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Stereomud|Perfect Self

Perfect Self

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By the end of the '80s, hair metal -- the most popular form of hard rock on the market -- had become a profitable formula, with record companies cranking out band after band that sold albums in direct proportion to how well they epitomized the formula that hair metal's core audience had come to expect. Although the sound and philosophy of alternative metal -- whether its early or late period -- are as far removed from hair metal as you can get, the end of the '90s saw exactly the same phenomenon occurring in that genre. While the most popular alt-metal bands had slight variations in their sounds that were obvious to dedicated fans, to most outside observers (and fans of old-school metal) they all sounded pretty much the same by the end of the decade. Which brings us to Perfect Self, the debut album by Stereomud. It's a fairly standard, pretty well-executed, turn-of-the-millennium alt-metal album, drawing on the familiar Korn/Deftones influences -- although there's perhaps a bit less of a rap influence here than with some of their contemporaries. To untrained ears, it's no better or worse than their competition, because whatever flaws it has simply sound like the flaws of the alt-metal formula in general. The band relies on fury, noise, and groove -- not riffs or melodies -- to get its music across, and its shouted chants can be catchy and intense enough to hook listeners who've grown up with alt-metal (but no one who isn't sold on the style as a whole). So, Perfect Self winds up a creditable entry in the still-flourishing alt-metal sweepstakes -- even if outsiders hungry for a new trend might wonder how much longer the Prize Patrol will be coming around.

© Steve Huey /TiVo


Perfect Self


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¥1,280/ 月から

Intro (Do Not Use On Package Or Label)

Joey Z, Guitar - Howie Beno, Producer - Howie Beno, Recording Engineer - Dan Richardson, Drums - Corey Lowery, Vocal - Corey Lowery, Bass - Erik Rogers, Vocal - John B. Davis, Executive Producer - John Fattoruso, Guitar - Stereomud, Performer - N/A, Composer - N/A, Lyricist

(P) 2001 Loud Records, LLC

Leave (Back Up) (Album Version)

C. Lowery, Composer - C. Lowery, Lyricist - Erik Rogers, Vocal - D. Gilmore, Composer - D. Gilmore, Lyricist - John Fattoruso, Guitar - Joey Z, Guitar - Howie Beno, Producer - J. Zampella, Composer - J. Zampella, Lyricist - Dan Richardson, Drums - D. Richardson, Composer - D. Richardson, Lyricist - Corey Lowery, Vocal - Corey Lowery, Bass - E. Rogers, Composer - E. Rogers, Lyricist - John B. Davis, Executive Producer - Stereomud, Performer - J. Fattoruso, Composer - J. Fattoruso, Lyricist - John Ewing, Engineer - Tom Baker, Mastering Engineer - Don Gilmore, Engineer - Dan Certa, 2nd Engineer - Jay Baumgardner, Mixing Engineer

(P) 2001 Loud Records, LLC

Don't Be Afraid (Album Version)

Joey Z, Guitar - Howie Beno, Producer - Corey Lowery, Vocal - Corey Lowery, Bass - Dan Richardson, Drums - Erik Rogers, Vocal - J. Fattoruso, Composer - J. Fattoruso, Lyricist - Jay Baumgardner, Mixing Engineer - Dan Certa, 2nd Engineer - John B. Davis, Executive Producer - D. Richardson, Composer - D. Richardson, Lyricist - John Fattoruso, Guitar - Stereomud, Performer - Don Gilmore, Engineer - C. Lowery, Composer - C. Lowery, Lyricist - E. Rogers, Composer - E. Rogers, Lyricist - J. Zampella, Composer - J. Zampella, Lyricist - D. Gilmore, Composer - D. Gilmore, Lyricist

(P) 2001 Loud Records, LLC

Interlude #1 (Do Not Use On Package Or Label)

