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Danny Simpson, Composer - Joel Shewmake, Composer - Jami Grooms, Composer - Jacob Bryant, Producer, MainArtist - Brandon Metcalf, Producer, MasteringEngineer - Jesse Triplett, Producer - Jeremiah Sinopoli, MasteringEngineer - HOLLY BEAR MUSIC (BMI - Banner Music), MusicPublisher - BOY NAMED SHEW (BMI), MusicPublisher - PAR G MUSIC, DANCIN DAWG, HODGES FAMILY MUSIC (BMI - admin by Hodges Music), MusicPublisher
(C) 2022 American Roots Records marketed and distributed by Thirty Tigers (P) 2022 American Roots Records marketed and distributed by Thirty Tigers
Carson Chamberlain, Composer - Jacob Bryant, Composer, Producer, MainArtist - Brandon Metcalf, MasteringEngineer - Jake Parshall, Producer - Jesse Triplett, Producer - Wyatt McCubbin, Composer - JEFF CATTON, Producer - Jeremiah Sinopoli, MasteringEngineer - INTUNE NASHVILLE MUSIC PUBLISHING (ASCAP - admin by Me Gusta), MusicPublisher - BLOCK OF MARBLE MUSIC/CUBBY'S CORNER MUSIC (BMI - admin by Sony), MusicPublisher - BLOCK OF MARBLE MUSIC/WHY THE JUKEBOX PLAYS (BMI - admin by Sony), MusicPublisher - NOAL GORDON, Producer
(C) 2022 American Roots Records marketed and distributed by Thirty Tigers (P) 2022 American Roots Records marketed and distributed by Thirty Tigers
Carson Chamberlain, Composer - Jacob Bryant, Composer, Producer, MainArtist - Brandon Metcalf, MasteringEngineer - Jesse Triplett, Producer - Wyatt McCubbin, Composer - Jeremiah Sinopoli, MasteringEngineer - INTUNE NASHVILLE MUSIC PUBLISHING (ASCAP - admin by Me Gusta), MusicPublisher - BLOCK OF MARBLE MUSIC/CUBBY'S CORNER MUSIC (BMI - admin by Sony), MusicPublisher - BLOCK OF MARBLE MUSIC/WHY THE JUKEBOX PLAYS (BMI - admin by Sony), MusicPublisher
(C) 2022 American Roots Records marketed and distributed by Thirty Tigers (P) 2021 American Roots Records marketed and distributed by Thirty Tigers
Joel Shewmake, Composer - Jacob Bryant, Producer, MainArtist - Brandon Metcalf, MasteringEngineer - Jesse Triplett, Producer - Davis Corley, Composer - Jeremiah Sinopoli, MasteringEngineer - BOY NAMED SHEW (BMI), MusicPublisher - LADYLUCK SONGS (BMI), MusicPublisher
(C) 2022 American Roots Records marketed and distributed by Thirty Tigers (P) 2021 American Roots Records marketed and distributed by Thirty Tigers
Gary Harrison, Composer - Carson Chamberlain, Composer - Noah Gordon, Producer - Jacob Bryant, Producer, MainArtist - Brandon Metcalf, MasteringEngineer - Jesse Triplett, Producer - Wyatt McCubbin, Composer - Jeremiah Sinopoli, MasteringEngineer - BLOCK OF MARBLE MUSIC/CUBBY'S CORNER MUSIC (BMI - admin by Sony), MusicPublisher - BLOCK OF MARBLE MUSIC/WHY THE JUKEBOX PLAYS (BMI - admin by Sony), MusicPublisher - STRAWBERRY WINO MUSIC (BMI), MusicPublisher
(C) 2022 American Roots Records marketed and distributed by Thirty Tigers (P) 2022 American Roots Records marketed and distributed by Thirty Tigers
Jami Grooms, Composer - Jacob Bryant, Composer, Producer, MainArtist - Brandon Metcalf, MasteringEngineer - Jesse Triplett, Producer - Jeremiah Sinopoli, MasteringEngineer - INTUNE NASHVILLE MUSIC PUBLISHING (ASCAP - admin by Me Gusta), MusicPublisher - HOLLY BEAR MUSIC (BMI - Banner Music), MusicPublisher - NICK SIZEMORE, Composer - NSIZE PUBLISHING (ASCAP), MusicPublisher
(C) 2022 American Roots Records marketed and distributed by Thirty Tigers (P) 2022 American Roots Records marketed and distributed by Thirty Tigers
Brett Beavers, Composer - Joel Shewmake, Composer - Jacob Bryant, Composer, Producer, MainArtist - Brandon Metcalf, Producer, MasteringEngineer - BMG (BMI), MusicPublisher - Jesse Triplett, Producer - Jeremiah Sinopoli, MasteringEngineer - INTUNE NASHVILLE MUSIC PUBLISHING (ASCAP - admin by Me Gusta), MusicPublisher - BOY NAMED SHEW (BMI), MusicPublisher
