgan Keene, Vocalist - Joe Santoni, Vocalist - Kalen Kelly, Vocalist - Kelly Denice Taylor, Vocalist
℗ 2021 Walt Disney Records
Randy Newman, ComposerLyricist - Matthew Gerrard, ComposerLyricist - Alan Menken, ComposerLyricist - Howard Ashman, ComposerLyricist - RJ, Vocalist - Antonio Fernandez, Vocalist - Deke Sharon, Producer, RecordingArranger - Ed Boyer, MixingEngineer, RecordingEngineer - Robert Nevil, ComposerLyricist - Orlando Dixon, Vocalist - Ted Trembinski, RecordingEngineer - DCappella, MainArtist - Morgan Keene, Vocalist - Joe Santoni, Vocalist - Kalen Kelly, Vocalist - Kelly Denice Taylor, Vocalist
℗ 2021 Walt Disney Records
Alan Menken, ComposerLyricist - Howard Ashman, ComposerLyricist - RJ, Vocalist - Antonio Fernandez, Vocalist - Deke Sharon, Producer, RecordingArranger - Ed Boyer, MixingEngineer, RecordingEngineer - Orlando Dixon, Vocalist - Ted Trembinski, RecordingEngineer - DCappella, MainArtist - Morgan Keene, Vocalist - Joe Santoni, Vocalist - Kalen Kelly, Vocalist - Kelly Denice Taylor, Vocalist
℗ 2021 Walt Disney Records
Randy Newman, ComposerLyricist - RJ, Vocalist - Antonio Fernandez, Vocalist - Deke Sharon, Producer, RecordingArranger - Ed Boyer, MixingEngineer, RecordingEngineer - Orlando Dixon, Vocalist - Ted Trembinski, RecordingEngineer - DCappella, MainArtist - Morgan Keene, Vocalist - Joe Santoni, Vocalist - Kalen Kelly, Vocalist - Kelly Denice Taylor, Vocalist
℗ 2020 Walt Disney Records
About the album
- 1 disc(s) - 26 track(s)
- Total length: 01:14:05
- Main artists: DCappella
- Composer: Various Composers
- Label: Walt Disney Records
- Genre: Pop/Rock Pop
© 2022 Disney ℗ 2022 Walt Disney Records
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