Joey Z, Guitar - Howie Beno, Producer - Howie Beno, Recording Engineer - Dan Richardson, Drums - Corey Lowery, Vocal - Corey Lowery, Bass - Erik Rogers, Vocal - J. Fattoruso, Composer - J. Fattoruso, Lyricist - D. Richardson, Composer - D. Richardson, Lyricist - John B. Davis, Executive Producer - John Fattoruso, Guitar - Stereomud, Performer - C. Lowery, Composer - C. Lowery, Lyricist - E. Rogers, Composer - E. Rogers, Lyricist - J. Zampella, Composer - J. Zampella, Lyricist

(P) 2001 Loud Records, LLC

Old Man (Album Version)

Joey Z, Guitar - Howie Beno, Producer - Dan Richardson, Drums - Corey Lowery, Vocal - Corey Lowery, Bass - Erik Rogers, Vocal - J. Fattoruso, Composer - J. Fattoruso, Lyricist - John B. Davis, Executive Producer - D. Richardson, Composer - D. Richardson, Lyricist - John Fattoruso, Guitar - Stereomud, Performer - C. Lowery, Composer - C. Lowery, Lyricist - E. Rogers, Composer - E. Rogers, Lyricist - J. Zampella, Composer - J. Zampella, Lyricist - Rick Parashar, Engineer

(P) 2001 Loud Records, LLC

Pain (Album Version)

Joey Z, Guitar - Daniel Richardson, Composer - Daniel Richardson, Lyricist - Howie Beno, Producer - Dan Richardson, Drums - Corey Lowery, Vocal - Corey Lowery, Composer - Corey Lowery, Bass - Corey Lowery, Lyricist - Erik Rogers, Vocal - Erik Rogers, Composer - Erik Rogers, Lyricist - Donnie Hamby, Composer - Donnie Hamby, Lyricist - Jay Baumgardner, Mixing Engineer - Joseph Zampella, Composer - Joseph Zampella, Lyricist - John B. Davis, Executive Producer - John Fattoruso, Guitar - John Fattoruso, Composer - John Fattoruso, Lyricist - Stereomud, Performer - Rick Parashar, Engineer

(P) 2001 Loud Records, LLC

Steppin Away (Album Version)

Joey Z, Guitar - Howie Beno, Producer - Corey Lowery, Vocal - Corey Lowery, Bass - Dan Richardson, Drums - Erik Rogers, Vocal - J. Fattoruso, Composer - J. Fattoruso, Lyricist - Jay Baumgardner, Mixing Engineer - John B. Davis, Executive Producer - D. Richardson, Composer - D. Richardson, Lyricist - John Fattoruso, Guitar - Stereomud, Performer - C. Lowery, Composer - C. Lowery, Lyricist - E. Rogers, Composer - E. Rogers, Lyricist - J. Zampella, Composer - J. Zampella, Lyricist - Rick Parashar, Engineer

(P) 2001 Loud Records, LLC

How We Stand (Album Version)

Joey Z, Guitar - Howie Beno, Producer - Dan Richardson, Drums - Corey Lowery, Vocal - Corey Lowery, Bass - Erik Rogers, Vocal - J. Fattoruso, Composer - J. Fattoruso, Lyricist - Jay Baumgardner, Mixing Engineer - John B. Davis, Executive Producer - D. Richardson, Composer - D. Richardson, Lyricist - John Fattoruso, Guitar - Stereomud, Performer - C. Lowery, Composer - C. Lowery, Lyricist - E. Rogers, Composer - E. Rogers, Lyricist - J. Zampella, Composer - J. Zampella, Lyricist

(P) 2001 Loud Records, LLC

Interlude #2 (Do Not Use On Package Or Label)

Joey Z, Guitar - Howie Beno, Producer - Howie Beno, Recording Engineer - Dan Richardson, Drums - Corey Lowery, Vocal - Corey Lowery, Bass - Erik Rogers, Vocal - J. Fattoruso, Composer - J. Fattoruso, Lyricist - D. Richardson, Composer - D. Richardson, Lyricist - John B. Davis, Executive Producer - John Fattoruso, Guitar - Stereomud, Performer - C. Lowery, Composer - C. Lowery, Lyricist - E. Rogers, Composer - E. Rogers, Lyricist - J. Zampella, Composer - J. Zampella, Lyricist