(C) 2022 American Roots Records marketed and distributed by Thirty Tigers (P) 2021 American Roots Records marketed and distributed by Thirty Tigers
David Lawson, Composer - Jami Grooms, Composer - Jacob Bryant, Composer, Producer, MainArtist - Brandon Metcalf, Producer, MasteringEngineer - Jesse Triplett, Producer - Jeremiah Sinopoli, MasteringEngineer - INTUNE NASHVILLE MUSIC PUBLISHING (ASCAP - admin by Me Gusta), MusicPublisher - HOLLY BEAR MUSIC (BMI - Banner Music), MusicPublisher - DAVID LAWSON MUSIC, MusicPublisher
(C) 2022 American Roots Records marketed and distributed by Thirty Tigers (P) 2021 American Roots Records marketed and distributed by Thirty Tigers
Jacob Bryant, Producer, MainArtist - Brandon Metcalf, MasteringEngineer - Jesse Triplett, Producer - Wyatt McCubbin, Composer - Jeremiah Sinopoli, MasteringEngineer - BLOCK OF MARBLE MUSIC/CUBBY'S CORNER MUSIC (BMI - admin by Sony), MusicPublisher
(C) 2022 American Roots Records marketed and distributed by Thirty Tigers (P) 2022 American Roots Records marketed and distributed by Thirty Tigers
Carson Chamberlain, Composer - Marty Dodson, Composer - Jacob Bryant, Producer, MainArtist - Universal Music (BMI), MusicPublisher - Brandon Metcalf, MasteringEngineer - Jesse Triplett, Producer - Wyatt McCubbin, Composer - Mark Nessler, Composer - Jeremiah Sinopoli, MasteringEngineer - BLOCK OF MARBLE MUSIC/CUBBY'S CORNER MUSIC (BMI - admin by Sony), MusicPublisher - BLOCK OF MARBLE MUSIC/WHY THE JUKEBOX PLAYS (BMI - admin by Sony), MusicPublisher - OLE MUSIC (BMI), MusicPublisher
(C) 2022 American Roots Records marketed and distributed by Thirty Tigers (P) 2022 American Roots Records marketed and distributed by Thirty Tigers
Carson Chamberlain, Composer - Jacob Bryant, Composer, Producer, MainArtist - Brandon Metcalf, MasteringEngineer - Jesse Triplett, Producer - Wyatt McCubbin, Composer - Jeremiah Sinopoli, MasteringEngineer - INTUNE NASHVILLE MUSIC PUBLISHING (ASCAP - admin by Me Gusta), MusicPublisher - BLOCK OF MARBLE MUSIC/CUBBY'S CORNER MUSIC (BMI - admin by Sony), MusicPublisher - BLOCK OF MARBLE MUSIC/WHY THE JUKEBOX PLAYS (BMI - admin by Sony), MusicPublisher
(C) 2022 American Roots Records marketed and distributed by Thirty Tigers (P) 2021 American Roots Records marketed and distributed by Thirty Tigers
Carson Chamberlain, Composer - Jacob Bryant, Composer, Producer, MainArtist - Brandon Metcalf, MasteringEngineer - Jesse Triplett, Producer - Wyatt McCubbin, Composer - Jeremiah Sinopoli, MasteringEngineer - INTUNE NASHVILLE MUSIC PUBLISHING (ASCAP - admin by Me Gusta), MusicPublisher - BLOCK OF MARBLE MUSIC/CUBBY'S CORNER MUSIC (BMI - admin by Sony), MusicPublisher - BLOCK OF MARBLE MUSIC/WHY THE JUKEBOX PLAYS (BMI - admin by Sony), MusicPublisher
(C) 2022 American Roots Records marketed and distributed by Thirty Tigers (P) 2022 American Roots Records marketed and distributed by Thirty Tigers
Jacob Bryant, Producer, MainArtist - Brandon Metcalf, Producer, MasteringEngineer - Jesse Triplett, Producer - Ben Kadlecek, Composer - JEFF CATTON, Producer - BENKAD MUSIC (BMI), MusicPublisher - INTUNE NASHVILLE MUSIC PUBLISHING (BMI - admin by Me Gusta), MusicPublisher - Jeremiah Sinopoli, MasteringEngineer
(C) 2022 American Roots Records marketed and distributed by Thirty Tigers (P) 2021 American Roots Records marketed and distributed by Thirty Tigers
Informationen zu dem Album
- 1 Disc(s) - 13 Track(s)
- Gesamte Laufzeit: 00:44:57
- Künstler: Jacob Bryant
- Komponist: Various Composers
- Label: American Roots Records
- Genre: Blues/Country/Folk Country
(C) 2022 American Roots Records marketed and distributed by Thirty Tigers (P) 2022 American Roots Records marketed and distributed by Thirty Tigers
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