(P) 2001 Loud Records, LLC

Down From Here (Album Version)

Joey Z, Guitar - Howie Beno, Producer - Corey Lowery, Vocal - Corey Lowery, Bass - Dan Richardson, Drums - Erik Rogers, Vocal - J. Fattoruso, Composer - J. Fattoruso, Lyricist - Jay Baumgardner, Mixing Engineer - John B. Davis, Executive Producer - D. Richardson, Composer - D. Richardson, Lyricist - John Fattoruso, Guitar - Stereomud, Performer - C. Lowery, Composer - C. Lowery, Lyricist - E. Rogers, Composer - E. Rogers, Lyricist - J. Zampella, Composer - J. Zampella, Lyricist - Rick Parashar, Engineer

(P) 2001 Loud Records, LLC

Sunlight (Album Version)

Joey Z, Guitar - Mark Rains, Engineer - Howie Beno, Producer - Corey Lowery, Vocal - Corey Lowery, Bass - Dan Richardson, Drums - Zach Odom, 2nd Engineer - Erik Rogers, Vocal - J. Fattoruso, Composer - J. Fattoruso, Lyricist - Jay Baumgardner, Mixing Engineer - John B. Davis, Executive Producer - D. Richardson, Composer - D. Richardson, Lyricist - John Fattoruso, Guitar - Stereomud, Performer - C. Lowery, Composer - C. Lowery, Lyricist - E. Rogers, Composer - E. Rogers, Lyricist - J. Zampella, Composer - J. Zampella, Lyricist - Rick Parashar, Engineer

(P) 2001 Loud Records, LLC

Lost Your Faith (Album Version)

Joey Z, Guitar - Howie Beno, Producer - Corey Lowery, Vocal - Corey Lowery, Bass - Dan Richardson, Drums - Erik Rogers, Vocal - J. Fattoruso, Composer - J. Fattoruso, Lyricist - Jay Baumgardner, Mixing Engineer - John B. Davis, Executive Producer - D. Richardson, Composer - D. Richardson, Lyricist - John Fattoruso, Guitar - Stereomud, Performer - C. Lowery, Composer - C. Lowery, Lyricist - E. Rogers, Composer - E. Rogers, Lyricist - J. Zampella, Composer - J. Zampella, Lyricist - Rick Parashar, Engineer

(P) 2001 Loud Records, LLC

Get Me Out (Album Version)

Joey Z, Guitar - Howie Beno, Producer - Corey Lowery, Vocal - Corey Lowery, Bass - Dan Richardson, Drums - Erik Rogers, Vocal - J. Fattoruso, Composer - J. Fattoruso, Lyricist - Jay Baumgardner, Mixing Engineer - Dan Certa, 2nd Engineer - John B. Davis, Executive Producer - D. Richardson, Composer - D. Richardson, Lyricist - John Fattoruso, Guitar - Stereomud, Performer - Don Gilmore, Engineer - C. Lowery, Composer - C. Lowery, Lyricist - E. Rogers, Composer - E. Rogers, Lyricist - J. Zampella, Composer - J. Zampella, Lyricist - D. Gilmore, Composer - D. Gilmore, Lyricist

(P) 2001 Loud Records, LLC

What (Album Version)

Joey Z, Guitar - Howie Beno, Producer - Corey Lowery, Vocal - Corey Lowery, Bass - Dan Richardson, Drums - Erik Rogers, Vocal - J. Fattoruso, Composer - J. Fattoruso, Lyricist - Jay Baumgardner, Mixing Engineer - John B. Davis, Executive Producer - D. Richardson, Composer - D. Richardson, Lyricist - John Fattoruso, Guitar - Stereomud, Performer - C. Lowery, Composer - C. Lowery, Lyricist - E. Rogers, Composer - E. Rogers, Lyricist - J. Zampella, Composer - J. Zampella, Lyricist - Rick Parashar, Engineer

(P) 2001 Loud Records, LLC

Interlude #3 (Do Not Use On Package Or Label)

Joey Z, Guitar - Howie Beno, Producer - Howie Beno, Recording Engineer - Dan Richardson, Drums - Corey Lowery, Vocal - Corey Lowery, Bass - Erik Rogers, Vocal - J. Fattoruso, Composer - J. Fattoruso, Lyricist - D. Richardson, Composer - D. Richardson, Lyricist - John B. Davis, Executive Producer - John Fattoruso, Guitar - Stereomud, Performer - C. Lowery, Composer - C. Lowery, Lyricist - E. Rogers, Composer - E. Rogers, Lyricist - J. Zampella, Composer - J. Zampella, Lyricist

(P) 2001 Loud Records, LLC

Closer Now (Album Version)

Joey Z, Guitar - Howie Beno, Producer - Dan Richardson, Drums - Corey Lowery, Vocal - Corey Lowery, Bass - Zach Odom, 2nd Engineer - Erik Rogers, Vocal - J. Fattoruso, Composer - J. Fattoruso, Lyricist - John B. Davis, Executive Producer - D. Richardson, Composer - D. Richardson, Lyricist - John Fattoruso, Guitar - Stereomud, Performer - C. Lowery, Composer - C. Lowery, Lyricist - E. Rogers, Composer - E. Rogers, Lyricist - J. Zampella, Composer - J. Zampella, Lyricist - Rick Parashar, Engineer

(P) 2001 Loud Records, LLC

Interlude #4 (Do Not Use On Package Or Label)

J. Fattoruso, Composer - J. Fattoruso, Lyricist - C. Lowery, Composer - C. Lowery, Lyricist - J. Zampella, Composer - J. Zampella, Lyricist - Stereomud, Performer - E. Rogers, Composer - E. Rogers, Lyricist - D. Richardson, Composer - D. Richardson, Lyricist

(P) 2001 Loud Records, LLC

Interlude #5 (Do Not Use On Package Or Label)

Joey Z, Guitar - Howie Beno, Producer - Howie Beno, Recording Engineer - Dan Richardson, Drums - Corey Lowery, Vocal - Corey Lowery, Bass - Erik Rogers, Vocal - J. Fattoruso, Composer - J. Fattoruso, Lyricist - D. Richardson, Composer - D. Richardson, Lyricist - John B. Davis, Executive Producer - John Fattoruso, Guitar - Stereomud, Performer - C. Lowery, Composer - C. Lowery, Lyricist - E. Rogers, Composer - E. Rogers, Lyricist - J. Zampella, Composer - J. Zampella, Lyricist

(P) 2001 Loud Records, LLC

Interlude #6 (Do Not Use On Package Or Label)

Joey Z, Guitar - Howie Beno, Producer - Howie Beno, Recording Engineer - Dan Richardson, Drums - Corey Lowery, Vocal - Corey Lowery, Bass - Erik Rogers, Vocal - J. Fattoruso, Composer - J. Fattoruso, Lyricist - D. Richardson, Composer - D. Richardson, Lyricist - John B. Davis, Executive Producer - John Fattoruso, Guitar - Stereomud, Performer - C. Lowery, Composer - C. Lowery, Lyricist - E. Rogers, Composer - E. Rogers, Lyricist - J. Zampella, Composer - J. Zampella, Lyricist

(P) 2001 Loud Records, LLC

Interlude #7 (Do Not Use On Package Or Label)

Joey Z, Guitar - Howie Beno, Producer - Howie Beno, Recording Engineer - Dan Richardson, Drums - Corey Lowery, Vocal - Corey Lowery, Bass - Erik Rogers, Vocal - J. Fattoruso, Composer - J. Fattoruso, Lyricist - D. Richardson, Composer - D. Richardson, Lyricist - John B. Davis, Executive Producer - John Fattoruso, Guitar - Stereomud, Performer - C. Lowery, Composer - C. Lowery, Lyricist - E. Rogers, Composer - E. Rogers, Lyricist - J. Zampella, Composer - J. Zampella, Lyricist

(P) 2001 Loud Records, LLC

Interlude #8 (Do Not Use On Package Or Label)

Joey Z, Guitar - Howie Beno, Producer - Howie Beno, Recording Engineer - Dan Richardson, Drums - Corey Lowery, Vocal - Corey Lowery, Bass - Erik Rogers, Vocal - J. Fattoruso, Composer - J. Fattoruso, Lyricist - D. Richardson, Composer - D. Richardson, Lyricist - John B. Davis, Executive Producer - John Fattoruso, Guitar - Stereomud, Performer - C. Lowery, Composer - C. Lowery, Lyricist - E. Rogers, Composer - E. Rogers, Lyricist - J. Zampella, Composer - J. Zampella, Lyricist

(P) 2001 Loud Records, LLC

Interlude #9 (Do Not Use On Package Or Label)

Joey Z, Guitar - Howie Beno, Producer - Howie Beno, Recording Engineer - Dan Richardson, Drums - Corey Lowery, Vocal - Corey Lowery, Bass - Erik Rogers, Vocal - J. Fattoruso, Composer - J. Fattoruso, Lyricist - D. Richardson, Composer - D. Richardson, Lyricist - John B. Davis, Executive Producer - John Fattoruso, Guitar - Stereomud, Performer - C. Lowery, Composer - C. Lowery, Lyricist - E. Rogers, Composer - E. Rogers, Lyricist - J. Zampella, Composer - J. Zampella, Lyricist

(P) 2001 Loud Records, LLC

Perfect Self (Album Version)

Joey Z, Guitar - Howie Beno, Producer - Howie Beno, Engineer - Howie Beno, Programmer - Howie Beno, Arranger - Corey Lowery, Vocal - Corey Lowery, Bass - Hoover, 2nd Engineer - Dan Richardson, Drums - Erik Rogers, Vocal - J. Fattoruso, Composer - J. Fattoruso, Lyricist - Jay Baumgardner, Mixing Engineer - John B. Davis, Executive Producer - D. Richardson, Composer - D. Richardson, Lyricist - John Fattoruso, Guitar - Stereomud, Performer - C. Lowery, Composer - C. Lowery, Lyricist - Clint Lowery, Composer - Clint Lowery, Lyricist - E. Rogers, Composer - E. Rogers, Lyricist - J. Zampella, Composer - J. Zampella, Lyricist

(P) 2001 Loud Records, LLC


By the end of the '80s, hair metal -- the most popular form of hard rock on the market -- had become a profitable formula, with record companies cranking out band after band that sold albums in direct proportion to how well they epitomized the formula that hair metal's core audience had come to expect. Although the sound and philosophy of alternative metal -- whether its early or late period -- are as far removed from hair metal as you can get, the end of the '90s saw exactly the same phenomenon occurring in that genre. While the most popular alt-metal bands had slight variations in their sounds that were obvious to dedicated fans, to most outside observers (and fans of old-school metal) they all sounded pretty much the same by the end of the decade. Which brings us to Perfect Self, the debut album by Stereomud. It's a fairly standard, pretty well-executed, turn-of-the-millennium alt-metal album, drawing on the familiar Korn/Deftones influences -- although there's perhaps a bit less of a rap influence here than with some of their contemporaries. To untrained ears, it's no better or worse than their competition, because whatever flaws it has simply sound like the flaws of the alt-metal formula in general. The band relies on fury, noise, and groove -- not riffs or melodies -- to get its music across, and its shouted chants can be catchy and intense enough to hook listeners who've grown up with alt-metal (but no one who isn't sold on the style as a whole). So, Perfect Self winds up a creditable entry in the still-flourishing alt-metal sweepstakes -- even if outsiders hungry for a new trend might wonder how much longer the Prize Patrol will be coming around.

© Steve Huey /TiVo


  • 組み枚数 : 1ディスク - 収録数 : 23曲
  • 合計収録時間 : 00:44:40

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